The stream flows rapidly. The power of gravity. There are other kinds of gravity in life. Complex problems are one kind of gravity. Rapid real-time solutions can change the gravity that influences organizations. —Ray Newkirk

Understanding Newkirk’s Applied Intuitive Solutions™


Applied Intuitive Solutions™ reside in a Virtual Expert Intelligence System™ (VEIS™) storing technical, behavioral, contextual, hard, and soft-skills solutions consisting of static, dynamic, and complex elements of practical actions guided by experience-derived knowledge. Our AIS™ cut across a range of industries and problem types common to people everywhere. Our VEIS™ stores four principal categories of AIS™: (1) Static AIS™ ™; (2) Dynamic AIS™ ™; (3) Complex AIS™, and Simple AIS™.  

For Enterprise Managers, our AIS™ resolve three classes of problems: (1) Strategic, (2) Tactical, and (3) Operational.

Static Applied Intuitive Solutions™ 

Static AIS™ consist of relatively unchanging and invariant solutions to management challenges about individual, team, and organization performance such as found in the following questions: 

  • How can I define the goals of individuals and teams in my organization beyond any particular function or project?

  • How can I face the certainty of failure amid the uncertainty and insecurity of individual or team commitment?

  • How can I overcome the fear of struggling and competing if change is the inevitable end?

  • How can I determine the ethical principles that form the basis of comparison for all value judgments regarding performance of staff and professional relationships? 

Answers to such soft management questions take the form of value statements and prescriptions for management behavior. Managers cannot arrive at empirical solutions to these questions like those available in the hard sciences. We can better understand these categories of questions as value questions.  As such they become the most important kinds of questions that managers can ask. If taken for what they are, value questions, they become meaningful and resolvable. Authentic management success, for the duration of a career, emerges from the answers given to these kinds of questions.  Failure to ask such questions often inhibits the deeper development of the manager’s intellectual and emotional life, and constrains the performance of the manager’s team. 

Although not derived from absolutely verifiable knowledge, answers given to these soft management questions are to be based on the best verifiable generalizations or qualitative answers experience has so far produced.  The data from which the ethical generalizations emerge must be explicit.  Static solutions are, by definition, applicable by every manager and need not be devised by each person using them.

Dynamic Applied Intuitive Solutions™ 

At the dynamic level of action, managers do not seek answers that apply in general, as with the static or qualitative level above, but seek actions for solving (designing solutions) to very specific problems such as those found in the following: 

  • How can I get my manager to increase his confidence in me?

  • How can I determine who to support on my team to jump start the project?

  • How can I determine whether to purchase a new computer system or hire new people?

  • How can I keep from blowing up when my team mate lets me down?

  • How can I best tell my employee that I am unhappy about his or her performance?

  • How can I determine the best time to tell my employee that I am unhappy about his or her performance?

For these kinds of questions, our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ offer employ a form of heuristic analysis and potent methods for evaluating situations. Our AIS™ offer a contemporary Socratic approach to rapid problem solving that presents enduring solutions.  This is the quantitative dimension of our AIS™ VEIS™. All value judgments at this level, of course, remain consistent with and derivable from the more general ethical standards governing the Static AISs.  Unlike Static AIS™, Dynamic AIS™ apply to each specific occurrence of a situation.  They are most appropriately applied by the manager involved in the current problem situation.   

Why AIS™ are Valuable 

Putting Skills Transformation on a Business Basis

SMI Corporation reinvents the social networking experience. Through the Virtual Intelligence of our iSOD, the focus shifts from social connectivity to soft-skills transformation as a necessity for career acceleration. In shifting the focus from chats to solutions, our company puts social media on a business basis. We ensure that skills transformation and knowledge transfer is enduring rather than situational.  In our view, transformative social networking must be business oriented, effectiveness oriented, efficiency oriented, reliability oriented, management oriented, productivity oriented, improvement oriented, and mission oriented.

