Even people who deny truth take credit for solving problems when their solutions work. And that’s the Truth. —Ray Newkirk

Learning Designed for Problem Solving:


Message From Ray Newkirk 

Several decades ago while working on a new book, I received a phone call from a concerned manager of a company in Austin, Texas. He wanted to retain my services for several weeks to evaluate their logistics outsourcing program. This manager explained that I came highly recommended and knew that my company offered the services the manager required. So we proceeded to explore the issue more fully. Seven months earlier, the company had begun the most significant strategic program in its history. Subsequently several executives had become increasingly uneasy about the rate and direction of progress and decided to engage a high impact Consulting Specialist to get the program back on tract, the reliability path forward as they put it. This company wanted to enhance decision-making by obtaining an external source of objective information about the effectiveness of the program.

Excited about the opportunity, I accepted the engagement and the rest is history. That comapny bacame a leader in what it does because it understood the value of accurate information in decision making and the importance of leadership and organization effectiveness. Within weeks of contacting me, the company received the information it sought and responded to my recommendations by redirecting its project structure and organization design.

This project was a very complex and dynamic engagement consisting of cycles of coaching, mentoring and evaluation. The pressure to perform was intense. With a great deal at stake, the results were critical. In such difficult situations, top notch leaders find a way to succeed. In this instance, this client looked to the kind of difference our company makes in delivering effective results.

For more than 18 years, we have assisted leaders in improving organization performance and project delivery. Our programs have enabled leaders at Pacific Bell, Bank of America, and the Royal Saudi Naval Forces among others to transform and turnaround difficult projects. Our leadership, enterprise, and project audits have revealed that many leaders do not discover the true state of the situation until their project has spiraled out of control. In these cases, enlightened management may call upon the expertise of the most qualified and able consultants they can find return the troubled project back to the path of profitability.

Would you like an independent evaluation of your environment that gives you the total picture of where you are on the performance and reliability path? Would you like to discover for yourself our analysis of the situation impacting your management methods and project plans and identify the roadblocks to their implementation? Would you like to increase your leadership effectiveness and improve the performance and motivation of your organization? Would you like to obtain the leverage of a career self-renewal?

Please take a brief break from your busy schedule and read the following complementary articles about Performance, Competence, and Leadership as a way of introducing ourselves. It offers an emerging perspective on the problem of performance and the role of competence in attaining effective leadership. It is worth nothing that these articles present the rationale guiding our Strategic Management Services and suggests some key points about the Problem of Performance and how to overcome it. We hope you enjoy the articles and gain some additional insight into your profession. We look forward to contacting you.

Ray Newkirk

The Emergence of the AIS™

My career has led me to unravel some of the most confusing leadership problems imaginable.  I journeyed to the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and throughout the U.S.A. to assist clients in overcoming their most pressing and complex challenges.  From the project level to the Board of Directors level, I encountered the unimaginable and seemingly impossible.  It is true, after all, that if something can go wrong, it will. 

And you know what?  No matter how many years I do this, I never get used to it.  I am still amazed to find that the more things change, the more they stay the same.  The same problems still occur, the same situations still arise, the same mistakes still happen, and the same messes still dominate. The big difference over the last several decades, however, is that the messes all occur faster, more often, more painfully, and occur most often through the lapses of younger and still younger managers who become ever more blind to the insights of previous history. 

In its range of accomplishments, my career is uniquely refreshing. Boredom has never been a problem. Every engagement required me to serve concurrently as consultant, coach, mentor, trainer, educator, and prolific author of consulting deliverables.  Whatever clients required, I worked hard to provide it.  “Solving your problems is what I do,” became my mission.  Whether I worked at the project level or assisted C-Level executives, I put myself fully into the challenge of providing real value.  For example, I assisted: 

  • Dell Computers in outsourcing logistics and establishing an Information-On-Demand customer ordering system;

  • The City of Tucson in delivering project management training;

  • The Security Pacific Bank Board of Directors in leading the Real Time Processing Operational Evaluation prior to its acquisition by Bank of America;

  • Pacific Bell in implementing an automated Quality Assurance Information System;

  • The City of San Francisco in installing a software development quality assurance function;

  • The Office of the President of the Philippines in designing a Military Weapons Logistics System;

  • The Ministry of Defense and Aviation of Saudi Arabia in installing an Information Systems Command and in designing a Human Resources Information System to support the national Airports Development Program;

  • An Information Systems development company in the Netherlands in leading an organization design program;

  • Artificial Intelligence company in leading corporate operations and redesigning marketing and sales operations;

  • LSI Logic in writing its RFP Guidelines;

  • A $500,000,000 high tech communications start-up in identifying the CEO requirements;

  • The Walt Disney Company in writing its change management guidelines;

  • Italian, British, and Dutch-based seminar companies in presenting a series of management-skills development seminars. 

For clients, I wrote many thousands of pages of consulting content for every situation.  For example, I wrote: 

  • Project documents, budgets, standards, procedures, testing and evaluation guidelines;

  • Strategic plans, business plans, program and project plans, audits, justifications & strategies;

  • Development and training programs, courses, seminars, workshops, and presentations;

  • Marketing and sales documents, staffing documents, recruiting plans, job descriptions;

  • Costs/benefits analyses, quality assurance and control documents, new product development guidelines;

  • Change management guidelines, organization diagnosis, every type of assessment imaginable, program evaluations, certification programs, human resources systems designs;

  • Management and leadership development programs;  Board of Director guidelines;

  • Enterprise architecture plans, funding plans, start-up plans, I.P.O. plans, new business proposals, strategic alliances, turnaround programs, remediation programs.

I have not wasted my time or that of my clients.  I always sought to provide a solid value to everyone.  It is an aspect of my character to do my very best.  As you can imagine I have been well compensated for my accomplishments and skills. Now I am at the point in my career where I can share the fruits of my labor at a really attractive fee.  By offering a series of downloadable virtual-learning courses, seminars, & e-books through R. L. Newkirk Publications, (www.smilc.info) I have transformed my consulting content into a library of short and very powerful e-books to assist readers in developing their professional skills and capitalizing on my global experience. 

When I started out, I had to learn most things the hard way.  Reality-based consulting content, guidelines, standards, and processes based on actual experience, like the content I have prepared in these e-books, simply did not exist back then.  Even if it did, the cost would have been prohibitive.  

Through R. L. Newkirk Publications I am committed to changing the equation of success by offering a powerful proprietary model of self-development termed IAAL™ or Internet Assistant Action Learning.  Here you can download a series of e-books to serve as your Virtual Learning library. Each E-Book offers reality-based content, examples, models, and abundant Thought Breaks to facilitate your professional development as you more successfully mobilize innovation and change, manage yourself, communicate well, and manage others and tasks.  Collectively, you can view my e-books as your consultant in a laptop. I would have loved to have had access to something like this, and at this price, when I was starting out.  It would have made all the difference in the world in my development as a consultant, mentor, coach, entrepreneur, and executive. Why not bring my professional library to the attention of your organization.  I would be very happy to discuss a special group rate and membership program. To learn more about the projects on which I based my content, click on www.smirsp.com and examine more closely my consulting accomplishments. 

