Many kinds of conceptions exist. There is the conception of people, animals, plants, and ideas. Within the universe of ideas there is the conception of methods of problem-solving. Within problem-solving there are the Behavioral, Technical, Contextual, Static, Dynamic, Simple and Complex problems and solutions. We have to keep busy or we lose. —-RLN

Introducing the AIS™ Applied Intuitive Solutions™ Platform

Your Competitive Problem-Solving Advantage

Successful enterprises begin their journeys in an atmosphere of exciting, noble, and in-depth vision. Business innovation and growth, however, require the transformation of noble visions into well managed enterprises. Successful organizations are champions of innovation, design, and problem solving to gain competitive leverage through the mastery of time. Organizations at the cutting edge of strategy and guided by highly skilled, innovative, and tough-minded leaders establish the best practices that others follow.

Systems Management Institute delivers Virtual Intelligence to guide organizations in achieving performance at the highest level attainable. We transform professional capacities into potent problem-solving capabilities to unleash the power of insight and innovation. We designed our AIS™ Portal to accelerate problem-solving. 

  • For key executives, the AIS™ Platform delivers timely, cutting edge, and innovative “rapid solutions” integrated with a unique model of performance relationships. 

  • For the enterprise, the AIS™ Platform delivers a comprehensive repository of Virtual Solutions to enable teams to achieve performance at the highest levels attainable. 

Systems Management Institute (SMI) understands that the success of any company more than ever depends on the success of the employees it hires. Success arises from the interaction of in-depth experience coupled with a record of intense professional challenge.  Successful managers develop unique plans to achieve specific goals rapidly. They build on the current strengths of their organizations while introducing new levels of innovation, productivity, and creativity to enable teams to master unique challenges more rapidly.

The SMI view of performance raises the bar on management thinking and practice.  Great performance demands personal skills that form the unique basis of management competence. Therefore, SMI has designed its Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to facilitate the attainment of self-set goals by delivering on the vision of rapid problem solving. We hope you enjoy our AIS™ experience and actively apply the rapid solutions delivered through the AIS™ Portal.

Take a few minutes and visit our site to learn more.  Continue reading about our Virtual Expert Intelligence System™ below and learn how SMI accelerates Value Realization through rapid problem-solving.  We offer brief but potent AIS™ for everyone.

Ray Newkirk

Founder & Chairman

Description of AIS™ Concepts and Terms 

This section describes the six core components of the AIS™ Platform:

  • Platform Domain

  • Repository of intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™

  • Virtual Expert Intelligence System™ (VEIS™)

  • Content Transformation System

  • Platform Residents and their Space, and

  • Background and Foreground of Computer Network and Systems Capabilities.

Collectively, these components form the AIS™ Platform as an evolutionary Social-Technical System (STS) where, we integrate social and technical systems to establish a new kind of Appreciative Human Activity System that has skill transformation as a goal. 

As an evolutionary STS, Dr. Newkirk designed the AIS™ Platform to:

  • Transform the problem solving skills and behaviors of Platform Residents (end-users and client organizations), and

  • Enable Platform Residents to Virtually obtain enduring solutions to nagging problems in the dimensions of hard-skills and soft-skills, static and dynamic, and complex and simple.

AIS™ Platform Domain

The Platform Domain consists of the Technical, Social, and Content Dimensions of the Platform.  This Domain establishes the contextual definition of the AIS™ Platform. AIS™ Platform Domain consists of all the technical, social, and contextual elements of the Platform Resident’s Services, Capabilities, and Capacities. These three elements form the dimensions of the AIS™ Platform.

Welcome to the Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) Platform where everything begins at the project, personal and professional levels: 

  • Each project requires a solution. 

  • The project solutions generate project deliverables.

  • The deliverables generate the AIS™.

  • The AIS™ spans multiple industries and many categories of challenges.

  • The AIS™ populate our Repository that stores technical, behavioral, and contextual AISTM, hard and soft.

  • Platform Residents gain access to AIS™ within the Repository using our Virtual Expert Intelligence System™ (VEIS™).

The VEIS™ delivers the AIS™ as text, audio, or virtually interactive responses. 

"Design is the missing link in soft-skills transformation success."

Repository of Applied Intuitive Solutions™

AIS™ consists of many gigabytes of consulting deliverables, courses, books, seminars, presentations, and other materials that are derived from successful coaching and consulting practice. The AIS™ generate enduring solutions to a range of complex challenges.

The AIS™ is the Intelligence on Demand (IoD) Environment for Content Curation, Content Summation & the Generation of “How To” Solutions Using Advanced Search Protocols for Rapid Topical Search, Presentation, & Summation delivered in Text, Speech, and intelligent Holographic Form.

Advantages to Platform Residents include:

  • Cost

  • Quality

  • Relevance

  • Transformation

  • Growth

  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities

  • Gain & share solutions to achieve insight to rapidly solve pressing problems. 

  • Engage in practice-based & targeted development

  • Build skills in a safe environment.