Complex Applied Intuitive Solutions™ 

At the complex level of action, managers seek answers to problems that contain both static and dynamic challenges in a single situation.  Here, people require action plans that present both static actions and dynamic actions derived from actual situations.  Complex challenges are nothing more that multiple problems presented as single problems like those below: 

  • How can I get my manager to increase his confidence in me as he or she defines the goals of individuals and teams in his or her organization beyond any particular function or project?

  • How can I determine who to support on my team to jump start the project and face the certainty of failure amid the uncertainty and insecurity of individual or team commitment?

  • How can I determine whether to purchase a new computer system or hire new people to assist me in overcoming the fear of struggling and competing if change is the inevitable end?

  • How can I determine the ethical principles that form the basis of comparison for all value judgments regarding performance of staff and professional relationships so that I can keep from blowing up when my team mate lets me down?

Naturally, life produces highly complex challenges that require considerable innovation to resolve them. For these types of questions, our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ simplify this process by providing the solutions for you On-Demand, solutions that are derived from actual experience with the challenges now faced by the person under stress.  

Our AIS™ enable managers to become more innovative in finding enduring solutions to static, dynamic, and complex challenges.

—     Ray Newkirk  — 

SMI Corporation has made every effort to make our Applied Intuitive Solutions resolve management challenges involving feelings, thoughts, and actions.  In this respect, our AIS™ become “patterns of proper evaluation and response.”

Our Business Advantage

SMI Corporation offers soft-skills support that saves client organizations millions of dollars in the elimination of up-front sunk skills development costs.  For corporate clients, we are a quicker, simpler, more responsive, effective, efficient, and less expensive skills acquisition business partner.

Our Internet Assistant Action Learning process employs specially derived Virtual Intelligence and delivery technology to leverage the power of the Internet to provide attractive cost to profit ratios and ROI in skills transformation and career acceleration.

Seeking the optimal ROI for our clients, SMI Corporation has aggressively integrated its large repository of Virtual Intelligence consisting of thousands of solution action modules. Empowered by state-of-the-art information technologies, we offer a powerful social networking environment as a framework for our proprietary Internet Assistant Action Learning architecture.

We transform skills to empower people and enable strategies.

Raymond L. Newkirk

Competitive Uniqueness

Differing from most training and development programs which take years to complete and often offer inappropriate content, we deliver AIS™ designed for immediate application using solutions derived from previous application in authentic project environments.  We offer client and Registered Members only the essential knowledge required to transform skills and put solutions in action.  We offer relevant Virtual Intelligence derived on the demands of work and focused on the management specific core soft-skills.

SMI Corporation provides cost effective AIS™ through content that Registered Members can access any time and any place on a 24x7 basis.  Our innovative content delivers Virtual Intelligence focuses on skills transformation and workplace application rather than on course presentation and instructor convenience.  We do this by transforming workplace-authentic skills more than academic theory, and designing value-added content geared to rapid performance improvement.

"Successful Internet delivered intelligence immerses one in the skills transformation experience and provides opportunities to practice new solutions in a safe environment."  —Ray Newkirk

Our Competitive Anomaly

SMI Corporation does not require clients to implement an expensive framework as with V-Learning. This is an attractive benefit we offer Registered Members and client organizations. Our Internet delivered solutions in action completely immerse Registered Members in the skills acquisition experience and provides opportunities to practice in a safe environment.  Other benefits of our social network include Virtual Intelligence empowered by:

  • The concept of safe failures to reduce the danger inherent in learning from mistakes

  • AIS™ making generous use of expert models and storytelling

  • Workplace authenticity

  • The power of reuse after application of content 

"Design is the missing link in soft-skills transformation success."

Ray Newkirk

SMI Corporation and Design Inquiry

SMI Corporation designs skills transformation opportunities. We believe that design is the missing link in skills acquisition success. Leveraging the design experience of the Systems Management Institute, we employ design inquiry to explore the different transformation environments and develop our many content domains. Through design inquiry, we evolved a powerful and eminently practical Virtual Intelligence architecture.

