We may think that we are only going around in circles, but we really are covering a lot of territory. The motion of galaxies is deceiving, but we are covering new territory. — Ray Newkirk

Systems Management Institute


Following the completion of assignments in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, the Founders launched the Systems Management Institute (SMI) as an entrepreneurial consulting venture to leverage knowledge, relationships, experience in strategic consulting, advanced technologies, and experience with global markets.  Built company from concept into internationally respected Information Technology, Virtual-Learning, Human Capital Development consultancy with global client base. Expanded consulting practice beyond Information Technology Program Management to include design and delivery of Virtual Learning, management seminars, workshops, learning programs, Human Capital Development, strategic management. Founded SMI Press publishing division. Drove development of SMI Learning Center (SMILC).

Systems Management Institute at a Glance 

We are a virtual solutions company that puts problem-solving on a business basis.  We are: 

  • Business Oriented

  • Efficiency Oriented

  • Effectiveness Oriented

  • Reliability Oriented

  • Management Oriented

  • Productivity Oriented

  • Improvement Oriented

  • Mission Oriented

SMI Press

Founded the SMI Press (SMIP) as the Division that serves as both the media arm of Systems Management Institute and concurrently the book division of the SMI Learning Center by publishing professional and educational works of depth and high quality.  SMI Press also publishes seminar and workshop materials for global audiences.

SMI Learning Center

The SMI Learning Center (SMILC) provides professional and personal growth opportunities using effective methods of Internet Delivery.  SMILC further offers evolving curricula that explore new frontiers of performance by providing a framework for the advancement of professional development.  SMILC  is especially interested in transdisciplinary programs that bring expanded spiritual perspectives and innovative techniques to the solution of old and new problems. SMILC emphasizes studies which are appropriate to an unique Online Problem Solving format and its special human science vision, as illustrated by the professional nature of its human systems studies.  The solutions content of SMILC is designed to immediately solve problems in rapid real time.  What clients learn in real-time, they can apply in rapid real-time. Rapid Real-time means “Now”.

National Certification Council of Coaching Professionals (NCCCP)

The National Certification Council of Coaching Professionals is one of the Certifying Bodies recognized by the Systems Management Institute and incorporates the practices of UlThule™ Coaching. NCCCP is the only international organization that exclusively certifies coaching professionals who wish to attain certification at the UlThule™ level.  Certified Coaching Professionals receive the following benefits:

  • Professional recognition and life-long development

  • Expanded professional exposure and networking opportunities

  • Opportunities to advance the body of knowledge and coaching practice

  • Global collaboration with other coaching associations

  • Inclusion in the NCCCP National Registry

  • Business development and revenue generation opportunities

Evidence Based-Applied Intuitive Solutions (AIS)

With the Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™), SMI delivers a rapid real-time problem-solving capability designed for individuals and teams. Our AIS™ Platform delivers:

  • On-Demand behavioral, technical, and contextual solutions derived from five decades of global problem-solving experience.

  • Evidence-based problem-solving Platform designed to build enterprise communications and teamwork problem-solving skills among workplace relationships, and

  • Repository of Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) to rapidly change how the enterprise enhances the problem-solving challenge.

The AIS™ is rooted in more than 50 years of problem-solving research and insight gained from the application of teamwork principles in organizations throughout the world.  Developed by Dr. Raymond L. Newkirk, AIS™ delivers evidence-based solutions rapidly by assisting with:

  • Forming highly effective problem-solving teams that employ people, information, and technology resources to deliver acceptable outcomes within the constraints of time, money, and skill;

  • Deepening the awareness of teams about the implications of their problem-solving roles and responsibilities

  • Effectively delivering rapid solutions to more rapidly prevent workplace conflicts

  • Realistically redefining the expectations of problem-solving results enterprise-wide while removing the barriers to it.

  • The AIS™ employs a three-stage process that enables enterprise clients to create and sustain a potent Problem Management environment designed to improve the effectiveness of problem-solving and internal consulting, coaching and training.

Key Accomplishments

  • Founded the Systems Management Institute and nurtured its growth to deliver $MM enterprise projects.

  • Won contracts by successfully responding to RFP competitive bids.

