SMI is the Solutions Company.

We have been generating Applied Intuitive Solutions since the early 1970s so clients can focus on building their competitiveness more rapidly. Generate AIS™ as fast as lightening. —Ray Newkirk

RSP™ Portal Client Reference Guide

The Right Solution at the Right Time

If you have a PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile device, you are ready to connect to our Portal.


The challenges of fierce business competition are pushing executives to question how they may benefit from new technologies that reduce their operational costs while decreasing the lag time between expenditures and ROI.  Systems Management Institute (SMI) has designed Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to accelerate the mastery of vital skills that make employee effectiveness commonplace.

RSP™ Business Rationale

The challenges of fierce business competition are pushing executives to increasingly evaluate their strategic effectiveness.  They question how they may benefit from new technologies that reduce their operational costs while decreasing the lag time between expenditures and ROI.  Knowledge loss has become a major impediment to the solution to this challenge.  Systems Management Institute has overcome this challenge by offering brief but potent Applied Intuitive Solutions™(AIS™) that simplify knowledge acquisition and recovery.  We designed the Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to accelerate the mastery of vital skills that make employee effectiveness commonplace.

The rapid maturation of the web-centric business environment and the heavy cost burden associated with the severe limitations of corporate training and consulting services has furthered complicated the current management situation. While several customary solutions are offered by expensive and mostly ineffective web-based learning and consulting platforms, our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ Platform offers an authentic “breakthrough” that changes the “effectiveness equation” of enterprise success. 

New Cost Savings

The introduction of the AIS™ Portal changes the competitive landscape.  Our flexible pricing improves the initial cost of specialized problem-solving and significantly reduces the recurring costs associated with knowledge acquisition. Our AIS™ Portal reduces annual costs as well as the costs associated with integrating new projects into an existing budget.

Key Business Benefits

Clients gain the most flexible and potent solutions at the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and highest Return On Investment (ROI). While other portals make you pay and pay again for add-ons, SMI comes with over 70 out-of-the-box categories of Applied Intuitive Solutions™.  The AIS™ Portal delivers as many AIS™ as necessary to enable clients to accomplish whatever it is that they need to do at no additional cost.  The AIS™ Platform is the only enterprise AIS™ Portal available today with no software or hardware agenda.  The AIS™ Portal does not require clients to access a specific category of AIS™. Clients invest only in the solutions they need to meet the challenges facing them in any situation in the workplace at any time.

With the AIS™ Portal, now is a great time to solve that nagging problem.

Welcome to the Problem-Solving Environment of the Future

Systems Management Institute has derived a repository of solutions that rapidly enhance organization effectiveness and business performance. Through our Rapid Solutions Platform™ (RSP™) end-users are finally empowered to solve problems rapidly and permanently.  What once required three days now requires three hours. What once required three months now requires three days.  Our RSP™ enables managers to collapse the total operational costs against time to productivity while ensuring extremely high problem solving effectiveness.

Once viewed as a mere dream, users of our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ can now enjoy accelerated adoption of potent problem solving capabilities. Our RSP™ has four key features of innovation.  Advantages of RSP™:

  1. On-Demand solutions that work;

  2. Greatly reduced spending for training and consulting;

  3. Rapid problem solving;

  4. Powerful Information Technologies and global networks;

  5. Innovation offered by insights into the nature and character of problem structures;

  6. Wide range of problem solutions derived from more than a half century of global practice, and

  7. Significant reductions in the true cost of problem-solving that make the adoption of RSP™ so attractive.

The RSP™ delivers solutions that enhance management insight,

overcome team weaknesses, and inform strategies for success.


Training and consulting companies have succeeded by innovating faster and leveraging their business relationships better than their competitors.  However, with market trends reacting to the growth of web-based content delivery systems, and the recent slowdown of the global economy, training, coaching, and consulting vendors are now building their product roadmaps against an ever-shrinking pool of clients. This negatively impacts the rate of innovation.

Conversely, great products and services emerge in a highly competitive ecosystem in which only the strongest competitors win. Vendors who foster the shortest learning curves and enable clients to achieve the most improved performance by offering the most innovative and compelling features, gain popularity and adoption while others do not . The acceptance of social networking has furthered formed a responsive content-based environment in which employees expect immediate solutions to their most challenging problems.  In this new environment, only the most knowledgeable, and experienced companies will thrive and receive acceptance for the usefulness of their problem-solving content.