SMI Corporation and Social Cognition

We reflected on the theories and discoveries in Social Cognition when designing our Internet Assistant Action Learning8 architecture. We explored research in Self-Discrepancy, Knowledge Accessibility, Agency, Change of Standard Effect, Activity Engagement, Regulatory Mode, Regulatory Focus, Regulatory Fit, and Regulatory Motivation.

SMI Focus of AIS™

  • SMI is Dedicated to the New Problem-Solving Paradigm.

  • Affordable & Intelligent Problem-Solving: Everyone deserves their own Problem-Solving Platform without the burden of “sticker Shock”.​​

  • Comfortable Problem-Solving: Everyone deserves a potent, intelligent, and virtual problem-solving assistant that naturally responds to the capacity and skill level of each client to use.​

  • Responsive Client Service: Everyone deserves responsive, appropriate, and effective customer service without undue delay.​

  • Global Rapid Problem-Solving: Everyone deserves access to their AIS™ assistant whenever and wherever they travel to leverage problem-solving to enhance competitiveness.​

  • AIS™ Platform Members: Everyone deserves access to the AIS™ Platform virtually to generate solutions whenever they need them. We take pride in assisting both new and expert problem-solvers in finding more effective solutions more rapidly.​

  • Co-Creation in Problem-Solving: Every person deserves the opportunity to solve problems virtually with the assistance of intelligent technology that enables clients to co-create solutions whenever possible.​

  • Fun with Problem-Solving: Everyone deserves access to tools and techniques that transform problem-solving into an enjoyable hobby that enriches the client’s quality of life while building their skills.

Applied Intuitive Solutions™

Four Decades in Development

Changing How the World Solves Problems


Systems Management Institute

Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D. Founder & CEO

The Unexpected Problem! The very thought of it leaves a bitter taste. It creates a surge of adrenaline through your body. In organizations, “The Unexpected” is to be feared. True, it can be good or bad. In the workplace, however, “The Unexpected” is normally terrible news. Think about it yourself. Consider this: You are anxious to get out of the office on a Friday evening for an unusually important and long-planned social event. As you close your office door, a colleague runs up and unloads “The Unexpected,” a problem that needs an immediate solution. What kind of emotion does this raise in you? Do you think: “This is a wonderful treat, the joy of The Unexpected? How delightful!” Then you hear that no one knows what to do.

There you have it: The kind of problem that consultants dream about. “The Unexpected” lives up to its reputation once again. And so it goes. You have reason to fear it. History is not on your side. “The Unexpected” means pain, real pain, imagined or real. The problem for you, however, is that it is Friday night and you cannot call a consultant until next week. Can you feel your frustration building? You had a great evening planned, until now. True, no one may know what to do, but what you do know is plenty, none of it good. You know that the solution has to be evidence-based because it has to work rapidly. The solution cannot be an experiment or even a good guess as Commander Spock would say. The solution has to offer a path to success, now. Are you feeling it, “The Unexpected”, the Adrenalin rush of fear? You can taste it. Then the thought occurs: “No one in the organization can produce the right solution on such short notice.” This is rarely possible. 

Not until now. With our A.I.S™ Platform, your entire organization can produce the right solution rapidly, even with short notice. At A.I.S™, “The Problem” raises great excitement. It ignites our creativity. The A.I.S™ Platform transforms problems into new opportunities every day. Great problems give substance to my vision of creating rapid solutions. Time and time again, I had become the consultant of last resort. When nothing worked, call Ray Newkirk. He is the “have solution, will travel” guy. Consulting carried me all over the world and gave evidence to the power of rapid solutions. Everyone wanted solutions yesterday. Clients trusted me to solve an impressive list of problems. Some of them changed history in a big way. I contributed to the emergence of new industry models such as Business Process Management in the Netherlands, Healthcare, Global Banking, Logistics, Computer Integration in the USA, and Defense Systems in the Middle East. A few billion dollar companies can attest to this. These experiences validated my vision. I learned that life is more complex than people recognize. 