  • Established business alliances in Europe and Asia that increased revenue through executive seminars, management workshops, and strategic consulting.

  • Drove the global Virtual-Learning practice of SMI from concept to operations in 90 days.

  • Designed the Technical Solutions Architecture used by the SMI Learning Center.

  • Designed the SMILC proprietary V-Learning model termed Internet Assistant Action Learning (IAAL).

  • Wrote more than 335 virtual learning courses and designed 25 certificate programs for the SMILC.

  • Registered 3 trademarks and 2,150+ copyrights.

  • Founded the Systems Management Institute Press.

Systems Management Institute

An Introduction

We founded Systems Management Institute™ (SMI) in the 1980s to  unify the rigor of Systems Thinking and Management Practice. SMI is “Solutions Driven”.  We enable clients, from individuals to organizations, to solve a wide range of soft-skills problems rapidly.  We understand your problems because we have solved them many times before.  We know what it is like to start from scratch, not knowing where to turn or who to ask for assistance. Consultants are expensive and can’t always do the job. We became successful by cleaning up the messes made by the consultants who were hired to solve the problems their clients could not solve.  We were the prototypical “Have Gun Will Travel” company of the problem-solving world. It was very hard work, highly visible, truly demanding, extremely challenging and always had a lot riding on the outcome. Failure was never an option. You can be sure that we learned a lot about problem-solving over the years.

Our Applied Intuitive Coaching Solutions™ (AICS™) are perfect for individuals, organizations, and even entire enterprises. We fully recognize the problems you face and understand how you can solve them. We are master architects of the problem-solving process. In fact, we have changed how the world solves problems by eliminating the “Problem-Solution Gap”, the “PSG”.  We own the International Standard that defines this process. We harnessed the power of emerging technologies to derive the solutions that are most appropriate to your specific challenge. When you think of Systems Management Institute, think of knowledge, experience, expertise, and technology. When you access our AICS™ Platform, you can solve your problems today. It took Dr. Newkirk 55 years to deliver this capability to the world.  You can benefit from the AICS capability in a little more than a minute.  Interesting, right? Let’s look at the history that made this possible.

SMI History

In 1983, Dr. Raymond L. Newkirk left his leadership position with Dr. Newkirk & Associates, a transdisciplinary consulting firm, to lead a significant ADP Department Implementation Program for the Royal Saudi Naval Forces (RSNF), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) in cooperation with the US Navy and U.S. Department of State. He developed the initial Five Year Information Technology Road Map for the RSNF and Management Development and Training Program for the Commander of RSNF Naval Supply Center Operations. He also led the implementation of Naval Supply Center (NSC) Computer Operations and Software Development.

Establishing the International Association of Information Management (I-AIM) in 1986, Dr. Newkirk delivered the Preliminary Design of an integrated Human Resources Information System (HRIS) for the new airports project for the Minister of Defense and Aviation (MODA), KSA.  Subsequently, Dr. Newkirk delivered the Preliminary Information Systems Design of an Automated Logistics Systems (AWS) for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) in Manila and collaborated on the development of the National Information Systems Five Year Strategic Plan. Prior to his mission in KSA, Dr. Newkirk enjoyed a diverse career in technical and management capacities with General Motors, Harris Computer Systems Division, Systems Engineering Labs, School Board of Broward County, and Holy Cross Hospital. It was during this time that Dr. Newkirk turned his attention to the challenge of problem-solving. He learned that problem-solving is both an art and a science consisting of a six to eight stage process. He further realized that the accepted approach to problem-solving was a terrible waste of time, opportunity, and money. For the most part, problem-solving occurred as an anti-competitive process that was often ineffective.

Regardless where Dr. Newkirk went, it was always the same: How a company approached problem-solving had a lot to do with how successfully the company positioned itself in the marketplace. The better problem-solvers were indeed the better competitors.  It became obvious: Potent problem-solving is indeed a competitive advantage. He discovered a glaring paradox and asked the obvious but perennially unasked question:  Why do so few organizations do anything about this? Dr. Newkirk became convinced that not only every company, but indeed every individual, deserves a more potent problem-solving process, one that is more effective as well as more efficient. From 1972 until today, he has made it his mission to close the gap between problems and their solutions by reducing the problem-solving process from six or eight stages to one. It was indeed an ambitious mission. His vision was historically ambitious: Eliminate the problem solution gap, the PSG.