  • Contribute to organization’s success by building corporate intellectual capital to gain competitive strength.

  • Improve decision-making proficiencies.

Understanding Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™)

The AIS™ Platform is a Virtual Solutions Center.  It delivers technical, behavioral, and contextual solutions.  The Platform delivers hard-skills and soft-skills solutions that consist of static and dynamic elements of practical actions guided by experience-derived knowledge.  The AIS™ cut across a range of industries and problem types common to people everywhere. The Repository of solutions includes two main types of AIS™:

  • Static AIS™

  • Dynamic AIS™.

Static Applied Intuitive Solutions™

Static AIS™ consists of relatively unchanging and invariant solutions to management challenges about individual, team, and organization performance. 

Dynamic Applied Intuitive Solutions™

Dynamic AIS™ consists of solutions to very specific problems of a non-general nature. The dynamic dimension is the quantitative dimension of our AIS™ Platform. Unlike Static AIS™, Dynamic AIS™ are applicable to each particular situation and are best devised only by the manager involved in the current problem situation.

AIS™ Platform Expansion Model 

  • Platform Residents Share Content

  • Update static and dynamic Applied Intuitive Solutions™

  • Platform Residents Share Distribution Channels

  • Platform Residents Can Publish AIS™, E-Books, & E-Courses

  • Content Grows Through Business Case Integration

  • Systems Management Institute Offers Consulting Partnerships

  • Platform Residents Enjoy Co-Creation of Content

  • Certifications

Conceptual VEIS™ Human Activity System Design

Virtual Expert Intelligence Systems™ (VEIS™) Framework

The Virtual Expert Intelligence System (VEIS) of Raymond L. Newkirk, Ph.D. emerged over a 40+ year period of R&D & development covering more than a dozen disciplines.  When appropriately used, the VEIS becomes an authentic skill-building Intelligent Environment that enables Platform Residents to solve important challenges rapidly.

The Design Architecture of the VEIS™ is Enabled by Proven:

  • HAS Concepts

  • Competitive Business Strategies

  • Potent Practices

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Enlightened Values

  • Enduring Problem Specific Content

  • Evolutionary Delivery Architecture

  • Rapid Solution Search Capabilities

  • Query, Linking, & Summarization Capabilities

  • VEIS™ and Internet Assistant Acton Learning Architecture™ (IAAL™)

VEIS Content Model: Internet Assistant Action Learning™ (IAAL)

  • Derived High-Performance Content

  • Vision 21 ™ Connectivity

  • Examples

  • Thought-Breaks

  • Action Assignments

  • Practical Models

  • Self-Evaluation Tests

  • Glossaries


  • Content is integrated to form a multi-domain Virtual Expert Intelligence Systems™.  The content consists of both technical and non-technical problem solving material that is derived from practice-based knowledge and corporate results.

  • All of our content offers a proprietary Internet Assistant Action Learning™ Model (IAAL™) of experience-based Performance Enhancement.

  • Our IAAL™ Model consists of powerful, experienced based, learning content.

  • Content follows the standards established with the Internet Assistant Action Learning™ (IAAL™) model.

  • Competitively Unique Model of Skills and Knowledge Transfer

VEIS™ Conceptual Framework

VEIS™ implements the human activity systems approach to describing problem situations. Social networking becomes a human system in which multiple processes employ input, transformation, output, & feedback and adjustment operations to enable transformation through multiple loop learning. Skills transformation opportunities become available to Platform Residents.  The VEIS™ is populated by content derived from more than 40 years of consulting to global companies.  It stores a range of potent solutions derived from experience-informed content, Virtually-Delivered skills-based “How to” content, and skills-based social media for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Platform Resident Special Request Process

The Platform Resident (the end-user) initiates this process by making a Special Request that describes a Problem Statement. If the Statement is approved by an evaluation process that employs an appropriate AIS™ Standard for guidance, the IAAL™ team determines AIS™ requirements and analyses them to prepare for the design cycle that creates the AIS™.  The system then generates and tests the AIS™ and then sends it to the Platform Resident for implementation. All activities are scheduled and validated.  The AIS™ development team uses the Special Request as a baseline to ensure the integrity of each activity at every point in the development process.    

The Platform Social Space 

  • The Platform Social Space is the dedicated Dimension of the ASI™ Platform in which each Resident enhances his social problem solving skills and enjoy inter-cultural development.

  • The Platform Social Space offers: transparency, collaboration, anonymity, interactivity, client needs fulfillment, and skill intervention.

  • The Platform Social Space offers the power of professional skills transformation. 

“The Platform Social Space represents an effort to share in-depth experience of proven value in the development and training, business, technology, consulting and coaching industries with those who see professional growth as a life-long process of self-directed learning.”