For many decades, managers, and the teams who support them, have dreamed about the powerful advantage of virtual problem-solving. For all of their promise, computers often complicated the workplace by introducing new layers of technology that few people understood. As the use of computers spread, the discomfort of end-users spread exponentially. Many organizations found themselves in a new kind of race as technology multiplied the number of problems that people faced inside and outside the company. Problems became so numerous that their solutions had to be classified. They had to be hard and soft, simple and complex, dynamic and static, and anything in between. Problems and their solutions now existed along a continuum that included many problem types. Technology had changed the landscape of business and the landscape of the entire world. Technology had indeed become a double–edged sword. If technology got us into this mess, can we use technology to get us out? 

Early in my career, I envisioned a time when technology would change how the world solves problems. I recognized that computers had to become more powerful and mobile so that people could communicate instantly regardless of the distances involved. I knew that the day would come when problem-solving had to take the giant leap forward, one big leap for humankind.  That day is now. After nurturing this vision for more than five decades, so you didn’t have to, the technology has finally arrived to “change how the world solves problems.” That technology belongs to A.I.S™ Corp. I invite you to join me in simplifying your life. Adopt our A.I.S™ Intelligent Assistant today. 

Human beings live in two realties: problems and solutions. Let me be clear: Only two overriding realities exist: (1) Human beings live in a problem-filled world, and (2) Everything in life is a problem: From the time we get out of bed in the morning until the time we turn in for the evening, we move from one problem to the next. Human life is a two-sided coin. One side is problem generation; the other solution generation. Every day we generate problems and we solve them. This is what human beings do. This is how we build the stories of our lives. We are mess making experts. We do it every day with no help required. Unfortunately, we are not as gifted solving the problems that we generate so effortlessly. We are only good at solving problems when we have a lot of help from our friends. Can’t we do better than this? 

A.I.S™ is here to show you that you can. If you have a problem, tell your new virtual assistant, A.I.S™, about it. Let A.I.S™ show you, immediately, step-by-step what you can do about it. Everyday A.I.S™ gains in knowledge and wisdom as it learns new solutions daily. Our virtual assistant shares solutions that have successfully solved your problem many times before. A.I.S™ does not experiment with you nor increase your risk of failure. A.I.S™ only delivers solutions that own a global history of success. If you need an immediate solution, A.I.S™ is there for you, even on a Friday night. A.I.S™ is so impressive that an entire global standard governs its operating quality so you won’t be tricked by imposters. A.I.S™ emerged for two reasons:

(1) Assist human beings with preventing conflict in the workplace;

(2) Enable human beings to find potent solutions 20,000 times quicker than previously possible.

(3) Reduce the cost of problem-solving which normally costs more than the entire Cost of Operations.

In meeting these goals, A.I.S™ finally changes how the world solves problems. The simplicity of A.I.S™ is so complete that people keep looking for the “gotcha”. There is no “gotcha”. Here is how A.I.S™ works: 

Applied Intuitive Solution™ Example

  1. You go online to your portal’s address and logon with your password.

  2. You go to the query box, and you ask a “How can I……” type of question such as:

             How can I determine if my client engages in the behavior of dissociation frequently?

  3. As soon as you hit enter, the solution plan is immediately in front of you.  For example you may receive this Action Plan:

    ·         Assess your client’s level of submission to the organization in general.

    ·         Determine if your client is a strict letter of the law rule enforcer.

    ·         Assess if your client ignores commitments immediately after making them.

    ·         Determine if your client is indifferent to the persons and events of daily life.