In 1988, the International Association of Information Management (I-AIM) became Systems Management Institute (SMI) and continued to assist companies with implementing their strategies as Dr. Newkirk continued his mission to change how the world solves problems. During this period, SMI assisted the cities of San Francisco, CA with the implementation of a Billing Systems for the Water Department and Tucson, AZ with the delivery of a Project Management methodology. Next, Disney needed a Change Management Program and Pacific Bell (now Southwest Bell) required Quality Assurance assistance for its Customer Records Information System.

Other companies that engaged D. Newkirk’s services included, Frigidaire, Harris, Con Agra, Broward County Schools, General Motors Technical Center, Raytheon, U.S. Dept. of Energy, Matson Navigation, Systemation, Information Impact International, Specialty Brands, Sola Optical, DHL, Holy Cross Hospital, P.Q Information Group, the Netherlands, Beall , Ltd., I.B.C. London, Flashpoint Computers, the Doctors Company, British Airways, Southwest Bell, Teradata, Smart Card Technologies, and Mindmaker Incorporated. Security Pacific Bank engaged SMI to assist with the Operational Evaluation of its Real Time Processing System (RTPS) strategic effort. This project is especially noteworthy for being the largest Operational Evaluation in US Business History. Its success introduced the first ever On-Demand, Real-Time, virtual banking capability to the world (CORE Banking) and established a new banking paradigm. While other banks had failed in this effort, the RTPS project succeeded. As a result, Bank of America purchased Security Pacific Bank and gained this technology.

During this period, Dell Computers also engaged SMI to assist with their Master Transfer Project to outsource Dell’s Logistical Operations, reduce the cost of product warehouses around the globe, and offer new delivery capabilities and customer service options. This project significantly contributed to Dell’s impressive per share rise in value during this period as revenues and profits grew significantly over the next several years. Each project contributed to the development of Dr. Newkirk’s vision to change how the world solves problems.  Mindmaker Incorporated, a noteworthy A/I Start-Up, engaged Dr. Newkirk as the consulting COO to assist with strategic management and business planning. Mindmaker Incorporated was a leader in Neural Network Design, Artificial Intelligence, and most especially Speech Synthesis. The company won “Best of Comdex” two years consecutively when Comdex was “The Event of the Year “ in anything to do with computers and related technologies.

This was an exciting time for SMI. We enjoyed a highly diverse client base and  delivered an impressive number of “Industry Changing” consulting engagements. Our clients were based in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe and the U.S.A. and many stops in between. We generated revenues from project delivery, Consulting & Coaching, Training & Development, Research & Development,  Publishing, Seminars & Conferences, Certifications, Product Licensing, and Strategic Management. It was certainly a fertile time for Systems Management Institute with a lot of very hard work.  Every bit of our work came to us through referrals or unexpected phone calls for assistance.  We assisted clients with the delivery of projects and programs that changed how the world did banking and managed logistics. We assisted clients with changing how the Food Industry delivered its food stuffs and managed its vendor-store relationships. We streamlined Operations Management and Cyber Security and the way several industries processed business transactions. We also joined in the hunt for Intelligent Systems Design, Systems Thinking, and the Design of Enablement Systems Platforms.  We developed new Software Development Quality Assurance and Control practices, Change and Configuration Management & Control Systems, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Systems, Expert Systems, Executive Information Systems, Emreging Job Descriptions, Leadership Training Programs, and so on. Our proprietary content formed a significant library that enabled the emergence of Bay University, the first ever for-profit virtual-learning company in the USA. Today, our proprietary content totals many terabytes of valuable Intellectual Property. Moreover, our I.P. consists of a wide range of valuable “Evidence-Based Knowledge” that forms the Intelligent Repository of our Applied Intuitive Coaching Solutions™ environment. 