RSP™ Maturity

In the past, the world of knowledge acquisition belonged to the established training and consulting vendors. Today, however, Applied Intuitive Solutions™ change all of this by offering lower costs with a scalable, reliable, and On-Demand repository of mission critical solutions to support an evolving client ecosystem experiencing a wide range of difficult challenges.  The new reality is that Systems Management Institute is contending with and easily outperforming competitors in mission critical, high-scalability use cases. The AIS™ alternative is rapidly becoming the new global standard as a relevant and strategic part of enterprise-wide business planning.

The AIS™ Portal meets the critical demand for simpler and more fiscally-viable problem-solving options. The AIS™ Corporation has accelerated its solutions development program at an impressive rate. We exceed the capabilities of the more expensive consulting firms by offering solutions in a fraction of the time. Our convenient Portal connects our Virtual Expert Intelligence Systems™ to each organization to facilitate very employee’s problem-solving capability.

RSP™ as Instant Learning

The innovative RSP™ offers clients serious problem-solving capabilities. Moreover, technical and business ecosystems currently exist to make the RSP™ a powerful alternative to the expensive consulting and training solutions of the past. Clients can now leverage the power of our Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to rapidly overcome the problems that commonly plague their enterprises.

Developed over a 50 year period, Dr. Raymond L. Newkirk, the original creator of the AIS™ concept, develops AIS™ strategy and coordinates the aggregation and refinement of content derived from the many significant consulting engagements that Systems Management Institute has delivered for nearly a half-century.  Providing guidance on AIS™ development and the need for innovation in “Instant Learning”, the Systems Management Institute responds to enterprise-wide problem-solving challenges On-Demand.  

Offering a scalable On-Demand, problem-solving Portal that delivers Applied Intuitive Solutions™, clients access our AIS™ from a global Virtual Expert Intelligence System™  (VEIS™) of proven solutions derived from the business community itself.  Thanks to the global nature of the AIS™, our On-Demand Solutions deliver rapid and expert solutions developed from experience in organizations rather than from call-center employees or consultants with little actual depth of knowledge about a specific problem.

Portal Simplicity and the True Cost of Success

Over the last decade, training and consulting firms have increasingly relied on the practice of “product chaining” in their product development cycle.  Here vendors develop product portfolios that are designed to force clients to use follow-on products to gain the full benefit of previous products. Naturally, “product chaining” increases the cost to clients. These vendors employ “lock-in strategies” to increase their dominance in the marketplace at the expense of their customers. Such practices perpetuate complex and expensive pricing models that ultimately reduce the competitiveness of many of their clients.

The Systems Management Institute offers innovative pricing models.  We offer flexible pricing options that include low cost installation fees, annual subscriptions, Portal as a Service, lower capital-expenditure pricing, and seat licenses that offer variable-use pricing. This means that we offer reductions in initial licensing costs, lower support fees and little to no training costs, and greater ease of implementation requiring no development, thanks to the use of the AIS™ Global Standard and innovative delivery technologies. With the AIS™ Corporation, you use the technology you have.

Forever Forward for Problem-Solving Success.


This document, along with our web page, our AIS™ International Standard, and a special online demo, provides decision makers with a range of tools for evaluating the fit of the AIS™ Portal for their organizations.

  • Client Guide: An overview of the major issues affecting the AIS™ Portal, derived content, and future of the market.

  • AIS™ Web Page: An introduction to the company and an informative FAQ.

  • AIS™ International Standards & Evaluation Checklist: A document for evaluating the AIS™ architecture.

  • AIS™ Conceptual Framework and Glossary

Executives are increasingly turning to Portals, Specialized Content, and On-Demand processes to build business performance.  Leading this transformation, we employ innovative enterprise problem-solving services to replace the traditional training, coaching, and consulting practices of the 20th Century. Our combination of content, convenience, cost, and functionality makes a far-reaching impact on business performance and the cost of problem solving and knowledge acquisition.

The Systems Management Institute believes that authentic innovation simplifies life.

Our Portal connects teams and individuals to potent solutions that are designed for immediate application.  Our Portal delivers enduring solutions to rapidly resolve nagging problems.  Solution design and effectiveness logic are already designed into every one of our AIS™.  This, of course, reduces the time needed for problem management and the cost escalation for additional feature integration. If you have a PC, laptop, tablet, or mobile device, you are ready to connect to our Portal.  It is really this easy.  The AIS™ Corporation believes that authentic innovation simplifies life.

RSP™ Innovative Content Management

A major factor in the expansion of enterprise Portals is the availability of powerful content management capabilities.  We offer an innovative approach.  The RSP™ are managed for you. Wherever you are, the RSP™ is there.  In this way the RSP™ environment is both centralized and de-centralized. Our Portal supports multi-departmental and multi-regional enterprises and enables different business units to access and apply our RSP™ anytime.  Our Portal is agile and supports RSP™ management and individual RSP™ authorization.