  4. You then follow the action plan provided to solve your problem.

This is all there is to it. We made it this simple and this fast so you don’t have to become an Einstein. You can get your solutions in text, voice, or video. A.I.S™ has been around the world. It is a multi-modal, equal opportunity problem solver. No installation required. We are green company. Our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ assist companies, departments, teams, and individuals. It solves problems in every environment, from launching enterprise strategies to assisting individuals with personal projects. This is why our company exists: To be everyone’s virtual problem-solving assistant. Our virtual assistant has been growing and maturing and gaining in wisdom just to enable you to simplify your life. We call our virtual assistant Applied Intuitive Solutions™. You can call your new virtual assistant by any name you like.  With the world as it is today, everyone faces a problem. With A.I.S™, the solution plan is now rapid, cost effective, and evidence-based. You can have a solution plan whenever you need it with no bank-busting invoices and no guesses about relevance. Move your business forward. Employ A.I.S. today. 

To learn more, visit us at: Or you can phone Ray Newkirk @ (407) 864-7756.  Why bear the unbearable a minute longer?

A.I.S™ Platform: Developed by a Coach to Make You a Real-Time Coach & Consultant.

Using the Applied Intuitive Solution™ to Accelerate Skills Acquisition

The spread of digital technology has raised the temperature of business competition.  Competitive success requires the adoption of innovative learning strategies of high business value. More than at any time, the need for rapid Skills Acquisition and potent Virtual Learning has become paramount to every business strategy. For every Information Technology project and enterprise transformation program, Rapid Skills Acquisition (RSA) is now center stage.  Ultimately, everything comes down to business value.  If the capability, technology or the transformation program fails to deliver authentic Business Value, it fails to pay its way.  Most importantly, this failure hinders the strategic drive to competitive leadership. While executives tolerated this disappointment throughout the 20th and early 21st Centuries because of their excitement about using the latest and greatest technologies, today this is intolerable.

The Digital Revolution has changed the formula of global business competition and landscape of business success. Or so the common wisdom has it.  But, are things really so different today? Fortunately, we do not need to go far to find answers.  Today, just like yesterday, organizations still implement business transformation programs to adopt large-scale competitive strategies. Everyone wants to leap-frog the competition and control the ecology of the market place. Even today, Business Process Management (BPM), the implementation of Information Technology Infrastructure Libraries (ITIL), and the design of Enterprise-Wide Information Systems still challenge the organizations who adopt them.  Interestingly, just like yesteryear, the statistics on enterprise transformation are just as dismal. Regardless of the industry maturity level achieved, employee skill level attained, power of the technology, experience of the executive, or strategy adopted, a shocking majority of management initiatives deliver such poor results that they never realize their promised business value. “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”

The best we can say about the current Digital Transformation situation is that about 20% (1 in 5) of enterprise transformation efforts deliver on their promises. Really, though, this is no better than in 1988. If Las Vegas is a city built on losers, what can we say about the environment of business transformation? For smart people, Vegas offers better odds than 1 in 5. Do the math.  Since the complexity and cost of Digital Transformation continues to escalate because of the deepening challenges of Cyber Security, executives have to realize better odds than Vegas.  The consequences of failure can be fatal.  For example, the current fluidity of the Fortune 500 testifies to the pace of change: “Who’s on first?”

Image this:  A full cycle skills development and virtual learning Portal from a single company that offers “nondisruptive” disruption without requiring an organization to add new systems or technologies. Imagine delivering a solution that is available 24X7, and goes wherever you go, a solution that continuously gets better as the organization gets better. Imagine accessing Applied Intuitive Solutions™ from a single company that delivers business value every time.

Imagine this: Systems Management Institute. We deliver a real-time skills development, Virtual Learning portal that assists clients with attaining new skills more rapidly. Offering better odds, than Vegas, we enable clients to realize the expected business value of their strategic initiatives in record time.

Introducing the Applied Intuitive Solutions™ Platform 

Applied Intuitive Solutions™ 

Our exclusively licensed AIS™ represents more than 50 years of developmental effort. Non-theoretical, the AIS™ is derived from consulting practice for corporations, government agencies, and private institutions from around the world.  Going beyond the traditional case studies approach, our AIS™ provides action steps and underlying knowledge about “how to” rapidly resolve a wide range of critical soft and hard-skills workplace challenges.  What you learn today, you can use today. 