Our Hypergrowth Anomaly

Our success was hard fought. No one gave it to us. We earned it. We never quit learning. Every project was different. Colleagues would tell us: “You have to specialize.” They had not yett realized that our specialty was Rapid Problem-Solving. We were there to assist our clients with solving their project related problems. We focused our capabilities on ensuring their success.  We burnt the proverbial midnight candle and became masters of transforming complexity into simplicity wherever possible.  Systems Thinking worked.  Our approach was potent.  Everywhere I went, I met someone who was aware of Systems Management Institute. That was really something. Then 2008 hit and the world around us changed significantly. As sometimes happens in the world of Finance, the economic collapse of 2008 changed the business trajectory and fortunes of companies in Silicon Valley and around the country, and the world. Many businesses collapsed or downsized dramatically. People lost their jobs in droves, and even their homes. Obviously, 2008 seemed like a good time to hang it up and head for the hills. These were different kinds of problems. They were caused by political decisions, not necessarily failed business strategies.  Although I had worked at the highest levels of government and business in three countries, this was different. SMI had accomplished a lot and we were now ready to move on.

It was at that time that a former colleague reminded me of the value of our content. We cannot stop he urged. This man was not a lightweight in the industry. He was a well-known “Thought-Leader”. He reminded me that clients paid well to gain access to our content and then used it to assist them with the successful delivery of  their strategic programs.  Over the years, we had produced  thousands of deliverables and solved literally many thousands of problems for clients. We succeeded by using our unique solution generation approach developed over the decades delivering projects around the world. Subsequently, my former colleague booked an hour to come by the office and review some of the content to refresh his memory of our work. He stayed there for about eight or nine hours going through many files simply to remind himself of our range and depth of work. He quickly perceived our business Anomaly: Every deliverable remained our proprietary content. We retained ownership of our content.  Clients received a license to use the content as a component of their project. They never owned it. We used a custom software licensing agreement.  We owned our own work.  It was a competitive anomaly.

Reframing Systems Management Institute

It had become time for Systems Management Institute to refresh its Vision for the Future. It was time to make the Applied Intuitive  Coaching Solution™ Platform a reality. Today, we have repurposed our content to serve as the Repository of our Applied Intuitive Coaching Solutions™, our virtual intelligent platform that delivers many terabytes of evidence-based solutions in real-time. The time had come to take this new problem-solving environment to the world. So now we had to get busy and begin again. The time had absolutely arrived to change how the world solves problems. With our Platform, the technology, methods, models, and content now existed to execute this vision. Most importantly, the need certainly existed. We recruited a few good people, shut down operations in California, moved to the Philippines, and commenced the development of our intelligent platform. We engaged in redesign and reengineering. We built new models and  new algorithms. We executed Validation, Verification & Testing between Asia and the U.S.A.  We then returned to California. From there we first journeyed to Charlotte, North Carolina and then eventually on to Orlando to establish our operation in Florida where we completed a successful Pilot Project, added a few more people and then spent the last few years refining our content and preparing our Intelligent Platform for release and market entry. 

Now, after 50+ years, the powerful technology required to make Dr. Newkirk’s dream a reality had finally emerged. With the introduction of his Applied Intuitive Coaching Solutions™ Platform, Dr. Newkirk finally succeeded in closing the Problem-Solution Gap. The 22nd Century has come early for the clients of Systems Management Institute. Now SMI would re-brand itself as a company that enables individuals and organizations to solve problem more rapidly as they access the evidence-based solutions of SMI. In the process, SMI embarked on changing Consulting, Coaching, Training, Development, and Education. Now a reframed SMI has set out to deliver a globally potent problem-solving technology that reduces the costs and enhances the competitiveness of problem-solving for organizations and individuals nearly everywhere.  A new and improved  Systems Management Institute had emerged from Dr. Newkirk’s 55 years mission to assist people with closing the “PSG” by delivering a radically new technology that reduces problem-solving from an eight to a one stage process. SMI has indeed introduced a new paradigm to the world that accelerates Business Value Realization by changing how the world solves problems. Dr. Newkirk’s Vision is what drives Systems Management Institute every day to do at least a little better than we did the day before.

Client History: Years 1984-2008

  • 100% of first-time clients were obtained through referrals.

  • 35% were repeat clients.