Instant Learning

For clients of the Systems Management Institute, any AIS™ is easy to find.  Follow three simple steps and you have your solutions: First, click on a button. Second, state your problem. Third, receive your solution. Our methodology is innovative because our product is unparalleled.  Since it took Dr. Newkirk 50 years to develop and repurpose the AIS™, it should be. The AIS™ environment is much more than a social network. It is a real time solutions engine that enables clients to define what end-user, group, team, individual or role can employ the AIS™ to facilitate problem solving. 

The introduction of real-time, brief but potent Applied Intuitive Solutions™ introduces a new dynamic to the workplace.  Now every person in need of an immediate solution to a nagging workplace problem has somewhere to go. The person simply goes online, states the problem, and receives the solution. The system even provides a project management outline to assist the person with putting the solution into practice. Using a Portal to rapidly resolve important issues in real-time defines a new standard for Internet Assistant Action Learning™ (IAAL™).  This model combines rapid solutions with client experience to resolve problems quickly.

The AIS™ increases the business value of “Instant Education” by collapsing the time spent in the innovation cycle from solution design to problem solving.   Moreover, the business value of the AIS™ further increases by eliminating the cost of consulting and training.  Our AIS™ approach offers a highly reliable, real-time strategy that simplifies everyone’s problem-solving process. This enables us to constraint short and long-term costs while energizing client innovation.  Our AIS™ environment delivers a powerful combination of Portal, AIS™, innovation, and cost reductions that enhance enterprise effectiveness in the fulfilment of the business mission.

The AIS™ Success Formula

AIS™ + Portal + Innovation = Reduced Problem-Solving Cycle Time

Reduced Problem-Solving Cycle Time = Cost Reductions


Cost Reductions = More $$$$ for Share Holders

AIS™ Development & Solution Simplification

Applied Intuitive Solutions™ begin their development as problems in organizations.  In designing his AIS™ architecture, Dr. Newkirk’s identified challenges to organization success posed by a wide range of workplace problems. Examining the deliverables of important consulting projects from around the world, he developed a process that enabled him to identify specific problems embedded in the deliverables and re-state them as a question using the normal form: “How can I”…. 

The process of AIS™ construction consists of two parts and flows in the direction from building the problem statement to clarifying the solutions.  The general process that Dr. Newkirk designed to refine consulting deliverables into Problem Statements meets the following criteria: The problem has to be an enduring one, meaning, many people experience this problem from generation-to-generation. The problem cannot be a trend or fad, is not a component of hardware, and cannot be a traditional computer application or software program.  Problems and solutions with these characteristics are everywhere and are constantly changing with every new generation of technology. Since people prefer simplicity in problem-solving, the AIS™ environment is the same for everyone. 

Using a Portal to rapidly resolve important issues in real-time

defines a new standard for Internet Assistant Action Learning™ (IAAL™). 

The simplicity of AIS™ design reduces the cost of problem-solving, enhances the quality factors that make enduring solutions really enduring, builds performance reliability, and facilitates organizational effectives.  In this way, the AIS™ do not require complex implementations, can be downloaded when needed, and are installation neutral. This is a big deal! While organizations are continually spending for faster development tools, frameworks of information management, and components of technology, the AIS™ Corporation keeps it simple. 

Clients have access to iApplied Intuitive Solutions™ that enables them to rapidly resolve problems that painfully reduce strategic, tactical, and operational effectiveness. Clients can now evolve more quickly to respond to evolving business conditions.  Moreover, they can access only the solutions they need at any point in time to quickly move to the next phase of business operations. Through our AIS™ Portal, clients can build and evolve their problem-solving capability while reducing money spent on expensive consulting and training programs.  Our AIS™ Portal is truly simple. It offers built-in expansion capabilities such as a micro-kernel architecture for mobile delivery, tablets, and PCs.

Enduring Solutions for Enduring Problems

Nothing under the sun is new.  When we pay attention, we eventually notice that life is marked with a curious phenomenon: People still make the same old mistakes.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.  What you see today, you will see tomorrow. The actors may be different, but the problems turn out to be the same.  This about sums up the reason why our AIS™ Portal is so very valuable.  It gives people a way out of this mess.  Many problems become enduring problems simply because so many people create the same kinds of problems so many times.