Proprietary Transformation Process 

Using our proprietary conversion process, we have transformed the consulting products of noteworthy projects with high strategic value into our potent Applied Intuitive Solutions™.  In this way, our AIS™ fill an enduring need for the recovery and acquisition of “rapid solutions” that enable teams, managers, and executives to enhance enterprise performance. 

We designed our AIS™ Platform to transform clients into effective

persons who can resolve a large range of nagging problems rapidly. 

Virtual Solutions and the Definitive Soft-Skills  

Our AIS™ Portal delivers solutions to anyone anywhere in the enterprise.  Clients can resolve problems in the afternoon that perplexed them in the morning.  Our AIS™ Portal fills the gap in management practice by offering an impressive repository of “rapid solutions” that enable clients to master the four core competencies of successful action: (1) mobilize innovation and change; (2) communicate well; (3) manage others and tasks, and (4) manage oneself well. 

Continuously Available 

Available 24X7 through our Rapid Solutions Mobile Platform™ (RSMP™) our “rapid solutions” assist our clients in business and government.  Designed for rapid application, our AIS™ differ from other consulting, coaching, and training (CC&T) solutions which can take many months or years to transform knowledge into practice.  Aristotle told Alexander the Great that there is no easy road to learning. Now there is an easier road. 

“What you learn today, you can use today,” is the driving principle of SMI. 

Solutions Acceleration 

We designed our AIS™ Portal to assist motivated, self-paced, and self-directed people.  We are perfect for clients who seek problem-specific actions plans to rapidly resolve old and new problems that reduce organization effectiveness.  Our AIS™ Portal integrates the cornerstones of professional experience, intellectual curiosity, and personal maturity with the motivation, industry, initiative, and scholarship of successful problem-solvers.  

“At SMI, Intellectual Capital is our most important asset.”

Ray Newkirk

Rediscovering Lost Knowledge through AIS™ Effectiveness 

Recognizing that organizations have lost much expertise, skill, and competence over the last 25 years, we designed our AIS™ Portal to build workplace effectiveness.  Systems Management Institute emphasizes solutions that build the contextual, behavioral, and technical dimensions of enterprise effectiveness. 

Relevant and Concise 

Our repository of Virtual Intelligence provides concise and relevant AIS™ that present potent solutions to difficult challenges.  They do not add unnecessary elaborations that complicate knowledge transfer or waste time. Our AIS™ Portal employs the Internet to accelerate problem-solving.  Every AIS™ focuses on the delivery of enduring solutions to employees who face the challenges of a global work environment.  We designed our Portal to build effective employees everywhere. 

“For most of us, the workplace forms the basis for our working, our learning, our performance, and our journey to success.”  ― Ray Newkirk

Catalog of Categories Applied Intuitive Solutions™ 


Systems Management Institute - Raymond L. Newkirk, Ph.D.

