Opinions, probably everybody has opinions. I really don’t know if this is really true for the simple reason that I do not know everybody. This makes sense doesn’t it? Or, is it merely just another opinion? Perhaps, I do not need to know everybody to make this claim? Perhaps Statistical Analysis is good enough, but it is only an informed guess, a guess that uses math in a certain kind of way within certain guidelines to enable people to be more certain about the findings that may support their guesses. I am certain about this, and I did not even use Statistical Analysis. I used experience gained from many decades of thinking about this opinion stuff. Do you agree or not? Based on what, your opinion? Opinions lead to a lot of questions. —RLN

Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D., F.B.I.M.

Orlando, Florida (407) 864-7756 * rnewkirk@smilc.info * www.smirsp.com

Executive Coaching & Consulting Specialist & Podcaster


UlThule™ Performance * Management Transitions * Coaching Skills Development


Accomplished Coaching Specialist, V-Learning Pioneer & Author offering demonstrated value unifying Performance Coaching with Insider Threat Prevention (ITP). Successful in environments characterized by highly diverse, complex, and stressful challenges.  Experience coaching multinational teams delivering complex strategic programs.

Demonstrated Thought Leader & Founder employing innovative visions and solutions that accelerate Business Value Realization and develop competitive leverage.  Designed first ever CPM-ITP Unification Methodology™.  Agile innovator and Human Science expert sees Human Behavior as the key driver of secure high-performance environments.  Proficient translating coaching solutions into practical and profitable results.  Builds trusting relationships among colleagues and clients.

Deep Knowledge of Behavioral Economics and Behavioral Science

Deep Strategic and Operational Knowledge 

Professional Experience

Developer of the Applied Intuitive Solutions™ Platform * Founder of the National Certification Council of Coaching Professionals * Author of the Global Standard Governing the Certification of Performance Coaching * Developer of Insider Threat Prevention Certification Programs

Coaching & Consulting Skills

  • Strategic, conceptual and critical coaching to resolve challenges of strategy adoption;

  • Transformational coaching to transition managers into coaches;

  • Cyber Security coaching to unify new and emerging practices of Insider Threat Prevention (ITP) with Continuous Performance Management (CPM);

  • Management coaching to socialize CPM policies, practices, processes, and systems;

  • Technical coaching to introduce systems-based approaches to performance management;

  • UlThule™ Performance coaching to build potent workplace relationships;

  • Political coaching to positively impact and influence indirect authority;

  • Team coaching to build effective relationship management and collaboration skills;

  • Strong oral and written communications, driven by sense of urgency, initiative, and focus.

People Development

  • Confidential mentor, executive coach, and high performance enabler.

  • Subject-matter expert, skilled change agent, conflict negotiator, and motivational speaker.

  • Launched “rapid real-time” problem-solving platform to change how the world solves problems and prevent Insider Threats in a CPM environment.

  • Authored ITP Cert. Program consisting of 1,100 virtual courses for four certification levels.

  • Initiated technical management Human Capital Development program.

  • Authored Business Continuity Training Program and initiated Management Effectivity Analysis intervention.

  • Applies insights of Behavioral Science to emergingworkplace situations and experiences, and delivers coaching across the enterprise.

Thought Leadership

Builds credibility, value, and capabilities using problem solving technologies, solutions, methodologies, and paradigm changing intellectual capital.  Developed Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to establish Rapid Problem-Solving as competitive leverage using innovative solution sets.

  • Business Innovation: Introduced the first ever Deep Technology Rapid Problem-Solving Mobile Platform; Delivered industry changing programs including C.O.R.E. Banking, Efficient Consumer Response, and Virtual Learning; Introduced a new paradigm of rapid problem-solving and skills-acquisition; Introduced the “first-ever “evidence-based learning portal. Designed ITP Unification Life Cycle to strengthen the security of the organization. Founder of Bay University, First Ever for Profit V-Learning Company.