Our Premium AIS™ Designed to Accelerate Problem-Solving 

It is the responsibility of every corporate director, executive, manager, and employee to do a better job every day to make the enterprise more successful every day.  Going in every morning and committing oneself to doing better than the previous day requires an extraordinary way of thinking informed by a specific kind of powerful knowledge.  The only way anyone is ever going be able to meet such a commitment is by knowing more each day about the stuff that really matters. The only way anyone is going to know more about the stuff that really matters is if somebody shares this knowledge.  Learning it all by oneself has never happened, and never will.  Even if anyone could do this, it would take too long.  In business, time still matters.

Applied Intuitive Solutions™ 

Our exclusively licensed AIS™ represents more than 50 years of developmental effort. Non-theoretical, the AIS™ is derived from consulting practice for corporations, government agencies, and private institutions from around the world.  Going beyond the traditional case studies approach, our AIS™ provides action steps and underlying knowledge about “how to” rapidly resolve a wide range of critical soft and hard-skills workplace challenges.  What you learn today, you can use today.

Proprietary Conversion Process 

Using our proprietary conversion process, we have transformed the consulting products of noteworthy projects with high strategic value into our premium Applied Intuitive Solutions™.  In this way, our AIS™ fill an enduring need for the recovery and acquisition of “rapid solutions” that enable teams, managers, and executives to enhance enterprise performance. 

We designed our AIS™ Platform to transform clients into effective

individuals who can resolve a large range of nagging problems rapidly. 

Virtual Solutions and the Definitive Soft-Skills  

Our AIS™ Portal delivers solutions to anyone anywhere in enterprise.  Clients can resolve problems in the afternoon that perplexed them in the morning.  Our AIS™ Portal fills the gap in management practice by offering an impressive repository of “rapid solutions” that enable clients to master the four core competencies of successful action:

  • Mobilize innovation and change;

  • Communicate well;

  • Manage others and tasks, and

  • Manage oneself.

Continuously Available 

Available 24X7 through our Rapid Solutions Mobile Platform™ (RSMP™) our “rapid solutions” assist our clients in business and government.  Designed for rapid application, our AIS™ differ from other training, development, and learning solutions which can take many months or years to transform knowledge into practice.  Aristotle told Alexander the Great that there is no easy road to learning.  Now there is an easier road. 

“What you learn today, you can use today,” is the driving principle of SMI. 

Solutions Acceleration 

We designed our AIS™ Portal to assist motivated, self-paced, and self-directed people.  We are perfect for clients who seek problem-specific actions plans to rapidly resolve old and new problems that reduce organization effectiveness.  Our AIS™ Portal integrates the cornerstones of professional experience, intellectual curiosity, and personal maturity with the motivation, industry, initiative, and scholarship of successful problem-solvers  

“At SMI, Intellectual Capital is our most important asset.”

Ray Newkirk 

Rediscovering Lost Knowledge through AIS™ Effectiveness 

Recognizing that organizations have lost much expertise, skill, and competence over the last 25 years, our AIS™ Portal builds workplace effectiveness.  Systems Management Institute emphasizes solutions that build the contextual, behavioral, and technical dimensions of enterprise effectiveness. 

Relevant and Concise 

Our repository of Virtual Intelligence provides concise and relevant AIS™ that present potent solutions to difficult challenges.  They do not add unnecessary elaborations that complicate knowledge transfer or waste time. Our AIS™ Portal employs the Internet Assistant Action Learning Model™ by offering ample thought breaks, action assignments, examples, and actual models to accelerate problem-solving.  Every AIS™ focuses on the delivery of enduring solutions for employees who face the challenges of a global work environment.  We designed our Portal to build effective employees everywhere. 

“For most of us, the workplace forms the basis for our working, our learning, our performance, and our journey to success.”

                Ray Newkirk

Common Problems Solved by Our AIS™

Although each person brings a unique character to a wide range of workplace problems, these problems often share common characteristics that make them paradoxically both different and similar to other problems.  The AIS™ Portal assists clients with identifying, managing, and overcoming the painful mistakes that impede performance.  Our Portal assists clients in mastering the solutions that enhance organization performance.  For example, our AIS™ Portal enables clients to: 

  • Overcome psychological threats.

  • Manage team and organization performance.

  • Control political conflicts.

  • Overcome self-deception.

  • Build individuals and team skills.

  • Initiate project management processes.

  • Balance the five elements of a workplace success.

  • Build and enhance organization effectiveness.

  • Accelerate problem-solving and Business Value Realization. 

Use the AIS™ Portal to throw away the anchors that hold you back!

