Newkirk Institute

We are a 40 year old Research Institute devoted to changing how the world solves problems. We focus on the application of Evidence-Based Solutions, termed Applied Intuitive Solutions™ or AIS. Using our proprietary set of algorithms, we derived our AIS from successful use in real-world settings. We deliver the AIS rapidly through a globally accessible Intelligent Platform. —Ray Newkirk

Member Benefits

Paid Members gain access to the Newkirk Institute with its Certificate Programs and 6000+ courses, and its vast professional library of articles, blogs, podcasts, and books.

Dream it.

Have you ever asked yourself why problem-solving has to be so difficult”? Normally being a six to eight stage process, problem-solving can often be a depressing, headache-causing mess. Moreover the gap between the Problem Statement and Problem Solution can easily intimidate entire teams. One can only wish. Right? Why can’t Problem-Solving be simpler? One can dream.

Sell it.

Since the cost of problem-solving commonly exceeds the Cost of Operations for an organization, solutions that reduce these costs become extremely valuable to executives, their organizations and their teams everywhere. Rapid Problem-Solving is the hope of the future. AIS™ is Rapid Problem-Solving today.

Build it.

It all begins with a problem to be solved or a difficult challenge buried in a complex idea that must be uncovered and resolved to transform it into a buildable product or repeatable service. Or, perhaps it becomes an Applied Intuitive Solution™ that can Accelerate Business Value Realization (BVR) for a struggling company.

Make it.

Not really. A dream is just a dream. Dreams are for those who sleep. Visions are for those who are awake. Those who cut out new paths, design new worlds, and carve out new ways to solve deep problems rapidly. The Newkirk Institute is about eliminating the gap between problems and solutions. The Newkirk Institute is committed to delivering solutions in “Rapid Real Time derived from experience and evidence with a history of success.

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Rapid Solutions Platform Delivers Evidence-Base Solutions Rapidly for Technical, Behavioral, Contextual Problems, Simple & Complex, Static & Dynamic, Hard & Soft.

The results

“Problem-Solving is often boring and frustrating. Since people generally don’t enjoy being bored or frustrated, they make poor problem-solvers. ”

— Ray Newkirk

“People enjoy interesting views. If you want people to participate in problem-solving, make the problems interesting to encourage people to solve them.”

— Ray Newkirk

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.