I look forward to hearing from you. You may contact me on my private number: (407) 864 7756, or through my email: rnewkirk@smilc.info 

What Solution Is Best for What Level of Problem

Our solutions and learning modules are professional skills based. They testify to proficiencies in the skills, sciences, and core competencies necessary for success in the modern workplace.  SMI guides learning and professional development for success. We designed our development programs for executives, Information Technology professionals, and those in the middle who engage in the activities which make the executive strategies successful. WE offer programs for those: 

  • Entering the workplace for the first time - those who wish to obtain special skills in the bases of competence as they prepare for workplace success. 

  • Involved in a leadership or management role and whose organizations are changing. 

  • Who are the most knowledgeable individuals - those who still desire to augment their competence in working in rapidly changing work environments. 

  • Desiring to augment their skills in working with multi-cultural work groups. 

  • Wishing to prepare themselves for management or leadership functions in organizations.  

  • Contemplating a business or government career and who are enrolling for initial management formation and workplace coaching. 

  • Already engaged in management work but wish to improve professional skills, gain deeper workplace understanding, and receive broader recognition in their professional field. 

We offer programs for the busy Corporate Director who guide the strategies that CEOs initiate.

From the Soft Skills Perspective, all of our programs offer the opportunity to focus on a wide range of topics in innovation, project management, business design, Information technology, electronic commerce. and so forth.  We offer courses in these and other areas for anyone wishing to improve performance in the workplace or further develop competence in a given area.

How Much Content Focuses on Professional Development 

“The SMI Content is written to integrate important related concepts and themes contained in its many programs in coaching, mentoring, management development, employee development, and executive consulting to form a single integrated path to new knowledge.” —Raymond L. Newkirk  

SMI is specifically a human capital development company.  We focus on the development of more powerful personal management skills such as mobilizing innovation and change, managing tasks and others, communicating well, and managing self.  We enable clients to build more effective work relationships while solving new and old problems. 

  • Every course offered by SMI emphasizes the soft-skills approach to building management competence. 

  • Our Electronic Commerce Studies content provides a human capital development framework for integrating strategic and operational work relationships. 

  • Our Proposal Studies content explores the proposal process as an in-depth management process from both the client and vendors sides. 

  • Our Project Initiation Studies content examines the management activities and skills that get every project on the reliability path forward. 

  • Our Enterprise Audit Process Studies content enables management to determine the weaknesses in each enterprise wide program and design remedial interventions. 

  • Our Feasibility Process Studies content enables management to better determine the feasibility of any proposal. 

  • Our Implementation Process Studies content enables management to improve the way it implements new initiatives. 

  • Our Validation, Verification and Testing Process Studies content enables management to improve the management processes involved in an organization’s quality control activities. 

  • Our Migration Process Studies content enables management to optimize the processes involved in moving from one work architecture to another. 

  • Our Configuration Management Studies content enables management to better control changes to existing processes, structures, workgroups, and/or products. 

  • Our Enterprise Development Studies content enables management to execute all activities concerning the movement, management, and control of management related information.

“The SMI content offers a data mining and knowledge building strategy by linking seemingly unrelated topics to provide new insight. Clients will learn something new by integrating disparate knowledge to form new insight for practice. Finally, clients will be able to test their new knowledge by applying it in their own settings.” —Raymond L. Newkirk

How Much Content Focuses on Management Skills

We have included Action Assignments to encourage clients to rapidly transfer knowledge into practice in their immediate environments. 

SMI is not specifically a management training company.  Rather we are a learning company that offers education in the development of more powerful management skills such as managing work relationships, managing tasks, and managing others involved in quality assurance and control, configuration management, and project management functions.

  • Every course offered by SMI emphasizes the soft-skills approach to building management competence. 

  • Our Electronic Commerce Studies content provides a management framework for integrating the strategic and operational management functions of the workplace. 

  • Our Proposal Studies content explores the proposal process as an in-depth management process from both the client and vendors sides. 

  • Our Project Initiation Studies content examines the management activities and skills that get every project on the reliability path forward. 

  • Our Enterprise Audit Process Studies content enables management to determine the weaknesses in each enterprise wide program and design remedial interventions. 

  • Our Feasibility Process Studies content enables management to better determine the feasibility of any proposal. 

  • Our Implementation Process Studies content enables management to improve the way it implements new initiatives. 

  • Our Validation, Verification and Testing Process Studies content enables management to improve the management processes involved in an organization’s quality control activities. 

  • Our Migration Process Studies content enables management to optimize the processes involved in moving from one work architecture to another. 

  • Our Configuration Management Studies content enables management to better control changes to existing processes, structures, workgroups, and/or products. 

  • Our Enterprise Development Studies content enables management to execute all activities concerning the movement, management, and control of management related information.

  • We have included Applications Models to indicate how others have previously employed the learning content in their situations and to provide a baseline of performance.

How Much Content Focuses on Improving Group Performance 

Our Web Site address is: smirsp.com  This site is our principal path for delivering our solutions and an important means of  interacting with our clients and members. Entering our site, clients are encouraged to take a virtual tour  of our virtual campus.

  • As a human capital development company, SMI is concerned about individual and group performance.  We are a holistically oriented company that leverages the developments in workgroup dynamics to build bottom-line performance. Every course offered by SMI emphasizes addresses both individual and group skills. 

  • Our Electronic Commerce Studies content provides a human capital development framework for integrating individual and group work relationships.

  • Our Proposal Studies content explores the proposal process as an in-depth management process from both the individual and group dimensions of performance. 

  • Our Project Initiation Studies content examines the personal management activities and group skills that get every project on the reliability path forward. 

  • Our Enterprise Audit Process Studies content enables individuals to reduce the weaknesses inherent in enterprise-wide initiatives and employ group interventions.

  • Our Feasibility Process Studies content enables individuals to better evaluate the feasibility of any proposal as a prerequisite to mobilizing innovation and change.

  • Our Implementation Process Studies content enables individuals to improve their level of performance during the implementation of new initiatives.

  • Our Validation, Verification and Testing Process Studies content enables individuals to improve the quality processes involved in an organization’s quality control activities.

  • Our Migration Process Studies content enables individuals and workgroups to more rapidly move from one work architecture to another.

  • Our Configuration Management Studies content enables individuals to better change the existing processes, structures, and/or products of group work.

  • Our Enterprise Development Studies content enables individuals to improve their information management activities.  

Clients obtain information about our programs, gain access to our Learning Management System, subscribe to our free newsletter,  enroll in a  program, take a course,  complete examines and receive immediate feedback, obtain learning  content, take free demonstration courses, form chat rooms,  obtain certificates, order products  and publications,  contact business administrators,  join special programs, enroll in special conferences,  communicate with other Clients,  and many other  activities by signing on  to our virtual campus.

Why SMI is Unique 

As a holistic problem-solving company focusing on the whole person and team, our environment does more than build or improve professional abilities and core competencies. They also provide a conceptual foundation for excelling in these abilities.  Along with improving the client’s professional abilities to improve workplace performance, our programs further provide: 

Knowledge of the basic workplace culture and heritage

of the work tradition (e.g., psychological contract,

the business perspective, systematic and moral work behavior) 

Understanding of and respect for the diverse cultural

contexts in work today (e.g., seminars in multi-cultural

management, assignments in different cultural settings 

Skills for managerial and business leadership

(e.g., management training, leadership preparation,

project learning experiences), and

opportunities for personal growth and formation

in integrity in the workplace (e.g., personal reflection,

advising, ethics training for the workplace, special

Executive programs, and executive retreats). 