  • Problem-Solving Excellence:  Created platform that enables organizations to eliminate the gap between problem definition and problem solution.  These rapid real-time solutions are non-theoretical, evidence-based, action plans derived from global practice.

  • Employee Behavior: Developed a Problem Identification Repository to employ techniques of archetype formulation to identify and prevent Insider Threats.

  • Executive Effectiveness: Developed new technologies and strategic approaches to ensure selecting the right initiative for improving productivity through improved engagement.

  • Operating Models and Strategies: COO of the world’s leading A/I company. We won “Best of Comdex” two years consecutively when Comdex was the “Event of the Year” in the high tech industry.  We developed assistive technologies for the hearing impaired and individuals with learning disabilities.

  • Tran-Organization Collaboration: Delivered AIS™ as to build workplace engagement.

Engagement Management and Program Delivery

  • Consulted to the team that delivered the nation’s first ever Computer Automated Testing System (CATS) to reduce the impact of Insider Threats. 

  • Implemented the world’s first ever On-Demand, global retail banking system.  The project made banking history by delivering the first CORE system (Centralized Online Real-Time Exchange). It was the largest Operational Evaluation in U.S. business history.

  • Established the New Product Development team as a cluster organization for a Capabilities-Based Environment.

  • Initiated a process of “co-creation” in design to establish emotional connection between customers and new product developers.

  • Implemented the first ever Information On-Demand order entry system that provided a same day delivery capability.

  • Coached senior management teams in crisis management and team building.

Insider Threat Preventation Behavioral Science Capabilities

  • Collaborate and socialize the CPM-ITP Visioning process.

  • Apply Behavioral Science expertise and practices to the CPM-ITP unification work.

  • Guide the development of the enterprise CPM-ITP unification strategy.

  • Design programs to change employee habits and behaviors and improve business results.

  • Design Behavioral Science approaches and align them with real-world situations.

  • Define ITP strategy and align it with corporate strategy.

  • Develop the Behavioral Science ITP practice and build the Behavioral Science ITP team.

  • Develop a CPM-ITP curriculum to align employee behavior with management strategy.



Thought Leader in Coaching Skills Development and Insider Threat Prevention. Delivered industry changing programs in the United States, Far East, Middle East, Africa, and Europe. Combined expertise in strategic execution of CPM, Insider Threat Prevention, and delivery of Applied Intuitive Solutions™.  

  • 35+ years of related experience in Human Science, Insider Threat Prevention, Cyber Security, Information Technology, Organization Design, and Performance Management.

  • Global experience in strategic and operational consulting and program delivery.

  • Innovator of competitive business strategy with deep experience introducing strategy throughout the organization and gaining acceptance by enterprise management.

  • Expert in strategies of habit formation, behavioral change, and the psychology of persuasion, and motivation.

  • Deep experience applying Behavioral Science knowledge to practical, real-life, and business challenges to deliver measurable and rapid change in individual and team behavior.

  • Thrives in a complex, fast-paced environment adapting to the changing business environment to continuously improve workplace performance.

  • Speaker, seminar presenter, author, curriculum developer, transdisciplinary thinker.

Pesentations and Speaking Engagements

Authored and delivered seminars, workshops, and presentations throughout the globe.  Seminars covered a range of soft-skills and hard-skills development, including: Continuous Performance Management * Cyber Security * Strategic and Operational Management Information Technology * Organization Design * Workflow  * Strategic Human Resources  Planning Efficient Consumer Response * Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance * Quality Assurance and Control * Total Quality Management *  Building Effective Business Relationships * Leadership Effectiveness * Computer Operations Management * Rapid Problem-Solving * Rule-Based Systems Design * Defining Workplace Archetypes * Applied Intuitive Solutions™ * Evidence-Based Learning Systems * Enterprise Architecture Planning * Innovation and Change * Communicating Well Managing Self and Tasks * Managing Others * Delivering Results * Exceptional Performance * Deep Coaching Success

Systems Management Institute, Orlando, FL Founder, CEO, Strategic Management Consulting Specialist

Leverages Continuous Performance Management and Insider Threat Prevention, competitive strategy, deep technologies, and global markets to accelerate Business Value Realization.