  • Advanced Client Assessment

  • Building Assertiveness

  • Building Self-Image

  • Building Effectiveness

  • Building Client Confidence

  • Building In-Depth Behavioral Competence for Coaching Success

  • Building In-Depth Technical Competence for Coaching Success

  • Building In-Depth Contextual Competence for Coaching Success

  • Building In-Depth Behavioral Competence for Project Management Success

  • Building In-Depth Technical Competence for Project Management Success

  • Building In-Depth Contextual Competence for Project Management Success

  • Building Interpersonal Success

  • Building Team Effectiveness

  • Mastering Guest Focused Solutions

  • Mastering Team Focused Solutions

  • Mastering Work Performance

  • Mastering Workplace Relationships

  • Understanding Your Client

  • Designing the Human Capital Strategic Environment

  • Information Technology as a Business Resource

  • Effective Management of Financial Resources

  • Effective Management of Enterprise-Wide Resources

  • Governing Risk and Compliance

  • Effective Management of External Relationships

  • Developing Business Capabilities

  • Mastering Electronic Commerce Business Model

  • Mastering Information Technology Infrastructure Transition

  • Mastering Organization Cultural migration

  • Forming a Shared Understanding

  • Behavioral Competence for Coaching

  • Technical Competence for Coaching

  • Contextual Competence for Coaching

  • Mobilize Innovation and Change

  • Management Effectiveness Development

  • Mastering Self-Discovery

  • Understanding the Mind of the Venture Capitalist

  • Organization Design

  • Organization Effectiveness

  • Productivity Building

  • Human Activity Systems

  • Gaining Trust and Confidence

  • Employee Skills

  • Enhanced Consulting Skills

  • Master Consulting Soft-Skills

  • Client Personal Space

  • Organization Performance

  • Mastering Your Career

  • Mastering Management Practice

  • Mastering the Critical Success Factors

  • Mastering the Critical Failure Factors

  • Exceeding Client Expectations

  • Clarifying Client Expectation

  • Building a Team Spirit

  • Communicating Well with Clients

  • Delivering Results

  • Achieving Exceptions Performance

  • Mastering the Behavioral Competencies of Project Management

  • Effectively Building Company Growth

  • Mastering Business Transition Planning

  • Coaching Skills Development

  • Building the Organization Transition Vision

  • Mastering Organization Transition Project Management

  • Transition the Business Process Structure

  • Transitioning the Sales Organization

  • Delivering Physical Product More Effectively

  • Effectively Delivering Services

  • Transitioning Customer Service to Customer Care

  • Effectively Forming Workplace Relationships

  • Faculty Development

  • Mastering Problem Based Learning

  • Mastering Context Based Learning

  • Mastering Information Technology Project Management

  • Change Management in Information Systems

  • Organization Change Management

  • Managing Distributed Project Teams

  • Mastering Software Development

  • Mastering Software Development Quality Assurance

  • Becoming a Professional Coach

  • Becoming a Coaching Specialist

  • Designing a Coaching Approach

  • Mastering Leadership Effectiveness

  • Applying Behavioral Economics

  • Overcoming Bias in Workplace Relationships

  • Mastering Workplace Relationships

  • Mastering Advanced Soft-Skills

  • Planning for Coaching

  • Coaching Individuals

  • Coaching Leaders

  • Mastering the Ethics of Coaching

  • Understanding the Legal Side of Coaching

  • Master the Ethics of Consulting

  • Understanding the Legal Side of Consulting

  • Master the Implicit Coaching Contract

  • Mastering Client Expectations

  • Coaching Teams

  • Coaching Colleagues

  • Managing Vendors Relationships

  • Managing Conflicts with Colleagues

  • Mastering the Skill of Defusing Confusing Situations

  • Achieving High Impact Coaching Performance

    Coaching Categories of AIS™

    Coaching Effectiveness

    Coaching for Behavioral Competence

    Coaching for Technical Competence    

    Coaching for Emotional Effectiveness

    Strengthening Client Relationships

    Attaining Emotional Maturity    

    Achieving Coaching & Consulting Success

    Mastering the Core Competencies of Successful Consultants

    Mastering Management Coaching & Consulting Soft-Skills

    Mastering Your Career Progression for Better Results

    Building Assertiveness and Self-Image

    Interpersonal Coaching

    Coaching for Better Proposals    

    Management Coaching

    Technical Management Coaching

    Organization Effectiveness Coaching      

    Requirements Coaching

    New Product Development (NPD) Coaching    

    Appreciative Human Activity Systems Coaching

    Configuration Management (CM) Coaching

    Employing the Common Organization Performance Models

    Communicating Well With Clients    

    Delivering Results that Clients Can Use

    Exceeding the Client’s Expectations  

    Building a Team Spirit in the Client’s Organization   

    Mastering the CSF Models for Effective Coaching & Consulting

    Building Effectiveness and Client Confidence

    Technical Team Coaching


Systems Management Institute (SMI) exists to assist clients with mastering the brief but potent solutions that make great things happen rapidly. Delivering Evidence-Based Learning within the relevant Context, we more rapidly enable clients to take rapid action to resolve the nagging problems that complicate the workplace relationships that produce low-impact outcomes. Delivering Evidence-Based Problem-Solving as a potent approach to Virtual Learning, we deliver Applied Intuitive Solutions ™ (AIS™) to deliver enduring success on demand.