  • SMI offers a Unique Value because, differing from other programs which take years to complete and often burdens clients with more unneeded information than they will ever use, our programs present only the knowledge that is needed right now and can be applied immediately. 

  • SMI offers core knowledge with immediate application - no fluff. 

  • SMI provides content which is derived from the body of knowledge that does not weigh learners down with unnecessary trivia, conjecture, and theorizing. 

  • SMI is geared to building authentic competence in the workplace for everyone at every level. 

  • SMI offers realistic learning experiences based on demands of work, not theories, dreams, of guesses. 

  • SMI offers programs focused on specific areas of competency. 

  • SMI provides cost effective learning with high levels of flexibility. 

  • SMI offers a learning model that is designed to free the client’s schedules by being taken any time and any place. 

  • SMI offers programs which focus on client learning and knowledge application rather than instructor presentation and convenience. 

  • SMI offers programs that focus on relevance more than theory. 

  • SMI offers programs which focus on immediate knowledge transfer to facilitate immediate application. 

  • SMI enables clients to enjoy access to their own personal,  real-time university. 

  • SMI enables clients to build their own professional toolkit in a laptop and use it whenever they need it throughout their entire careers. 

  • SMI enables clients to obtain an online repository of intellectual capital to jump start vital projects and programs. 

  • SMI enables clients to build their own knowledge repository through the convenience of the Internet 

  • SMI enables clients to carry their own university with them wherever they go and access it whenever they need - via the internet. 

  • SMI enables clients to enjoy coaching, mentoring, as well as leadership, management, and personal development all from the convenience of a laptop. 

Professional Education is at the crossroads.  A revolution over the nature of professional education is rapidly picking up steam.  Method, content, duration, cost, location, qualification, requirement, convenience, availability, credentialing, medium, prerequisite, application, usefulness, focus, and relevancy - all are undergoing intense critique.”

—Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.

How Much Content Focuses on Information Technology Skills

We have integrated Thought Breaks with the learning content to provide an opportunity for Clients to reflect on the content and its potential application in real-world application. SMI is not an Information Technology company.  Rather we are a learning company that offers learning in the management of Information Technology processes such as quality assurance and control, configuration management, and project management. Every course offered by SMI emphasizes the soft-skills approach to building workplace competence. 

  • Our Electronic Commerce Studies content provides a management framework for using Information technology to link the strategic and operational functions of management. 

  • Our Proposal Studies content explores the management of the Information Technology proposal process in-depth from both the client and vendors sides. 

  • Our Project Initiation Studies content examines the management activities and skills that get every Information Technology project on the reliability path forward. 

  • Our Enterprise Audit Process Studies content enables management to determine the weaknesses in each enterprise wide program and design remedial Information Technology interventions. 

  • Our Feasibility Process Studies content enables management to better determine the feasibility of any Information Technology proposal. 

  • Our Implementation Process Studies content enables management to improve the way it implements new Information Technology initiatives. 

  • Our Validation, Verification and Testing Process Studies content enables management to improve the quality control activities of any Information Technology group. 

  • Our Migration Process Studies content enables management to move from one Information Technology work architecture to another. 

  • Our Configuration Management Studies content enables management to better control changes to existing Information Technology processes, structures, workgroups, and/or products. 

  • Our Enterprise Development Studies content enables management to execute all activities concerning the movement, management, and control of information throughout an enterprise using appropriate technologies.

“The content and the models form a powerful knowledge base or professional toolkit to improve work-skills performance in individuals and organizations.” 

Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.


“Intellectual Capital is our most important asset.

It is our new economic environment.” — Ray Newkirk, 2005

History of Content and Courseware

It is the responsibility of every corporate director, executive, manager, and employee to do a better job every day to make the enterprise more successful every day.  To go in every morning and commit oneself to doing better than the previous day requires an extraordinary way of thinking informed by a specific kind of powerful knowledge.  The only way anyone is ever going be able to meet such a commitment is by knowing more each day about the stuff that really matters.  And the only way anyone is going to know more about the stuff that really matters is if somebody shares this knowledge.  To learn it all by oneself has never happened, and never will.  And if anyone could do this, it would take too long.  In enterprise, time still matters. —Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D. Ph.D., Ph.D., I.O.M. 

  • The content of SMILC represents more than 40 years of development effort. 

  • The content is derived from actual consulting practice with in major corporations, government agencies, and private institutions. 

  • The content is transformed from the actual work assignments of practicing management and technical consultants. 

  • The content is designed to fill an enduring need for the life-long learning of an the community or workers in government, business, and industry. 

  • The content is designed to fill a gap in traditional education which inadequately prepares individuals to mobilize innovation and change, communicate well, manage others and tasks, and manage oneself. 

  • The content is designed to immediately benefit students, business and government organizations, and consultancies. 

  • The content is designed for rapid application - differing from other educational programs and institutions which take years to transfer education into practice. 

“What you learn today, you can use today,” is the driving principle of SMI.

  • The content is designed for motivated, self-paced, and self-directed learners - those who take the initiative in successfully completing independent programs of education, training, and skills building.

  • The content integrates professional experience and academic and personal maturity with the motivation, industry, initiative, and scholarship of learners.

  • The content focuses the basis of competence to provide life-long learning in core professional soft-skills - clearly recognizing that much has been lost in expertise, skill, and competence over the last 25 years.

  • The content emphasizes professional and soft skills studies in the practical areas of individual and group work, as well as in the areas of management, executive, and leadership development.

  • The content is immediately transferable to the professional setting.  What students learn in the evening, they can apply in the morning.

  • The content provides concise and relevant course material, thought breaks, action assignments, examples, and actual models that focus on the emerging needs of the 21st century global work environment and individual worker.

  • The content is geared to building core competency through the basis of competence.

  • The content is designed to build 21st century leadership in both the private and public sectors.

  • The content is designed to transform learners into professionals mastering their careers.

“For most of us, the workplace forms the basis for our

working, our learning, our performance,

and our journey of success.”

Ray Newkirk

Systems Management Institute & Intelligent Technology

I would like to bring your attention to a new direction in professional education - the workplace skills programs of Systems Management Institute (SMI).  Research conducted by the Corporate-Higher Education Forum, a group consisting of top CEOs and university presidents, indicates that a gap exists between campuses and the workplace. For too long now, colleges and private training organizations have neglected workplace skills.  As a result, the essential skills and competencies that executives and managers desire in their employees have seriously eroded, if not completely disappeared in some environments. 

The essential skills and competencies include:

Managing Self,

Communicating Clearly,

Managing People & Tasks, and

Mobilizing Innovation & Change. 

In important ways, these have become echoes of the past as schools and colleges focus on disciplinary or specialized learning while mostly ignoring the core competencies required for success in the workplace. While some authorities have encouraged academic institutions to foster workplace skills in the college curriculum, SMI has captured the power of the Intelligent Technology to provide such programs to all people anywhere who have the use of a PC and access to the Internet.  In agreement with leaders in business and education, we support the development of a common language of competency-based education.  Our programs exemplify this commitment.  

Please take time out to explore our global electronic  campus, our truly personal university, and see how it can benefit you and your company.  Discover how we can begin immediately to build the essential skills and competencies you deserve in your company.  Let us begin now to make your life easier. Reflect on our vision and mission and come to understand why we would be an excellent training partner for your company. We are unique in the world of professional education and are dedicated to closing the gap between campuses and the workplace. 