AIS™ Hard-Skills Repository 

Our Rapid Solution Mobile Platform™ delivers hard-skills AIS™ in multiple dimensions including: 

  • Insider Threat Prevention

  • Conflict Prevention

  • Human Centered Cybersecurity

  • Organization Transition Management

  • Organization Change Management

  • Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

  • Proposal Development

  • Project Initiation

  • Project Feasibility

  • Project Implementation

  • Validation, Verification, & Testing

  • Configuration Management

  • Enterprise Architecture

  • Consulting and Coaching Skills Methodology

Soft-Skills AIS™ Repository 

Our Rapid Solutions Mobile Platform™ delivers soft-skills AIS™ in several dimensions including: 

  • Human Systems Design

  • Management Consulting & Coaching Skills Mastry

  • Diversity Management

  • RX for the Board

  • Team Building

  • Self-Transformation

  • Team Transformation

  • Contract Management

We offer a range of AIS™ including: 

  • Evidence-Based Solutions

  • Context-Based Learning

  • Experience-derived Virtual Intelligence offering solutions in action

  • Virtual-Learning inspired skills mastery groups and blogs

  • Certification opportunities and programs

  • Skills-based E-Content

  • Specialized conferences, seminars, and workshops

  • Career acceleration programs 

We focus on building the four cornerstone professional soft-skills competencies: 

  • Mobilizing innovation & change

  • Managing oneself & tasks

  • Managing others

  • Communicating well 

We design our AIS™ around a proprietary Internet Assistant Action Learning Model™ (IAAL™) of experience-based problem-solving. IAAL™ consists of powerful, experienced based, Virtual Intelligence illustrated with abundant: 

  • Examples

  • Thought breaks

  • Action assignments

  • Exams

  • Application oriented models derived from actual practice 

“We Are Enablers of Executive Vision.”

Raymond L. Newkirk

AIS™ Design Characteristics

Through the AIS™, SMI Corporation delivers Applied Intuitive Solutions rather than software applications. The AIS™ have been developed by Dr. Raymond L. Newkirk through an evolutionary development process over a 40 year process that is ongoing.  Rather than providing theoretical and academic based solutions, the AIS™ Platform of Dr. Newkirk focuses on real-world business and Platform Resident solutions that require immediate application from nearly anywhere on the globe. The design characteristics of the AIS™ of Dr. Newkirk include: 

  • Platform Resident centric problem solving rather than non-specific software based;

  • Open and collaborative rather than closed and non-evolutionary

  • Highly specific and personalized rather than non-specific and formula based

  • Manage-free rather than maintenance bound

  • Architecture enabled rather than template based

  • Theoretical framed rather than theoretically formed

5.0 AIS™ Conception

To be valid, an individual Applied Intuitive Solutions must be appropriate to a specific problem or problem situation. An AIS™ is not created as a contingency for problems that have not yet arisen. In this regard, an AIS™ enjoys a one-to-one correspondence with a specific problem or a set of identical problem types, post the emergence of the problem. An AIS™ does not serve as a preventative remedy or quality control gate to prevent the appearance of an anticipated or possible problem. An AIS™ is a brief but potent solution to a particularly nagging or enduring problem. To be authentic, an AIS™ satisfies ten point test of AIS™ design. An AIS™:

5.1  Derived from Workplace Practice, not Disconnected Academic Theory

The AIS™ emerges from disciplined experience with a real-time challenge to solve one or more problems. Although the design of the AIS™ may be encapsulated within a theoretical framework, the solution is derived as a practical and active response to a specific problem.  An AIS™ is an applied response to a pressing problem.  

5.2  Brief and Potent

The AIS™ is not a training program, academic course, or blind guess at problem solving. The AIS™ is brief, consisting of four to seven action steps. The AIS™ is potent in that it rapidly resolves the problem immediately when applied with good judgment and skill. 

5.3  Enduring and Successful

 The AIS™ is enduring in that it resolves the problem in an enduring way that serves the goals of the problem-solver. 

5.4  Reusable as a Solution to an Identical Problem Set

The AIS™ is re-usable and transferable to similar problems or problem sets at different times and locations, given similar conditions and constraints. 

5.5  Cross-Cultural

The AIS™ is flexible in that it can be designed to respond to similar problem types experienced in different cultural setting. 

5.6 Scalable

The AIS™ is scalable in resolving problem types for individuals and groups. An AIS™ may be applied by an individual or team of individuals experiencing the same problem.

5.1  Teachable

AIS™are brief, simple, and intuitive. They facilitate knowledge acquisition.


5.2  Reduces Knowledge Loss

AIS™ combat the problem of knowledge loss by facilitating knowledge recovery and acquisition.


5.3  Active Learning

AIS™provide solutions for active application. They enhance insight to build skills and build problem solving proficiency.


5.4  Virtual

AIS™ provide virtual access through 24X7 accessibility via the Internet or private cloud.


5.5 Transformative

The root of problems experienced by individuals and organizations lies within the individual or organization via the culture. Problems are both generated and resolved internally.  Generally, challenges occur in performance whenever the mission is disconnected from the organization culture. While the usual Band-Aid or quick fix approach obscures the problem, AIS™ goes straight to the root to eradicate each problem. Finding the root of the problem and then applying an appropriate solution is challenging. Our AIS™ are Transformative because they change identity and transform reactions into pre-actions. This is transformation. AIS™ transforms individuals and teams from reactors into actors by imparting new skills and/or recovering loss knowledge.