Current Directory of AIS™

The Applied Intuition Solutions™ Environment 

90+ Gigabytes of Professional Content

77+ Industries Served

11+ Dimensions of AIS™

80+ Categories of AIS™

700,000+ AIS™

New AIS™ frequently added

Technical, Behavioral, Contextual AIS™

Static & Dynamic AIS™

Simple & Complex AIS™


The AIS™ Focus Areas

Assessment AIS™

1.      Business Partner Assessment

2.      Client Assessment

3.      Customer Assessment

4.      Manager Assessment

5.      Team Assessment

6.      Leadership Assessment

7.      ꝶ for the Board 

Coaching AIS™ 

1.      Coaching Behavioral Competencies

2.      Coaching Technical Competencies

3.      Coaching Contextual Competencies

4.      Critical Success Factors of Coaching

5.      Client Coaching Skills Development

6.      Client's Personal Space


1.      Developing a Shared Understanding

2.      Delivering Results

3.      Exceeding Expectations

4.      Enhanced Consulting Skills

5.      Consulting Core Competencies

6.      Understanding Your Client

7.      Nurturing a Team Spirit 

Cultural Migration 

1.      Information Technology Cultural Migration

2.      AIS™ for the Information Technology Environment

3.      E-Commerce Program Leadership

4.      Cultural Migration in Organizations

5.      Cultural Migration for Business Transition

6.      Cultural Migration in Management Succession 

Customer Care 

1.      Customer Focused AIS™ 


2.      Coaching Effectiveness

3.      Effectiveness Models

4.      Effectiveness Development

5.      Emotional Effectiveness

6.      Leadership Effectiveness

7.      Interpersonal Effectiveness

8.      Soft-Skills Effectiveness

9.      Workplace Effectiveness

10.  Client Effectiveness

11.  Behavioral Competence for Consulting Effectiveness

12.  Management Effectiveness

13.  Technical Competence for Consulting Effectiveness

14.  Contextual Competence for Consulting Effectiveness 

Health Care 

1.      Nursing Soft-Skills for Patient Care

2.      Improving Hospital Performance

3.      Mastering Healthcare Customer Service

4.      Forming Business Partnerships for Improved Healthcare Delivery

5.      Designing Healthcare Environments for Improved Results

6.      Master the Social Dynamics of Critical Care

7.      Improving Project Management in Healthcare

8.      ꝶ for Boards and Administrators in Healthcare 


1.      Management Practice

2.      Communication

3.      Human Systems Management

4.      Team Focused Solutions

5.      Business Justification

6.      Managing Negative Situations

7.      Business Transition Planning 


1.      Mali Synergistic Model

2.      Organization Performance Models

3.      Interpersonal Skills

4.      Business Process Management Models

5.      Productivity Models for Business Process Management

6.      Building High-Performance Organizations 

Project Management

1.      Project Management Insight

2.      Behavioral Competencies of Project Management

3.      Contextual Competencies of Project Management

4.      Technical Competencies of Project Management

5.      Program Management Soft-Skills

6.      Project Management Soft-Skills 


1.      Building Assertiveness and Self-Image

2.      Self-Development Coaching Skills

3.      Gaining Trust and Confidence

4.      Self-Development Soft-Skills

5.      Self-Discovery

6.      AIS™ for Mastering Your Career

7.      Personal Coaching and Consulting Soft-Skills

8.      Vital Soft-Skills for Personal Success

9.      Managing Social Intelligence

10.  Achieving Exceptional Performance

This scene is so calm that it looks false. But it is not. Add a school of fish at the surface and a few people with fishing poles and the scene changes radically. A little bit of fishing culture and this world changes. Change does not necessarily require much to become unmanageable. Keep cool means more than take off a sweater. —Ray Newkirk