Who Is The Target Audience 

What really sets us apart from our competitors Is Our attractive client oriented business model fueled by our proprietary and powerful action oriented learning architecture termed Internet Assistant Action Learning© (IAAL©).  Our Learning architecture and business model are Further Supported By The previously demonstrated worth of our unique workplace-developed learning content and knowledge base of workplace application models.  By selecting SMILC as their learning partner, clients take the most efficient path to workplace skills improvement.” —Raymond L. Newkirk  

  • At the most basic level, the target audience is the individual or organization who has access to the Internet and desires real-time access to a personal learning environment. 

  • At the personal level, SMILC is best for individuals interested in his or her own professional development, accepts life-long learning as a characteristic of success, enjoys the idea of a real-time personal university. 

  • In the role of career support, SMILC is excellent for those who have recently taken a new assignment, changed career paths, have been given greater responsibilities, or have been appointed to a new professional position with added political visibility. 

  • At the organization level, SMILC is excellent for facilitating program and project management, meeting challenges requiring unique competitive skills, building the core competencies of entire workgroups rapidly, and transferring knowledge into practice rapidly in real-time.

  • At the Corporate Board level, SMILC is excellent for those wishing to make the transition from corporate manager to strategic leader.   

“With SMI, clients do not require anything more than access to the Internet.  They do not need to engage in a major systems re-engineering or networking upgrade. 

Clients do not need to install their own Problem Solving System.

SMI is the client’s global Problem Solving Platform.”

Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.


Raymond L. Newkirk 

  • We are a Consulting, Coaching, and Training Company who puts problem solving on a business basis.  We are: 

    • Business Oriented;

    • Effectiveness Oriented

    • Efficiency Oriented;

    • Reliability Oriented;

    • Management Oriented;

    • Productivity Oriented;

    • Improvement Oriented;

    • Mission Oriented 

  • We offer a range of learning content including: 

    • Experience-Informed seminars;

    • Virtual-Learning skills-based certificate courses & programs;

    • Skills-based E-Books 

  • We focus on building the soft-skills of professional practice by offering courses and ebooks in: 

    • Chartering the organization, program, or project;

    • Building successful business relationships by supporting the executive agenda;

    • Mastering Basic and Advanced New Product Development;

    • Mastering the Psychology of Requirements Analysis and Engineering;

    • Mastering the Psychology of Configuration Management;

    • Mastering the Proposal Process;

    • Mastering the Psychology of Project Initiation. 

  • We focus on building the four core professional softskills competencies: 

    • Mobilizing innovation & change;

    • Managing oneself & tasks;

    • Managing others;

    • Communicating well 

All of our content offers a proprietary Internet Assistant Action Learning™ Model (IAAL™) of experience-based Performance Enhancement. Our IAAL™ Model consists of powerful, experienced based, learning content illustrated with abundant:

    • Examples

    • Thought breaks

    • Action assignments

    • Exams, and

    • Application oriented models derived from actual practice.

In People, SMI delivers AIS™ that address:

  • Process Skills and Expertise,

  • Process Education and Learning,

  • Process Collaboration and Communication,

  • Process Knowledge, and Process Management Leadership

In Culture, SMI Delivers:

  • Process Values and Beliefs,

  • Process Attitudes and Behaviors,

  • Responsiveness to Process Change,

  • Leadership Attention to Process,

  • Process Social Networks

In Information Technology, SMI delivers AIS™ that address:

  • Process Design and Modelling

  • Process Implementation and Execution

  • Process Control and Measurement

  • Process improvement and Innovation

  • Process Project and Program Management

In Governance, SMI delivers AIS™ that address:

  • Process Roles and Responsibilities,

  • Decision Making Processes,

  • Process Metrics and Performance Linkage,

  • Process Management Standards,

  • Process Management Controls

In Method, SMI Delivers:

  • AIS™ that addresses Process Design and Modelling,

  • Process Implementation and Execution,

  • Process Control and Measurement,

  • Process Improvement and Innovation,

  • Process Project and Program Management

Professional Development 

SMI means something special by "Professional Development".  We mean an independent program of self-paced study of relevant, practical, and specialized, problem-solving content. 

  • Identify 1st 100 problems to be resolved. 

  • Identify pilot problems and solutions. 

  • Master One New Solution Plan Per Week. 

  • The independent program has the following characteristics:

    • Based on an appropriate core workplace competency;

    • Requires adequate preparation;

    • Requires a background which integrates life experience and self-reflection, assuming intellectual and personal maturity, and

    • Demands committed effort upon the industry, initiative, and scholarship of the client.

Changing the World of Coaching, Consulting, Training & Problem-Solving

I am a Virtual-Learning pioneer. All learning is virtual and never “At a DistanceI launched my first E-Learning company, Bay University, in the mid-1990’s.  It delivered a great learning environment with a potent learning model.  I called it Internet Assistant Action Learning™ or simply IAAL™.  It was all about action, getting things done, moving things forward.  It was all about learning geared for action.  It was not about theory, disconnected conceptualization, or vague ruminations having little to do with day-to-day reality.  Our IAAL™ Content Model made Bay University a unique V-Learning Company.  No one out there had better content because our content came from actual workplace settings the world over.  Anyone in the world could use our system.  They only needed an Internet connection.  Our motto: “Wherever you are, we are there for you.”

Another strength that made Bay University unique was that the enterprise did not require a platform, no new software or hardware, or any other expensive technology.  Our only requirement was that the organization had to have:

  • Internet connectivity, and

  • People who wanted to master their jobs to accelerate Business Value Realization. 

We took care of everything else.  Moreover, our system did not store any kind of client information that might tempt the hacking elite.  Bay University was a very advanced system, simple to use, offering unbeatable real-world content.  It was the very first mobile , For-Profit, Internet Oriented, knowledge company in the country, if not the world.

While the big companies were busy building their very expensive E-Learning Platforms, we were ready to go and deliver potent content without the overhead.  While the big companies were busy building their technically complicated learning environments, we were ready to go with our commonsense design.  If you had a laptop, we were mobile.  We were truly the non-disruption disruptor.  We were perfect for every client, so it would seem.  Unfortunately, we forgot about the strangeness of the marketplace.  We forgot that organizations would prefer to pay $100 million software licenses for E-Learning technology than simply access the content with a small per person monthly fee for unlimited learning access. The big learning companies ruled the day.  They propagated the complexity of E-Learning using models that would never pay for themselves because they obscured the Return on Investment.  We had it all: Great content, no disruption, ease of use, low overhead, simplicity, mobility, and low cost.  I was even nominated as “E-Learning Executive of the Year”. How could we compete with those companies that broke the budgets of their clients while only marginally advancing learning?  It was a very strange world back then. Executives were racing to get in the next great E-Learning platform even though the platforms did not include learning content.  Content was an extra cost add on usually provided by separate vendors offering the same old over-used disconnect courseware.