6.0 AIS™ Methodology

Since every AIS™ is derived from successful application in real world settings, it must be curated, validated, re-designed, integrated into the AIS™ Repository, and included as a component of the AIS™ ission. To be valid, the AIS™

  • Emerged as an aspect of an overarching methodology designed to improve workplace performance

  • Must be specific to the problem type

  • Must be appropriate to the Human Activity System Type

  • Derived from actual practice where the solution successfully resolved the issue

  • Individually delivered

  • Fits the conceptual framework for an AIS™

7.0 AIS™ Content

AIS™ Repository consists of a large collection of practical content addressing challenges in multiple industries and the enduring solutions to these challenges that successfully resolved these challenges.  When we say that the content was derived from practice, we mean that the following content specifications existed:  

  • Embedded within consulting deliverable

  • Derived from internet Assistant Action Learning Model of knowledge transfer

  • Consists of one to three levels of detail from one to nine pages of content

  • Consists of single problem statement and related solution containing from five to seven problem-solving action steps

  • Facilitates knowledge transfer

8.0 AIS™ Associated Industries

Authentic AIS™ enhance and improve the performance of a group of associated industries that also seek to resolve the problems and challenges of individuals, teams, and organizations. AIS™ streamline, enable, and also reduce the application of the following associated industries:


  • Consulting: Reduces the need for consulting services

  • Training: Simplifies corporate training

  • Development: Deepens staff development

  • Coaching: Facilitates coaching relationships

9.0 On-Demand Delivery

The power to rapidly find an effective solution whenever and wherever necessary is the desire of most people. Welcome to the AIS™ Platform. The power of On-Demand Delivery resides in its immediacy.

9.1 AIS™ Levels

Most Platform Residents employ the basic, or Level One, AIS™ action plans to solve their problems. Occasionally, however, a Platform Resident may require additional explanation in order to understand the action plans more completely and to more effectively implement the solution.  In such instances, the AIS™ Platform delivers the Level Two AIS™ to provide in-depth guidance.  For example, at the first level of detail, the AIS™ is presented as a single question and action plan relationship, one question and one brief single page action plan.  At the second level of detail, the AIS™ is presented as a single question and one mini-course consisting of from six to nine pages of narration. If the Platform Resident still requires more information about the solution, an eBook or personal guidance is available to provide deeper insight.

9.2 On-Demand Delivery and Proper Form

On-Demand Delivery occurs in response to a Platform Resident’s problem or challenge presented to the Platform in the form of a “How to” question. For example, a Platform Resident may ask the Platform: “How can I increase the leaders influence over his team?”  Responding to this, the Platform delivers a specific action oriented AIS™derived from previous experience. The solution may be presented in text form, through speech, or through an intelligently generated holographic avatar. The Platform delivers the AIS™ in the form of from five to seven action statements. These action statements collectively form a brief but potent action plan as a solution that works.

10.0 AIS™ Business Relevance

We designed each AIS™ to resolve a specific challenge.  For the business community, each AIS™ meets twelve prime characteristics: 

Enduring Oriented

Since each AIS™ builds both insight and skill that are repeatable and transferable, and form part of a permanent “platform of problem-solving”, they are enduring and situational rather than unique. 

Business Oriented

For managers, AIS™ are business oriented in that they provide the essential framework and knowledge structure which puts management on a business basis. They provide the environment within which the business objectives can be met under continually monitored constraints of time, costs, and market requirements. 

Effectiveness Oriented

For individuals, AIS™ are effectiveness oriented in that they seek to advance right decisions in individual performance through right action.

Efficiency Oriented

For teams, AIS™ are efficiency oriented in that they enhance efficiency by pointing to reduced support costs and measure productivity in terms of the present/future ratio.

Reliability Oriented

For organizations, AIS™ are reliability oriented in that they address the problem of the cost/error ratio. They provide a more disciplined environment that strengthens processes, especially in the areas of skills acquisition, knowledge transfer, learning processes, and knowledge exchange and support. 

Optimization Oriented

For executives, AIS™ are optimization oriented in that they seek to allocate the executive’s time properly to the early, mid and late phases of the management life cycle.  

Management Oriented

For managers AIS™ are management oriented in that they enable managers to determine if they are allocating their resources properly to the early, mid, and late cycles of the development project life cycles.

Productivity Oriented

For managers, AIS™ enable managers to measure the trend in the method/performance ratio.  Managers measure improvements in time and cost estimates. Such estimates are a part of developing, enhancing, or maintaining development functions and the enabled learning processes. AIS™ enable managers to define and monitor new measures of performance within the solution acquisition process.

Improvement Oriented

For everyone, AIS™ improve the quality of performance because they are concerned with reliability and strive for maintainability as an approach for building evolutionary and open human systems. AIS™ bring continuous improvements in the productivity of staff via better methods and tools.  AIS™ seek increased return on investments (ROI) through better allocation of business, learning, and human resources.