  • 100% of clients requested problem-solving assistance

  • 100% of clients requested methodology design assistance

  • We assisted business clients with introducing Electronic Document Interchange (ED), Electronic Commerce (EC) Network Development, Virtual Banking, Virtual Learning, and Efficient Consumer Processes in the Food industries.

  • We assisted governments with Quality Assurance & Control, Logistics. Military Weapons Systems, Information Technology Strategic Planning & Scenarios Setting, Training & Development, Project & Program Management and Management Planning & Strategy.

Deliverable/Project History: Years 1984-2008

  • SMI delivered engagements in Artificial Intelligence; Speech Synthesis; Strategic Planning; Scenario Definition & Planning; Product Development; Disaster Recovery; Business Continuity Planning; Software Quality Assurance & Control; Governance, Risk & Compliance; Computer Hardware Systems Integration; Computer Operating Systems Maintenance; Decision Support Systems Design; Program Change Management; Internal Systems Auditing; Executive Information Systems Design; Manufacturing Engineering; Logistical Support; Computer Operations Center Transfer; Customer Relationship Management; Data Base Maintenance and Support; Standards & Procedures; Business Process Design; Human Resources I/S; Virtual Banking; Naval Supply Center Information Technology Operations; Military Weapons System Design; Nuclear Waste Repository Management; Efficient Consumer Response; Electronic Data Interchange, Global Order Entry, Business Rules Processing, Manufacturing Shop Floor Management & Inventory Control; Data Management; Development of Trading Partner Agreements; Production Control; Information Systems Audit & Control; Configuration Management; Software Change Management & Version Control; Validation, Verification & Testing, Training & Development, Human Activity Systems Design, and V-Learning.

Transactions/Deliverables History: Years 1984-2008

  • 100% of transactions focused on enterprise-wide performance.

  • 100% of transactions supported the delivery of strategic programs.

  • 20% of transactions assisted industry changing programs.

  • 10% of transactions involved changes in technology and/or business paradigms. Including FRONTIER, EDI, RTPS, MTS, ECR, MWS, OLAP, DSS, ESS, EIS, AI.

Representative Client Portfolio

Dell * ConAgra Foods * Royal Saudi Naval Forces Kingdom of Saudi Arabia * Minister of Defense and Aviation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia * Armed Forces of the Philippines * Walt Disney * SBC * City and County of San Francisco * Raytheon * British Airways * Harris * Department of the Navy * City of Tucson * Matson Navigation * Bank of America * Broward County Pubic Schools * Digital Consulting * Holy Cross Hospital * Security Pacific Bank * LSI Logic * Dept. of Energy . Beall, Ltd. * Information Impact International * Systemation * P.Q Information Group * Mindmaker * Probity Incorporated * Specialty Brands * Staubels Potatoe Chips * White Villa Famous Foods * Sola Optical, USA * The Doctors Company * Monterey Bay Management Group * Bay University * Systems Engineering Laboratories * Frigidaire Division, General Motors * GM Tech Center

With SMI, The Virtual Problem Solving Economy is Here.

The way the world solves problems has changed again, for the very first time * Learn how: www.smirsp.com

Solving Problems Virtually

Imagine effective Coaching Solutions in Rapid Real-Time

Ready for that demo? Send an email and schedule a demo. rnewkirk@smilc.info

Success is 90% below the surface. Enjoy a deep dive into our Deep Intelligence Technology™

The world needs curious divers. ─ Ray Newkirk

The question is the answer; the problem is the solution.

Imagine a World Without a Problem Solution Gap - No PSG

Solve the problem by defining the situation

Find the solution by stating the problem.

Uncover the solution by unlocking the problem.

Unlock the solution by revealing the problem.

“The problem is not the problem; the problem is your attitude about the problem." ─ Captain Jack Sparrow

Newkirk’s First Law of Problem Solving: “If You Resolve the People Problem Poorly, You Are Forced to Solve the Technical Problem Perfectly.” ─ Good Luck with That!

Problem: Cost of problem-solving unnecessarily surpasses the cost of business operations by:

Wasting 50% to 70% of an employee’s time.

Lowering Productivity, Increasing Costs, & Decreasing Competitiveness

Compromising Employee Attitudes, Creating Hidden Dangers of Social & Insider Cyber Threats

Generating careless behaviors that compromise human assets & encourage malicious acts.