Imagine my feelings when I recently read an Intelligence Report that informed the E-Learning industry that they deliver the least desired and least respected applications in all of business.  Of all the applications and platform out there, E-Learning came in dead last. The study found that E-Learning is the most distasteful application in business today.  Managers look at E-Learning applications as the proverbial “unnecessary evil” of their organization. They would love to snap their fingers and replace them with something else: “We don’t need another E-Learning Platform”.  After these many years, management has finally figured it out:  Bay University was the smart choice after all: No hype, no bank busting applications, no difficult to install and use LMS.  Simply sign on to the system and go.  But where is Bay University when you need it? 

We have some good news and some better news.  Now that the world is ready for us, we are better, smarter, and more prepared than we were back then in the 20th Century.  We also understand the irrationalities of the marketplace much better than we did back during the days of Bay University.

Today, we are the global leader in the development of Solution-Based Learning and Context-Based Learning. Now we focus all learning on the rapid solution of problems. You have a problem? We instantly walk you through its solution.  We offer solutions to many tens of thousands of problems in real-time.  It has taken many decades to develop our Deep Intelligence Technology™.  You can access it in a few minutes. You simply sign on to our Platform, state your problem, hit enter, and receive you actionable solutions. Our solutions are enduing, evidence-based, and potent.  Best of all, they work. With our system, you gain a solution 20,000 times quicker than you can when you use traditional approaches to problem solving.

Now managers don’t need to despise their E-Learning Platforms. They can do without them while learning more and spending less, anywhere and anytime. Managers can get the problem-based learning they need now without having to install a new E-Learning system. No new hardware, no new software. Just the Internet and the solution you need to solve your problem now.

This was worth waiting for. —Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.


What the Content Will Do for the Client 

Our many programs are linked by the seminal focus on managing self, managing people and tasks, communicating, and mobilizing innovation and change within the project and task setting.  From the soft-skills perspective, we offer Certificates in the following areas of professional focus: (1) Electronic Commerce; (2) Proposal Management; (3) Project Initiation; (4) Enterprise Audit; (5) Feasibility Studies; (6) Implementation Management; (7) Validation, Verification, & Testing; (8) Migration Management; (8) Configuration Management; (9) Enterprise Development; (10) Strategic Consulting, and (11) Group Dynamics. Content enables clients to:

  • Improve performance immediately.

  • Gain heightened skills in both the social and technical domains of work performance. 

  • Enjoy millions of dollars worth of consulting expertise for a fraction of the cost. 

  • Rapidly develop workplace-authentic skills. 

  • Enjoy rapid performance improvement.  

  • Enjoy access to knowledge that is designed for immediate practice the very same day. 

  • Receive the guidance of abundant action assignments, thought breaks, and examples to transfer learning into practice. 

  • Benefit from the coaching of real world models to link  professional thought with practical action. 

  • Enjoy job related solutions to real world problems and to build knowledge and expertise rapidly. 

  • Develop professional excellence in the shortest time possible. 

  • Obtain a framework for professional growth by linking the world of consulting to the world of professional performance. 

  • Increase the value of its Intellectual capital. 

  • Leverage the insights, accomplishments, and deliverable of professional consultants from other successful projects. 

  • Obtain valuable learning programs at a fraction of the cost offered by other leaning companies.

  • Improve management thinking and practice. 

  • Inform decision-making and action. 

  • Build and maintain professional relationships. 

  • Place work relationships on a business basis. 

  • More effectively participate in projects, work with vendors, and manage socio-technical environments.

SMI means something special by "Professional Study".  We mean an independent program of self-paced study of relevant, practical, and specialized course content.  The independent program has the following characteristics:

  1. Based on an appropriate core workplace competency;

  2. Requires adequate preparation; 

  3. Requires a background which integrates life experience  and self-reflection, assuming intellectual and personal maturity, and

  4. Demands committed effort upon the industry, initiative, and scholarship of the student. — Raymond L. Newkirk

The Deep Intelligence Technology™ of SMI Corporation

Changing How the World Solve Problems

Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.

Historical Emergence of the Opportunity

Every competitive business, effective government organization, and non-profit organization desires a more simple and rapid problem-solving capability. Problem Solving is a serious concern of executives, managers, and employees everywhere, locally and internationally. Who does not want better solutions quicker? The current problem solving process consists of about eight stages of activity, takes a lot of time, and is expensive.  Everyone wants a better problem solving process.

This need for more effective and rapid problem solving has ignited serious efforts over the years by many people to discover a more potent problem-solving process. Beginning in Russia with the TRIZ approach about 60 years ago, problem solving has become both a business and academic focus area. For example, Oxford University and the University of Michigan both have TRIZ working groups to improve problem solving. Also, Healthcare employs the SWARM approach as a Model for “High Reliability, Rapid Problem Solving, and Institutional Learning”.  The Formal Generalized Model for Case Based Reasoning (CBR) represents another effort to deliver more rapid problem solving using historical cases and a four step process of retrieve, reuse, revise, and retain.

Delivering Emotionally Engaging Problem-Solving through the AIS™ Platform

Using Digital Problem-Solving Experiences: The Future is Today

Without getting too technical, SMI Corporation analyzes many terabytes of content collected over a period of 50+ years.  SMI gathered the content from around the world to derive human problem-solving insights that would not be obvious even with modern A/I and big data applications.

SMI Corporation possesses an extremely large repository of proprietary knowledge, information, and data stored in the Virtual Expert Intelligence Systems (VEIS).  We derived the repository of content from the solutions delivered during consulting engagements. We analyzed these solutions for suitability using a set of proprietary algorithms.  We, then, transformed them into intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (iAIS™) to rapidly close the gap between Problem Definition and solution delivery using predictive models built from actual longitudinal application. Our Virtual Expert Intelligence System (VEIS) delivers a powerful environment that assists individuals, teams, and organizations (in this case, the people responsible for solving problems in “hard” real time) with rapidly solving a large array of daily problems. Our VEIS™ informs end-users about the actions they can complete to rapidly solve a large range of hard, soft, static and dynamic problems in hard real-time using the knowledge derived from previous experience.

In the next few years, SMI Corporation will take both quantitative and qualitative content and leverage it to quickly identify, authenticate, and resolve a wider range of end-user problems in “hard” real-time. End-users will leverage the problem-solving history of similar populations to predict their solution outcomes. This will enable end-users to eliminate the actions that continually generate the reoccurring problems that are archetypical of common situations.  This is transformational.  It introduces a new paradigm of human problem-solving that ignites a new approach to learning and development in individuals and teams. Our iAIS™ Platform transforms workplace experience. End-users move from impersonal activities into personalized, predictive, and highly rewarding problem-solving engagements.  For organizations using the iSIA™ Platform, individual and team performance increases as loyalty deepens through the attainment of enhanced skills.

As a potent problem-solution framed environment, our iAIS™ environment enables end-users to emotionally connect to colleagues during digital problem-solving interactions.  Through our iAIS™ Platform, SMI Corporation meets end-users where they are. Offering “self-service solutions” across channels that effortlessly deliver personalized digital conversations, end-users retain knowledge more effectively than people who use traditional coaching, consulting, and training. Moreover, as voice recognition technologies (Siri/Alexa) become commonplace in every enterprise, end-users will speak more and type less. In conversation focused on problem-solving, our iAIS™ Platform will offer a set of intelligent Solutions On-Demand™ to enable the design of conversational User Interface (UI) strategies that transform problem-solving into emotionally engaging digitally-guided experiences. Our iAIS™ Platform provides end-users five potent ways to emotionally connect to colleagues during digital problem-solving interactions:

  1. Value a colleague’s time. The gap between Problem Definition and Problem-Solving, the time that the colleague is waiting for an answer, is eliminated.  This delivers an additional opportunity for being more productive. Our iAIS™ Platform transforms problem-solving into a real-time conversation. Since problem-Solving and conversations have a beginning, middle and an end, end-users can use the iAIS™ Platform to deliver a more simple and effective conversational end-user interface. Colleagues can now use the iAIS™ Platform to break down the conversation about problem-solving at every level from Problem Definition to Problem-Solving and solution implementation.