Mission Oriented

For organizations, AIS™ provide a methodology with a holistic, evolutionary process designed to manage any problem solving task environment. They offer a solutions-management methodology that is designed specifically for program management. AIS™ is the standard identifying success toward(a) Business milestones as check points for measuring effectiveness and efficiency, and (b) Program milestones as check points for providing restraints which maximize management reliability.

Differentiating Oriented

For everyone, our AIS™ employ differentiation methods to respond to the situation of each Platform Resident.  Through problem differentiation, each Applied Intuitive Solution™ can be further decomposed at several levels of detail to enhance solution acquisition and application.

Assessment Oriented

Every Platform Resident can assess each AIS™ by experiencing and evaluating the outcome. Since an AIS™ is designed for rapid application and the tracking of results, assessment is simple and not subject to multiple levels of interpretation. 

11.0 AIS™ Platform Format

Dr. Raymond L. Newkirk envisions the AIS™ Platform to function much as a “personalized intelligently generated avatar” for every Platform Resident anywhere in the world as throughput capacities evolve and grow.  Through the SMI Corporation, every person gains a personal AIS™ space within the AIS™  Solution services are built around each Platform Resident as each Platform Resident identifies the challenges they face and problems they are encountering that require rapid resolution. Ultimately, the Platform Resident controls the development and AIS™ propagation of their own platform space as they continue to obtain future AIS™ to resolve ever new personal as well as professional problems and challenges that demand rapid resolution.  

While Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and the score of other companies are competing for control of the emerging Platform, SMI Corporation has developed this International Standards to govern the development and implementation of its AIS™ Platform Architecture. SMI Corporation AIS™ is a self-funded start-up company that had built the Platform from scratch, in a clean slate effort, over a 40 year period. 

As the AIS™ Platform of SMI Corporation grows, it will employ an “internet of services” path using a private cloud computing model based on variations of the ‘SPI Model’ (Software, Platform or Infrastructure) in which software will be replaced by AIS™ as a Service. Overcoming the socially stunting strategies of many “internet of things” vendors, the AIS™ Platform of Dr. Newkirk and SMI Corporation offers multiple vendor strategic opportunities and alliances, unlimited end-consumer service composability, evolutionary customizability and flexibility. Our vision is to unlock the problem solving potential of the world by provide a pathway to the world for everyone to share solutions that work.  The solutions environment of SMI Corporation is shareable. We advocate for a “non-locked Platform”.  Consistent challenges for the SMI Corporation are design solutions to ensure:

11.1 Privacy

Differing from other Internet-enabled businesses, we create a new environment for security management. Since our Platform is Platform Resident centric, we do not collect insights into the activities and problems of any one person.  We merely offer solutions. 

11.2. Security

We work with a range of vendors to manage unauthorized access to the Platform by hackers. 

11.3 Monopoly

Although a for-profit company, SMI Corporation encourages strategic alliances that encourage the development of a wider and more open Internet Platform. We advocate innovation and open evolution of the AIS™ paradigm. 

11.4 Governance

We advocate principles of co-design among stakeholders, including Platform Residents and service providers.  We also advocate “Participative Decision-Making” in which strategic alliance partner assist in the development of major AIS™ Platform policies.

11.5 Personalized Identity Management Ecosystem

We follow design principles in which Platform Residents can manage their own digital identities and control the exchange of their identity information. In effect, they will be able to “train” their holographic generated, artificial intelligence enabled avatars to personalize their personal AIS™ Platform space. The holographic avatars will serve as a “Personalized Digital Identity” (PDI™) that personalizes the AIS™ experience of each Platform Resident. In effect, this holographic avatar can be described as a self-generated and self-managed digital identity, which is verifiable against one or more authoritative data sources.  Using the previous design specification of Electronote™, Platform Residents link their PDI™ with Authoritative Identity Data maintained in a protected repository of Intellectual property registration. This serves as test of trustworthiness with other people during real-time challenges. Among other benefits, this gives Platform Residents new levels of control as to who can verify the identity of a Platform Resident and how this can be accomplished. It further establishes a formal life cycle in the ecosystem of Digital Identity. Characteristics of the AIS™ Platform include: 

  • Concept of safe failures to reduce the danger inherent in learning from mistakes

  • Generous use of expert models and storytelling

  • Workplace and real-life authenticity

  • The power of reuse after application of content

  • Quicker, simpler, more responsive, effective, efficient, and less expensive skills acquisition system

  • Specially derived Virtual Intelligence and delivery technology to leverage the power of the Internet to provide attractive cost to profit ratios and ROI in skills transformation and career acceleration

  • Transform skills to empower people and enable strategies

  • Offer only the essential knowledge required to transform skills and put solutions in action 

  • Delivers Virtual Intelligence focuses on skills transformation and workplace application rather than on course presentation and instructor convenience