Systems Management Institute at a Glance 

We are a virtual solutions company that puts problem-solving on a business basis.  We are: 

  • Business Oriented

  • Efficiency Oriented

  • Effectiveness Oriented

  • Reliability Oriented

  • Management Oriented

  • Productivity Oriented

  • Improvement Oriented

  • Mission Oriented 

We offer a range of AIS™ including: 

  • Evidence-Based Solutions

  • Context-Based Learning

  • Experience-derived Virtual Intelligence offering solutions in action

  • Virtual-Learning inspired skills mastery groups and blogs

  • Certification opportunities and programs

  • Skills-based E-Content

  • Specialized conferences, seminars, and workshops

  • Career acceleration programs   

    We focus on building the four cornerstone professional soft-skills competencies: 

  • Mobilizing innovation & change

  • Managing oneself & tasks

  • Managing others

  • Communicating well 

We design our AIS™ around a proprietary Internet Assistant Action Learning Model™ (IAAL™) of experience-based problem-solving.  IAAL™ consists of powerful, experienced based, Virtual Intelligence illustrated with abundant: 

  • Examples

  • Thought breaks

  • Action assignments

  • Exams

  • Application oriented models derived from actual practice 

Learn More Visit www.smirsp.com Email: rnewkirk@smilc.info Phone: (407) 864-7756  

“We Are Enablers of Executive Vision.”

Raymond L. Newkirk

A Note from Ray Newkirk

Dear Colleague:

Creative enterprises begin in an atmosphere of free-form spontaneity. Successful enterprises, however, require the integration of noble executive visions with well designed business processes managed by proficient work teams using cutting-edge technologies. As Gene Kerfoot would remind me, "Successful organizations are like championship racing cars: Winning performance results from superior design and the skills of a master driver." Organizations at the cutting edge of competition and steered by highly proficient, creative, and tough-minded executives win their races.

Systems Management Institute enhances the effectiveness of executive practice and management action in meeting the challenges of emerging business trends.  SMI unleashes the power of corporate leaders at the "Pinnacle of Decision Making". We offer individualized coaching sessions and proven action-based learning programs delivering in-depth and challenging content derived from real-world experience.  We also offer seminars consisting of short and intensive half-day sessions. 

  • Key executives, SMI delivers cutting-edge, innovative, and timely Leadership Effectiveness programs integrated with a unique communication model of self and relationship systems.

  • Key managers, SMI offers a comprehensive total Management Effectiveness programs

  • Coaches &  consultants, SMI offers in-depth coaching, Rapid Problem-Solving, Virtual-Learning, and seminars for mastering the hidden skills of coaching and consulting success.

  • Everyone, SMI offers powerful and brief one-on-one and small teams performance coaching.

Systems Management Institute understands that the success of any enterprise more than ever depends on the success of individuals in Leadership positions. Since leadership arises more from the interaction of peak experience with intense environmental challenge than any attribute of personality, participants in our coaching sessions and skills enhancement seminars develop unique leadership skills to achieve self-specific, self-identified goals, building on their current strengths while developing new levels of potency and creativity as they grow themselves and their organizations.

Technology changes the rules of business competition and challenges everyone in the organization. Since the "Horizontal" or process driven structures of the global organization demand different personal skills than the "Vertical" organization, SMI designed targeted programs to enable participants to realize their professional and personal goals by more effectively enhancing their unique visions for the future.

We would like to discuss the usefulness of our Rapid Solutions Platform, and Coaching & Consulting skills development programs for your business and career success. We look forward to meeting you soon.


Ray Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.

SMI Culture

No leader can install a company culture. It is erroneous to think otherwise. Realistically, a culture already exists whenever a company exists.  Culture abhors a vacuum. The best a leader can do is influence the emergence of modifications to a pre-existing culture. Whatever the situation, however, culture makes a great company great. Culture, however, is organic and consists of Human Activity Systems continually in flux.  Technically, no one can step into the same culture twice.