  2. Identify the problems more accurately. The iAIS™ Platform provides the power to collapse the time required to build Problem Definitions. Now every search, link, query, or preference becomes meaningful. No action is wasted. For the iAIS™ Platform every action becomes a clue to what end-users intend to do next in solving any problem. Using the iAIS™ rapid intelligence method, end-users receive personalized solutions to their unique problems.  The Platform always knows why end-users connect to the VEIS™.

  3. Anticipate what problems that end-users need help solving. If you work for a customer service organization, the iAIS™ Platform will proactively enable you to use your mobile device to know how to resolve a range of customer problems before they occur. If you are a sales pro, the iAIS™ Platform will enable you to use your mobile device to more rapidly understand your customer’s behavior and manage it appropriately.

  4. Make the entire Problem-Solving experience more effective and enjoyable. Rather than making problem-solving tedious and threatening, the iAIS™ Platform delivers a mobile agent that serves as a Problem-Solving Personal Avatar. The iSIA™ can gamify problem-solving. In this way, the iAIS™ Platform can transform the emotions of the end-user.

  5. Inspire confidence in the organization across every conflict point. The iAIS™ does not energize problem-solving for end-users alone, but it delivers rapid solutions that builds the productivity of the entire organization. The people and enterprises who love their own brands are the ones who invest in the end-to-end problem-solving capability delivered by the iAIS™ Platform. Dell, Disney, and Bank of America are the three that stand out. From supply chain to financial giant, the iAIS™ Platform brings the power of rapid problem-solving into every challenge.

Today’s Dreams & Trends

Currently, Inference Systems and Artificial Intelligence are beginning to come into prominence. First introduced in the 1956, these systems, processes, and methods have become more disciplined and refined over the years.  Currently, these sophisticated technologies are beginning to generate a new industry that is expected to change the future of business, consulting, learning, development, and training. Collectively, these new technologies and methods have led to the development and introduction of a family of new software, hardware, tools and techniques that are expected tol improve problem solving for nearly everyone.

Thought Leaders suggest that a new industry is emerging. This is the dream of a few and the hope of many. It is a trend that introduces a formal industry of high tech problem solving. Working in stealth for a number of years on the development of its Deep Intelligence Technology™, SMI Corporation has positioned itself to become an unquestioned leader at the forefront of virtual problem-solving.  Bringing its Deep Intelligence Technology™ to industry and government to change how the workplace solves problems, SMI Corporation introduces a significant paradigm shift that eliminates the gap between problem definition and problem solving.

SMI Corporation and the Problem of Learner Motivation

Motivation perpetually challenges everyone, even the most involved self-directed learner.  In skills transformation over the Internet, motivation becomes an even greater problem.  As a transformative skills On-Demand company, SMI Corporation understands the challenges it faces in motivating Registered Members to sign-up for and successfully follow-through on a program of skills transformation via our Internet Assistant Action Learning format.  Guided by the theory of regulatory fit in Social Cognition, we have designed our Virtual Intelligence to reinforce the Registered Member’s decision-making process about feeling better about skills transformation and UlThule©.com as good choices.

"When people use goal pursuit means that fit their regulatory orientation, they feel alert and energized. They feel good about what they have done.  Regulatory fit adds value to a person's life."

E. Troy Higgins

Our Product Sector: Intelligence Enabled Rapid Problem Solving & Skills Development

The Deep Intelligence Technology™ of Systems Management Institute

“Accelerating Business Success by Simplifying How You Solve Problems”


Systems Management Institute

Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D.

Have you ever noticed how problems circle back a time or two over the years?  Simple or complex, strategic or operational, they all show up again given enough time. If we live long enough and pay attention to the world around us, we eventually realize that we have seen this or that problem before. Real-time problem solving can become a painful workplace challenge. Managers have to work hard to overcome the many kinds of challenges that impede success. Many times they hire a consultant, contractor, or even a coach to resolve the situation. Indeed, there exist today a seemingly infinite number of solution providers for every possible situation: Consulting firms, engineering firms, contract houses, all out there, and all offering solutions in their own way.  Also, all are expensive and all are really resources consuming.

SMI Corporation offers the first real-time alternative to the existing problem-solving paradigm. Our Deep Intelligence Technology™ has changed the success formula of problem solving. Now you have the opportunity to solve your problems yourself in record time. SMI Corporation’s Deep Intelligence Technology™ brings the power of rapid problem solving to your fingertips 24X7, globally and safely. Our Deep Intelligence Technology™ delivers a new paradigm of performance and we invite you to join us in simplifying how the world solves problems.  

Thankfully, problems are not always bad. People become better employees by solving their workplace problems. At least, that’s the rationalization. We at SMI Corporation prefer a problem free environment for an operational target. Challenges form character in strange kinds of ways, we are told. The risk with problems, of course, is the time and effort invested in solving them, and the unbelievable pain they cause. Problem solving is tricky because it encounters a seemingly infinite variety of problems from the simple to the sublime that can dominate an organization’s time and effort. Every manager knows that time and effort is the acceptable code word for money. More time and more effort burns more money. However, this is surface stuff. The reality of the cost of problems is the competitive cost to an organization in the time lost by not moving forward with strategy and innovation. Innovation falls behind in a problem filled organization. This is the true cost of problem management. Problems slow down growth.

Do you understand that human life is a two sided coin, problems and solutions?  This is the deeper secret of life. From the time you jump out of bed in the morning to the time you flop back into bed again early the next morning, you have spent your life encountering problems and solving them, hopefully. That’s it. We encounter problems and solutions, day after day, week after week, year after year. I’m sure you get the point. Have you ever experienced the mess this can become? So why not do something different? Why not enter a new reality that changes all of this?

You will still live a life full to the brim with all kinds of problems. This is the spice of life.  Now, however, you don’t have to agonize over the problems in your organization.  In the modern reality of assistive technologies, all you have to do is enter a few words, hit the enter key on your device and through the power of the Deep Intelligence Technology™ of SMI corporation you receive your solution as an action plan more than 20,000 times quicker than you ordinarily would. That’s remarkable, and true.  You have a problem? State it.  Our Deep Intelligence Technology™ “knows” that the solution is embedded in the problem in a unique kind of way that most likely will never be duplicated by another human being. The implication of our Deep Intelligence Technology™ is more profound than you may imagine.

What is the Deep Intelligence Technology™ of SMI Corporation?  It is a proprietary SMI Corporation technology that transforms our repository of proprietary content into applied solutions and then delivers them in the form of action plans. We dive into our Intellectual Property, isolate the intelligence that is buried deep in the problem specific content, and use special technology to return this intelligence to the client as intelligent Solutions In-Action to assist them with rapidly solving their problem.  A problem is genuinely resolved when it does not reoccur.