Humanity does not get it right often enough.  We are “backward thinking and forward living.”  We live for the future, but know only the past.  So we extrapolate the past into the future without ever learning to overcome the mistakes of earlier generations. Each AIS™ provides five to seven action steps that enable clients to implement enduring solutions to these kinds of nagging problems.  Now people can become free of the problems that so often haunt them throughout their careers. As a client masters each AIS™, he or she masters a solution that resolves an enduring problem completely, once and for all.  In this way the AIS™ becomes a liberating event because it rescues us from the bad habits of the past and assists us in overcoming the new problems of the present before they become the repeated problems of the future. Thus the AIS™ is a virtual time machine: It enables us to recover lost knowledge from the past to build new solutions that can change the future.


Portals have become more important over the last few years as they can easily meet the demands of a wide range of businesses. Systems Management Institute employs Portals in its design strategy to deliver role-based content, mobility, content management, and informal collaboration. Continually seeking to reduce the complexity and cost of our AIS™ for clients, we employ an architecture that simplifies AIS™ integration within the workplace.  We focus on delivering brief but potent Applied Intuitive Solutions™ in highly-critical functional areas that enable people to resolve a large range of workplace challenges quickly and effectively.

Portal Unification

Technology is taking over the world as applications and services continue to spread.  We designed the RSP™ Portal to fit into the existing infrastructure of any enterprise.  Our Portal supports authentication and authorization. It also delivers role-based content (RBC).  Our AIS™ Portal permits clients to access only the AIS™ in question.  Thus, only a single person ever has access to the single solution that he or she is authorized to view. 

The AIS™ Portal delivers one unified view of every solutions without compromising content security or client experience.  In this way, our Portal improves performance by increasing the reuse of previous solutions.  Furthermore, the AIS™ Portal supports the use of “microsites”. Here a single Portal can deliver AIS™ to a range of separate client organizations within a single enterprise.  Beyond this, Systems Management Institute can deliver a collection of AIS™ for different teams to leverage a common set of solutions for a common set of problems.

Unification of Solutions, Portals, & the AIS™ Resident Platform

In the past, organizations focused on the “Integration” of everything: Systems, standards, applications, code, information, services, and networks. In this environment, portals provided limited business capability as they constrained web experience.  Today, however, 21st Century simplification has led to the unification of infrastructures, technologies, and services. Thus, executives can leverage enterprise-wide content while simultaneously using other systems to deliver additional content repositories for organization and teams within departments. 

The AIS™ Portal enables corporations to receive both enterprise-wide and team-level solutions during a single project using the same solutions for problems shared by more than one person, regardless of their technology providers. Different organizations can share the cost of unlimited licensing across the enterprise.

AIS™ Portal Community Participation

Clients of our AIS™ Portal receive both cost savings from our On-Demand Solutions and also by attaining enhanced performance. Our Portal enables organizations to become residents of the new global problem-solving Platform.  Clients influence the design of our AIS™ roadmaps and the definition of AIS™ development standards, support services, category integrations, development processes, and business partnering strategies. The Systems Management Institute also delivers training opportunities, specialized documentation, and member groups and forums.

New Expectations

The AIS™ Portal is guided by a single web presentation standard that delivers enterprise-wide and team level solutions.  We also deliver our proprietary AIS™ to improve workflow capabilities. Our Global Standard enables an enterprise to implement departmental AIS™ deployments.  This capability further reduces project costs as an organization expands the reuse of AIS™ through the delivery of customized solutions across the enterprise. The Global Standard defines several key features of the AIS™ Framework that accelerate the benefits of any intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™. These include:

  • Web RSP™ management;

  • Role-based AIS™ delivery;

  • AIS™ Portal integration with existing information management systems: solution networking and enterprise-wide problem-solving collaboration, and

  • Client driven communities and solutions co-creation.

With these capabilities of the AIS™ Portal, any enterprise can rapidly become more effective as they leverage our AIS™ to improve their competitive capabilities.  Clients can also employ the AIS™ Portal to assist end-users in developing the insight to build their own solutions and define the problem areas that they need to master.  Combined, our AIS™ enable clients to access a wide range of solutions across an enterprise while mastering new skills to increase the effectiveness of teams while significantly reducing business process complexity and the cost of problem-solving.

Future Development of AIS™ Capabilities

Applied Intuitive Solutions™ have long-term viability because they address the kinds of problems that face people over and over again.  This is important for executives concerned about the extensibility of the investments they make.  Not only should an AIS™ resolve a current problem that impacts the organization, it should also offer an enduring solution whenever another person experiences the same kind of problem again at a later date.

The Systems Management Institute meets the market demands for this type of competitive capability.  The Systems Management Institute has embraced the concept of “enduring Solutions”.  We leverage this concept by continually refining our content to offer an array of Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to facilitate business performance.