Changes in culture occur rapidly in a single hour or slowly over months. For example, a team who enjoyed great success on a project in one month may fail on an “identical” project a year later.  The people are the same, requirements the same, technology the same, budget in line with inflation, schedule the same, everything apparently the same, except the result. Culture is that complex. People change in hidden ways that masks the reality of the change and the impact it will have on the situation down-stream. Occasionally, success occurs by accident in spite of the efforts of the team.  Nevertheless, the team takes the success.

We believe that a great company culture is a critical ingredient to our success. We also know that people are people and there is only so much we can do at any point in time. So we keep things simple. We focus on results and delivery by clearly articulating expectations that are open to negotiations. However, once employees and managers agree to the conditions of performance, these become the expectations of manager and employee. We do not get into the unresolvable metrics of trust. We do not put people on the spot like that.

What we do instead is see everyone as an adult who either performs or they do not. We manage performance, every day.

That is the bottom line. We are a performance driven culture that exists to solve problems rapidly. At SMI, performance drives culture. With gown-ups, this imperative attracts great people and assists them with delivering their best work. We like to work with people who like to solve problems. WE like to hire people who have a burning desire to assist clients with solving their problems rapidly using our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ process. While people generally are limited by the limitation of others, we achieve success by combining creativity with innovation to defuse these limitations. The culture of Systems Management Institute rests on Five Pillars of Success:

  1. We rely on evidence-based experience, not only theory.

  2. We enable clients to describe their problems more rapidly while on the go and generate an evidence-based solution plan immediately appropriate to the problem description.

  3. We ensure clients privacy to make mistakes before they go public with their solutions.

  4. We are very selective about our employees.

  5. We believe that client solutions are our most important product.

Not only does a great culture help attract great people, it also helps people deliver their best work. The Silicon Valley Software culture is built around 6 key pillars:

  1. We rely on accurate data

  2. We solve for the customer and ourselves

  3. We remain transparent

  4. We respect the autonomy to be awesome

  5. We are picky about our peers

  6. We value community

You can learn all about our culture and the details that support our cultural pillars in our culture deck. We believe in:

  • Affordable software: Small businesses should have access to quality tools at affordable prices.

  • Simplicity: Our software tools were built by small business owners for small business owners, and are very easy to use.

  • Quality service: We take pride in our excellent customer service. No phone trees or endless searching to find a phone number. We have one number with a live person at the other end, ready to help you solve your problem.

  • Small businesses: We recognize that job creation comes from small businesses. Every business that we help to start and grow means a better future for everyone.

  • Entrepreneurship: Anyone can start a business, and we're here to help both first-time entrepreneurs and experienced business owners succeed.

  • Giving back: All entrepreneurs have the opportunity and tools to start their own business.

  • Finally, we believe in the importance of having fun while you start, run, and grow your business.

We Are Solutions

Systems Management Institute enables people and organizations to solve problems rapidly.  We understand your problems because we have solved them before.  We know what it is like to start from scratch, not knowing where to turn or who to ask for assistance. Consultants are expensive and can’t always do the job. We became successful by cleaning up the messes made by the consultants who were hired to solve the problems their clients couldn’t solve.  We were the prototypical “Have Gun Will Travel” company of the problem solving world. It was very hard work, highly visible, truly demanding, extremely challenging and always had a lot riding on the outcome. Failure was never an option. You can be sure that we learned a lot about problem-solving over the years.

Our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) are perfect for individuals, organizations, and even entire enterprises. We fully recognize the problems you face and understand how you can solve them. We are masters of the problem-solving process. In fact we have changed how the world solves problems by eliminating the problem-solution gap. We own the International Standard that defines this process. We harnessed the power of emerging technologies to derive the solutions that are most appropriate to your specific challenge. When you think of Systems Management Institute, think of knowledge, experience, expertise, and technology. When you access our AIS™ Platform, you can solve your problems today. It took Dr. Newkirk 50 years to make this capability possible.

Cultivating Potent Leadership

Ulthule™ Coaching  

Make it stand out

Introduce your brand

“Do you know that many organizations spend more money on problem-solving than the combined expenditures for the Cost of Operations? Shocking, right? Doesn’t it make you want to do something about it? Perhaps the AIS™ is the answer.”

— Ray Newkirk