Problem management for many organizations is expensive. Problems drain a person’s energy and time. Think about it this way: A problem represents the time spent preventing your team from moving forward with other more important tasks.  For example, a single problem that occurs daily can easily steal 15 minutes or more out of the schedule. This adds up to about 65 hours wasted for an individual person annually when you factor in the workplace relationship issues that always emerge. When you factor in the time lost on such a problem by a team of ten people, you get the idea.  Organization problems, hard and soft, are really quite costly because of the time they require to first define the problem and then effectively solve it.

SMI Corporation™ delivers the world’s first comprehensive Deep Intelligence Technology™ to assist you with solving problems in a permanent kind of way. We generate intelligent Solutions In-Action™ to accelerate the success of new capabilities and enterprise transformation programs. Generating evidence-based solutions using a proprietary process, our Deep Intelligence Technology Platform™ launches a new paradigm and paves the way to an emerging $multi-billion global industry.

We dedicated 50 years to building the Deep Intelligence Technology Platform™ so you do not have to.  The DITP™ generates the right solution to your fingertips in record time! 

“A problem represents the time spent preventing your team from

moving forward  on other more important tasks.” 

― Ray Newkirk

We deliver Solutions for all.

Enterprise consists of:

  • Management Systems,

  • Operational Systems

Management Systems consist of:

  • Planning and Control Systems,

  • Management Information Systems

Operational Systems consist of:

  • Operational Information Systems,

  • Goods and Services, 

  • Money

    SMI delivers AIS™ Functional Solutions for:

  • Strategy & Governance, Contracting, Purchasing, Receiving, Warehousing, Shipping, Invoicing Auditing, Accounts Payable, Marketing, Sales, Billing, Accounts Receivable, and Support Processes for Human Resources, Accounting, Information Technology, Security, Safety, Quality Assurance

The SMI Corporation Opportunity

The Founder & CEO of SMI Corporation fully grasps the business value of this vision and the history of its evolution. Understanding the value of the goal of TRIZ and associated approaches like Case Based Reasoning, SMI Corporation has carved out a unique path to problem solving success. Beginning more than 50 years ago, Dr. Newkirk has extended and further refined the vision of rapid problem solving begun more than 60 years ago. The development of our Deep Intelligence Technology™ is the culmination of our efforts.  Beyond the capacities of any previous efforts, SMI Corporation has developed a potent paradigm of rapid problem solving that enables every organization, executive, manager, and employee to attain an evidence-based solution instantly.  When compared to previous methods of problem-solving, we deliver solutions 20,000 times quicker. Moreover, our solutions are beyond theoretical and work as intended.

While one may choose to suggest that Problem Solving is our product sector, this would not really describe what we deliver.  SMI Corporation offers a Deep Intelligence Technology™ that dramatically enhances a client’s ability to more rapidly solve many of the problems that impact their lives in and outside the workplace. Moreover, we deliver this capability 24X7 anywhere via a mobile or other device. Our product sector more realistically cuts across many separate industries including consulting, coaching, training, development, and E-Learning.  We actually change, in a very radical and comfortable way, every industry we serve.  We are a new paradigm of problem solving that exceeds the capacity of current systems and methods.

Every company and every person can benefit from the rapid problem solving content of SMI Corporation. The current challenge for us is to let organizations know that we are there for them. We can then assist them with becoming a Resident of our Deep Intelligence Technology™ Platform.  It has taken us years to get to this point of development and many millions of dollars. Now we need a good funding partner to accelerate market entry.

Our Product Sector: Digitally Enabled Rapid Problem Solving & Skills Development

Local Trends

Today, organizations are moving away from the use of generalized and theoretical learning content in favor of assistive intelligent technologies that deliver problem specific and context-based learning systems.  Managers intend to use these systems to enable a new breed of learning environments such as Ready Learning, Learning In-Action, Rapid E-Learning, virtual consulting and coaching, problem specific OJT, and problem based training & development.

Global Trends

Entire countries such as Denmark are moving away from traditional classroom instruction to brief context-based learning programs. In the USA, for example, MIT has decided to move from the usual semester long course format to a problem specific learning experience consisting of brief problem solving seminars of one day or two days duration.  Realistically, these trends are introducing a new $ trillion opportunity globally.

Insider Threat Prevention 

Cybersecurity is not new. People have engaged in it ever since Grace Hopper found a bug in the memory of a computer.  Early computer security was simple: Someone ensured that all hardware components were present, working, and were integrated properly. Today, we do not spend much energy looking for insects, at least not yet. Nano technology may eventually change this. 

Today, most organizations employ the bulk of their Cybersecurity efforts to defend against extremely sophisticated external threats. Unfortunately, a high percentage of the most malicious intrusions come from the insiders who enjoy direct access to company assets. 

Systems Management Institute assists clients with establishing their Cybersecurity Visions for the future. We assist clients with chartering their Insider Threat Prevention Programs and defining their Insider Threat Lifecycle Management Frameworks.  

What is Our Insider Threat Lifecycle Management Service? 

Insider Threat Prevention really makes sense when you consider the complexity of the Cybersecurity challenge.  Clients can use our Insider Threat Lifecycle Management™ (ITLM™) approach to launch their Security Operation Center, expand it or improve it. Our approach is simple: 

  • Conduct an assessment

  • Define goals

  • Identify Insider Threat prevention actions

  • Design ITLM™ Program

  • Implement ITLM™ Rapid Problem Solving 

Our Mission: Assist clients with protecting critical information assets by preventing the loss or fragmentation of proprietary Intellectual Property, trade secrets, confidential data, or customer information.  Our ITLM™ Platform enables clients to: 

  • Avoid loss of revenue

  • Maintain customer and shareholder confidence

  • Avert critical system or service availability disruption

  • Prevent overall harm to an organization’s brand image and reputation

  • Discourage potential insider intrusions

Why Select Systems Management Institute for Your ITLM™ Solutions? 

A wide range of organizations commonly use a Threat Lifecycle Management (TLM) approach to “prevent” malicious intrusions.  Although these organizations occasionally refer to their TLM’s as prevention-oriented Platforms, these Platforms only prevent something after the fact. We like to prevent malicious intrusion before the fact. For more than three decades, clients have relied on us to prevent Insider Threats for them.  We have specialized in Insider Threat Prevention long before the rest of the world recognized the danger such threats bring to a company. 

Today, Cybersecurity has become the challenge of our times. The malicious actors are disrupting organizations whenever, wherever, and however they can.  While Security Operations Centers detect external threats more rapidly, Cybersecurity still operates in catch-up mode.  The criminals still maintain a seven day advantage.   

Prevention is very difficult because it requires Cybersecurity teams to change their focus from data, software, systems, and networks to the malicious actors that disrupt organizations and the human behavior that generates so much maliciousness.  Authentic Insider Threat Prevention requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the technical and behavioral challenges of external and Insider Threats.  A comprehensive Insider Threat Prevention Program requires proficiencies in information systems, the Behavioral Sciences, administrative processes, and probability and statistics.

Next Steps 

Our consultants have the unique Insider Threat Prevention, Behavioral Science, Conflict Prevention, and Information Systems experience to assist you with developing your complete Insider Threat Prevention Program. If you truly want to transform your Cybersecurity anguish into competitive innovation, call Systems Management Institute now: (407) 864 7756.  Our goal is to enable clients to use their Insider Threat Prevention programs to leverage the innovative opportunities of Cybersecurity to accelerate competitive success. 