  • Value-added content geared to rapid performance improvement

12.0 AIS™ Design Inquiry

AIS™ presents core skills transformation opportunities.  Our iSODTM Platform emerged from the fundamental insight that design is the missing link in AIS™ design and skills acquisition success.  Leveraging in-depth design experience, design inquiry forms the different transformation environments related to the nature and character of each problem to be solved and develops the many content domains of the AIS™ virtual Platform.  Through design inquiry, effective AIS™ emerge from a specific problem space and populate a powerful and eminently practical Virtual Expert Intelligence System architecture (VEIS™). The generation of the specific AIS™ linked to a specific problem definition is informed by three considerations of effectiveness in human behavior:

12.1 AIS™ Design and Social Cognition

To design an Internet Assistant Action Learning™ architecture that informed our AIS™ Platform, we explored the relevance to our model of:

  • Self-Discrepancy,

  • Knowledge Accessibility,

  • Agency,

  • Change of Standard Effect,

  • Activity Engagement,

  • Regulatory Mode,

  • Regulatory Focus,

  • Regulatory Fit, and

  • Regulatory Motivation.

12.2. AIS™ Design and Regulatory Fit

  • Regulatory Fit is particularly important to the success of a practical AIS™ Platform.  Informed by this Theory, we recognized that a high level of regulatory fit with any Platform Resident’s regulatory orientation is important in building a successful AIS™, or Virtual Intelligence repository.  Attention to regulatory fit offers many benefits:

  • Increases the Platform Resident’s strength of motivation;

  • Inclines Platform Residents toward distinct means for goal attainment;

  • Encourages Platform Residents to evaluate decisions and goal pursuits more positively;

  • Inclines Platform Residents to imagine feeling better about a good choice and feeling worse about a bad choice, and

  • Encourages Platform Residents to assign value to the object of a decision.

Our AIS™ is compatible with the variable goal pursuit means of Platform Residents, from the eagerness means of promotion-focused concerns to the vigilance means of the prevention-focused means.  Since value from fit positively impacts the quality of life, our AIS™ add value by enabling Platform Residents to experience Regulatory Fit.

12.3 AIS™ and the Problem of Platform Resident Motivation

Motivation perpetually challenges everyone, even the most involved self-directed Platform Resident.  In skills transformation over our AIS™ Platform, motivation becomes an even greater problem. As a transformative Applied Intuitive Solutions™ company, SMI Corporation understands the challenges of motivating Platform Residents to sign-up for and successfully follow-through on a program of skills transformation via our Internet Assistant Action Learning™ format.  Guided by the Theory of Regulatory Fit in Social Cognition, Dr. Newkirk designed our Virtual Expert Intelligence System™ to reinforce the Platform Resident’s decision-making process about feeling better about skills transformation and our AIS™ Platform as good choices.

13.0 AIS™ Use

An authentic Applied Intuitive Solution™ (AIS™) provides brief but potent action plans as enduring solutions to specific workplace challenges. They are designed to rapidly resolve complex technical, behavioral, and contextual problems from a hard and/or softskills perspective. They resolve both dynamic and static problems. The solutions are enduring.

13.1 AIS™ Put Skills Transformation on a Business Basis

Our AIS™ Platform, reinvents the social media experience. Through the Virtual Intelligence of our AIS™, the focus shifts from social connectivity to Platform Resident skills transformation as a necessity for career acceleration. In shifting the focus from chats to Applied Intuitive Solutions™, we put social media on a business basis. We ensure that skills transformation and knowledge transfer is enduring rather than temporary. In our view, transformative social networking must be business oriented, effectiveness oriented, efficiency oriented, reliability oriented, management oriented, productivity oriented, improvement oriented, and mission oriented.

13.2 Competitive Uniqueness

Differing from many training, development, coaching, and consulting programs which may take years to complete and often offer inappropriate content, our AIS™ Platform delivers Applied Intuitive Solutions™ derived for immediate application using solutions derived from previous application in authentic project environments.  We offer Platform Residents only the essential knowledge required to transform skills and put solutions in action.  We offer relevant Virtual Intelligence derived on the demands of work and focused on the performance specific core soft-skills.

13.2.1 SMI Corporation delivers cost effective AIS™ that Platform Residents can access any time and any place on a 24x7 basis.

Our innovative content delivers Virtual Intelligence focuses on skills transformation and workplace application rather than on course presentation and instructor convenience.  We do this by transforming workplace-authentic skills more than academic theory, and designing value-added content geared to rapid performance improvement.

13.2.3 Our Competitive Anomaly

SMI Corporation does not require clients to implement an expensive framework as with V-Learning.  This is an attractive benefit we offer Platform Residents and client organizations. Our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) completely immerse Platform Residents in the skills acquisition experience and provides opportunities to practice in a safe environment.

