If you only have two choices, the Right Thing or the Wrong Thing. How often would you choose the Right Thing? How often do you really want to choose the Right Thing? Good questions right? Here is a better one: What is the Right Thing in moral, ethical, and legal decisions? Did you notice that I ask about Morals, Ethics, and Law. They are not always the same for each and every identical case. No wonder life can be so complex. —RLN

Have you ever thought that it is the challenges of life, its harshness, that develops the human character? Where does the need for Grit come from? You can actually see the difference in the human character of people who have overcome great obstacles in life. Leaders emerge from challenge and turmoil, not from safety and security. You see a real difference exists between being a leader and talking leadership. More often than you would think, some leaders are being leaders without even aware that this is what they are doing. They are too busy getting the team to do the Right Thing to realize that they are leading. How simple can you get? —RLN.