Insider Threat Lifecycle Management™ (ITLM™) is a Trademark of Systems Management Institute

Rapid Solutions Mobile Platform™ (RSMP™) is a Trademark of Systems Management Institute 


Insider Threat Prevention Learning Environment 

Focus Area: Executive Presentations for ITP Excellence 

  • An Executive Introduction to Insider Threat Prevention

  • A Presentation for Decision-Makers: The Benefits of the Insider Threat Prevention Program

  • Building Executive Awareness of Insider Threat Prevention

  • Benefits of Applied Intuitive Solutions™ Insider Threat Prevention: Organization Transition Solutions to Solve Your Problems Now

  • Environment of Insider Threats

  • Executive Cyber Briefing: Keeping Your Insider Threat Close

  • Engaging the Future Wisely

  • Executive Cyber Briefing: Engaging the Future Wisely

  • Executive Cyber Briefing: Designing the Business Oriented Insider Threat Program of Systems Management Institute

  • The Security Management Framework

  • Mastering Your Security Level

  • ITP & Controls

  • ITP & Vulnerabilities

  • ITP & Incidents

  • ITP on Prevented Losses

  • The Key Cybersecurity Actors

  • The Economics of Insider Threat Prevention

  • ITP Risk Management

  • Cost of ITP Cybersecurity

  • Insider Threat Actors

  • Behavioral Factors of ITP

  • ITP & The Principles of Human Behavior

  • The Archetypes of Insider Threats

  • Mastering Bias in Insider Threat Prevention


Our programs are general in that they prepare individuals to contribute effectively in a variety of workplace settings: not-for-profit businesses, government organizations, consultancies, large and small for-profit businesses, entrepreneurial Situations, and academic organizations.  

  • Clients receive a global learning company as near as any Internet connection. 

  • Clients outsource its Learning Management System to facilitate the learning process of students and reduce the overhead. 

  • Clients receive reduced bureaucratic red-tape through SMILC’s electronic at-a-distance format.  

  • Clients receive full on-line academic services from registration to course content to evaluation to certification. 

  • Clients add value to their organizations by gaining programs that increase their Intellectual Capital, or knowledge assets. 

  • Clients improve workplace performance by obtaining programs that increase cost efficiency, quality, service, and speed of learning to increase business value. 

  • Clients increase their organization’s value by receiving virtual programs which build the talent, skills, know-how, know-what, relationships, Information Technologies, and system that move their organizations to create wealth and generate profits. 

  • Clients receive the business benefits of cost efficiency, quality, service, and speed to provide real value to their organizations and individuals. 

  • Clients receive a learning architecture with virtual learning programs that transform human capital into more productive resources who improve the performance of their organizations.  

They are specific in that through a judicious selection of programs and electives, our programs enable clients to succeed on a specific assignment, achieve a specific career milestone, prepare for promotion or transfer, or focus on a specific career choice within a desired industry, business, or government vocation.

Focus Area: ITP Professional Management Certifications

  • ITP Assistant

  • ITP Consultant

  • IRP Manager

  • ITP Director

  • ITP Specialist 

Focus Area: ITP Professional Coaching Certifications 

  • ITP Coach Assistant

  • ITP Performance Coach

  • ITP Coaching Practice Manager

  • ITP Coaching Practice Director

  • ITP Coaching Specialist

What Are The Pricing Options for Different Size Contracts 

Our Internet Assistant Action Learning process employs specially developed learning content and delivery technology to leverage the power of the Internet to DELIVER attractive cost to profit ratios and Learning ROI in professional learning. Average fee of  $1,200.00 per certificate. 

  • 10% discount per certificate to average $3,250.00 per Masters Certificate, i.e., three certificates.

  • 20% discount for organizations in blocks of 10 students with a one block minimum. 

  • 10% discount for repeat clients. 

  • $20,000 per person per one year unlimited content license. 

  • $1,000,000 per organization per one year site license for 150 persons, unlimited content access. 

  • Special pricing for larger organizations. 

In Seeking the optimal learning ROI for clients, SMI has worked aggressively to integrate its large library of learning content, consisting of thousands of learning modules, with state-of-the-art information technologies to form the framework of its powerful Internet Assistant Action Learning™ architecture.

SMI Corporation and the Theory of Regulatory Fit

The Theory of Regulatory Fit is particularly important to the success of SMI Corporation.  Informed by this Theory, we recognized that a high level of regulatory fit with a Registered Member’s regulatory orientation is important in building a successful Virtual Intelligence repository.  For SMI Corporation attention to regulatory fit offers many benefits.  It increases one’s strength of motivation, inclines one toward distinct means for goal attainment, encourages one to evaluate decisions and goal pursuits more positively, inclines one to imagine feeling better about a good choice and feeling worse about a bad choice, and encourages people to assign value to the object of a decision. 

Our content is compatible with the variable goal pursuit means of Registered Members, from the eagerness means of promotion-focused concerns to the vigilance means of the prevention-focused means.  Since value from fit positively impacts the quality of life, we add value by enabling Registered Members to experience regulatory fit.

Your troops miss deadlines, extend budgets, have difficulty communicating, don’t like each other, and marginally succeed. Your equipment and strategies have never been used to their full potential, and some of them are out of date.

Business is war. 

A well-greased war machine has teams to that work together, and act cooperatively and are strong individuals. It has the latest strategies and technologies. It has soldiers who are always capable and never incompetent. 

How’s your battalion? 

 Forum 2000: the Strategic Alliance 

Systems Management Institute (SMI) has formed a strategic alliance with the Monterey Bay Institute for Executive Programs (MBIEP) to create Forum 2000. Our programs are individually designed for each unique business. Forum 2000 is a two-pronged approach to improve businesses and the people make business move. SMI focuses on the technologies and systems—the business management side. MBIEP concentrates on the individuals, to strengthen values, to build effective relationships, and to improve executive competency. Forum 2000 empowers individuals to meet their personal and professional goals, and helps businesses and individuals become consistent in thought and action through seminars and workshops and individual meetings. These events are structured to fit each organization’s schedules and can arranged in the organization’s location, a conference center, hotel, or MBIEP’s Monterey Headquarters. 

The Forum 2000 Business Philosophy


Establish powerful consulting relationship with senior executives and management teams to improve productivity, sustain competitive leverage, and ensure business profitability.


  • Empower leader as strategists who build environments of personal and business success.

  • Design environments which value creative problem solving, personal accomplishment, and action programs designed to achieve outstanding business results.

  • Build alliances which improve personal and group performance.

  • Foster education in 21st century business ideas and processes.

  • Generate breakthrough competencies which fuel sustainable growth.

The Forum 2000 Advantage

Our approach focuses on facilitating short term and enduring change to improve immediate and long term performance.  Through our approaching of self-systems psychology, we guide individuals and teams to generate their own unique creative solutions. We offer many years of experience working with challenging problems of group conflicts and personal stress. 

Forum 2000 ignites executives and their teams to design innovative futures, obtain competitive leverage, and value creativity as the source for solving all problems.


People sometimes get in their own way. This especially happens when they attempt to hide their ignorance about problem solving. They fail to realize that their failure at solving the problem has already revealed their ignorance. There is nothing to hide, but problems to solve. —Ray Newkirk