13.2.4 AIS™ Advantage

SMI Corporation offers skills support that saves client organizations many millions of dollars in the elimination of up-front sunk skills development costs. For corporate clients, we are a quicker, simpler, more responsive, effective, efficient, and less expensive skills acquisition and recovery business partner. Our AIS™ Platform coupled with our Internet Assistant Action Learning process employs specially derived Virtual Solutions Intelligence and delivery technology to leverage the power of the Internet to provide attractive cost to profit ratios and ROI in skills transformation and career acceleration. Seeking the optimal ROI and IRR for our Platform Residents, SMI Corporation has aggressively integrated its large repository of Virtual Intelligence consisting of thousands of AIS™. Empowered by state-of-the-art information technologies, we offer a powerful AIS™ Platform as a framework for our proprietary Internet Assistant Action Learning architecture. Highlights of the AIS™ Platform advantage:

  • AIS™ offers V-Learning support that saves clients millions of dollars in the elimination of up-front sunk costs. We are a quicker, simpler, more responsive, effective, efficient, and less expensive business partner.

  • Our Internet Assistant Action Learning™ process employs specially developed learning content and delivery technology to leverage the power of the Internet to provide attractive cost to profit ratios and ROI in professional learning.

"Successful Internet delivered intelligence immerses one in the skills transformation experience and provides opportunities to practice new solutions in a safe environment."

14.0 Summary

We enjoy working with Platform Residents as they journey into the unchartered territory of the 21st Century. We understand that the emerging business climate generates many challenges as opportunities that were scarcely imagined only a decade ago. Our AIS™ Standard bridges the old paradigms with the new.

Our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ Architecture is designed to promote personal competence, skills-based leadership, evolutionary guidance, and profitable growth. By following this Standard in the development of AIS™, our Platform enhances the performance of executives, managers, and teams. Through this Standard, our AIS™ work for Platform Residents at the individual, team, and enterprise levels to rapidly solve their most pressing challenges.

Our Platform embraces the psychology of performance and the enhancement of effectiveness to attain competitive leverage. We know that today's "sustainable competitive advantage" is another one of those business myths which have outlived their usefulness. We also know what to do about it. We excel at integrating our AIS™ Platform within the Platform Resident environment to balance technical and social systems. This is an innovative Standard that responds to the practical realities of the competitive environment.

A personal solutions framework of peak performance has to exist before peak performance becomes a reality. The AIS™ Platform offers this framework.

15.0 The AIS Platform International Standard 

The AIS™ Platform consists of a large number of highly effective Applied Intuitive Solutions™. They are derived from the authentic success journey of many individuals over many years in countless challenging situations. We offer AIS™ to provide the core ingredients of "becoming" and "being" a successful person: technical-mastery and self-mastery, communication skills, innovation, life change skills, workplace relationship building, career development, focus and discipline, self-management, and so forth. Our goal in defining this AIS™ Platform Standard is to build a foundation that enables Platform Residents to enrich their range of intellectual, emotional, technical, contextual, and behavioral capabilities, hard and soft, dynamic and static by resolving challenging problems rapidly through the application of enduring Applied Intuitive Solutions™.

The question is this: Are Platform Residents serious about becoming more effective problem solvers to enrich their lives?  How would you like to have your own solution platform to coach you at the crucial times in your life when a little advantage will make a big difference in your difficult and challenging moments? The AIS™ Platform offers individualized Applied Intuitive Solutions™ and strategies as action plans that enable Platform Residents to resolve the problems and challenges that need solving faster.

Even if a person is a beginner on the path to successful careers, the AIS™ Platform will still assist him as a Platform Resident through those difficult situations that demand guidance. To be useful, the AIS™ Platform has two requirements:

  • People have to be serious about the level of performance they want to achieve, and

  • People have to be willing to work for it.

When Platform Residents engage the AIS™ Platform, they gain real-time, on-the-spot Applied Intuitive Solutions™ that are frequently beyond the scope of public seminars or other coaching or consulting programs. Through the AIS™, Platform Residents enjoy a special kind of personal work that is simply not possible in most programs anywhere.

Success is not something you do or have; it is who you are that makes you successful.

4.0 Use of the SMI Corporation AIS™ Industry Standard 

This standard provides guidance on the development, delivery, and use of AIS™ for global industry application. Not all Applied Intuitive Solutions™ are the same. Some are theoretical and only have limited application in some instances. Others have never been applied or demonstrated. Many have not been derived from actual practice in client settings. Authentic AIS™ comply with the nature and characteristics of the AIS™ architecture defined in this document as specified by the following nine components of an authentic Applied Intuitive Solutions™, or AIS™.

4.1 The SMI Corporation’s AIS™ Industry Standard

The Standard consists of nine components.  An authentic Applied Intuitive Solutions complies with this architecture. 

1.     AIS™ Conception

2.      AIS™ Methodology

3.      AIS™ Content

4.      AIS™ Associated Industries

5.      AIS™ On-Line Delivery (OLD)

6.      AIS™ Business Relevance

7.      AIS™ Platform Format

8.      AIS™ Design Inquiry

9.      AIS™ Use


If you wish to find out more about our AIS™ Platform, solutions and services, please call Systems Management Institute at (407) 864 7756.

People do not create all the problems they face; but people have to solve all the problems they face. —RLN