Do you know that experts are actually wrong a lot of times? For example, they are usually wrong about the future, especially when they die earlier than many non-experts. Just remember this: If you do not want your experts to give you a lot of wrong answers, do not ask them a lot of difficult questions. This keeps their reputations intact and keeps you from making a lot of bad decisions. Don’t forget to send me your address so that I can send you my invoice. My non-advice doesn’t come cheap. After all, I have learned from some of the very best experts out there, way out there. —RLN

I once met a man who could talk a lot about himself and still keep his humility intact. His secret: No one at all, ever, paid any attention to anything he ever said. He was so skilled at not being listened to that he became President his company where no one believed anything he ever said unless they were first paid under the table. They used the money they received to pay experts for advice on how to work with him. Their advice: Ignore everything he tells you, he is probably wrong. And we will not even notice. —RLN