Representative Corporate Clients

ConAgra * Raytheon * Dell Computers * Bank of America * Bush Administration * Walt Disney Broward County Department of Education * Office of the President, Manila, Philippines * Armed Forces of the Philippines * Minister of Defense and Aviation (MODA), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia * Technology Transfer, Rome, Italy * I.B.C. London * Royal Saudi Naval Forces * City of San Francisco * Harris Corporation * Pacific Bell * City of Tucson * British Airways * Saudia Airlines  * Sola Optical * National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration * Bay University * Columbia Commonwealth University * Orange County Register * California Foundation for Medical Care * Doctors Company * Matson Navigation * CNN World Business Development Congress * Flashpoint Computers * Harris Corporation, C.S. Division * Holy Cross Hospital * American Express

Representative Global Engagements

Mindmaker, Incorporated, San Jose, CA.

Consulting COO, Responsible for company operations

Innovative A/I Company with seven operational divisions in Europe, Asia and U.S.A. Company delivered speech to text and text to speech applications based on computational algorithms.

Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Consulting Information Services Department Head (Supply Center Operations). Significantly improved Naval Operations by introducing state-of-the-art Information Technologies

Southwest Bell (Pacific Bell), San Francisco, CA

Introduced automated processes and controls that reduced the cost of software development and maintenance by 30%. Installed enterprise software development life-cycle policies and standards.

Security Pacific Bank (Bank of America), Los Angeles, CA

Information Systems Operational Evaluation Strategic Consultant. Delivered “proof of concept” that radically changed global banking operations and customer services now known as C.O.R.E. Banking.

P.Q. Information Group, bv, The Netherlands

Consulting General Manager and Software Development Futurist.

Delivered the enterprise vision that assisted company with developing and delivering the first-ever rule-based development approach.

Dell Computers, Austin, TX

Strategic Information Systems Consultant for history changing I/T program.

Led program to outsource logistical systems, implement shop floor management system, initiate “Information On-Demand” order entry system. Program made Dell a great global corporation. Revenue grew rapidly and Dell became a top performer on the stock exchange for many years.     

Specialty Brands, San Francisco, CA.

Strategic E-Commerce Consulting Specialist

A $400 million food Division of Burns Philp, Australia, a global multi-billion dollar holding  company.  Articulated strategic Efficient Consumer Response (ECR) vision and present it to the Board. Engaged by Director of Information Services to lead migration to e-commerce operations.

Armed Forces of the Philippines, Manila

Training & Development Consulting Specialist

Produced training program for the Military Logistics System.  Led proposal development team; authored program plan.  Formed strategic alliance with Director of the National Computer Center, Office of the President. Delivered Workshops about Advanced Technologies in the Third World.

Professional Credentials & Certifications

Ph.D.(C) Theology, Christian Spirituality, University of South Africa

M.S., Counseling Psychology, California Coast University

Psy.D. Clinical  Psychology, California Coast University

Ph.D. Human Science, Behavioral Economics, Saybrook University, with Distinction

M.A., Philosophy of Science, Columbia Pacific University

Ph.D., Behavioral Science, Columbia Pacific University

B.S. Behavioral Science, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury, New York, Magna Cum Laude

F.B.I.M., Fellow, British Institute of Management

One of the problems with holding firm opinions is that people who hold them generally look at only the arguments that confirm them. People generally reject any arguments, or opinions, that reject their strongly held opinions> They simply submit to confirmation bias. I love confirmation bias because it simplified the art of knowing. I have a bias for this. Enjoying a bias of a bias makes me doubly certain that I am right, right? Unless of course I have a bias for the truth. Sir Francis Bacon, not the short order cook down the street, wrote about the complexities of the Problem of Opinion. He referred to it as “predetermination”. It is an informed kind of bias very common in politics. —RLN