AIS™ Client Empowerment and High Impact Performance

Focusing on enhanced effectiveness, the AIS™ Portal delivers solutions that are “aware” of the roles and responsibilities of end-users. Dedication to “Role-Awareness” enables our Portal to deliver rapid solutions that improve team performance and enhance individual effectiveness at all levels in the enterprise On-Demand.

We designed our AIS™ Portal to deliver enhanced control in finding and applying potent solutions to the problems that impede progress. Where solutions became available only after lengthy effort acquiring consultants with special skills, clients can now access the AIS™ Portal to find solutions on their own.  Clients can locate, download, or otherwise access Applied Intelligent SOlutions™ to resolve the problems that hinder progress. The Portal can determine who can access or view solutions.

The AIS™ Portal is a suitable Platform for delivering role-based solutions and building workplace relationships. We designed the AIS™ to provide static, personalized, role-based and team-based solutions. As the Systems Management Institute continues to add static, personalized, role-based, and group-based solutions, the effectiveness of the organization will grow dramatically. Eventually, clients will enhance productivity by employing the AIS™ Portal to acquire and apply new knowledge and otherwise overcome the 21st Century challenge of knowledge loss.

AIS™ in Workgroups, Teams, and Organizations

The AIS™ Portal addresses different kinds of problems, business conditions, and levels of responsibility in the organization.  The Portal delivers critical solutions to authorized end-users 24X7. The Portal delivers AIS™ that are appropriate to the role of the end-user.  The AIS™ provides specialized solutions given a client’s function and role as employee, manager or executive. Thus, the Portal can deliver any solution to the entire enterprise or its individual employee. The Portal can define the solutions within the perspective of an employee’s workplace network, which is a set of teams or groups defined by the employee. The client can define a group and then access solutions suitable to this group.

AIS™ Emergence

As the demand of enterprises grow for “Instant Problem-Solving”, Systems Management Institute will expand its capacity for delivering solutions that solve problems rapidly.  In the future, Portals that deliver Applied Intuitive Solutions™ will become a platform of choice for enhancing the skills and mastery of clients. Moreover, the AIS™ Portal can assist client by delivering a set of solutions that enable client to master a range of new capabilities. Our AIS™ Portal offers the flexibility of employing On-Demand problem-solving to overcome the challenges that impact business operations. While many companies have learned to innovate quickly, they still do not deliver the kind of solutions found in the AIS™ Portal.

Top Reasons Enterprises License the AIS™ Portal

Companies looking for a simple and solution-rich platform to supercharge their problem-solving approach choose the AIS™ Portal. It is a flexible, solution-based platform containing a core set of Applied Intuitive Solutions™ out of the box that meet many of today’s most challenging workplace challenges. These AIS™ include On-Demand solutions for strategic, tactical, and operational challenges for individuals, teams, and entire enterprises. Our AIS™ Portal improves the performance of people, systems, and business processes at the point where the workflow happens. We transform confusion into effectiveness rapidly. The appeal of the AIS™ Portal arises from:

  • Dramatic reduction in the lag time from problem discovery to solution delivery and implementation;

  • Acceleration of the cycle time from workflow expenditures to ROI;

  • publication of our RSP™ Platform International standard;

  • Sharp reduction in expenditures for consulting and training;

  • elimination of the sales practice of solution lock-in, and

  • Support for a broad set of brief but potent solutions.

We offer mission-critical solutions for every organization and every individual.

Easy Adoption

The AIS™ Portal is simple to access and easy to adopt by anyone at any time, 24X7.  Clients can access it without a formal systems implementation.  It offers a client-friendly interface, using a familiar desktop menu, and easy navigation.

Clients gain the most flexible and potent solutions at the lowest

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and highest Return on Investment (ROI).

Designed for the Future 

We designed the AIS™ Portal to evolve with the client’s organization.  If the client requires new solutions, they can access them with just a few clicks.  For example, a client can license out AIS™ for both internal and external use.  Moreover, a client can easily add social features to the Portal to enhance the power of its online community.

Solution Differentiators 

Other companies claim to be “solution companies”.  They promise to provide solutions in a matter of hours to a matter of months.  These companies require time to design the client’s solution based on a theoretical construct that may or may not work.  This is, of course, expensive and time consuming. These “solutions” companies are actually specialized consulting firms that focus on a single problem and use Portals for collaboration.

The Systems Management Institute delivers solutions immediately, On-Demand.  Our solutions are not theoretical gambles or best guess scenarios.  Rather they represent practical applications of previously successful solutions that have been demonstrated to work in workplace settings.  Every AIS™ is derived from actual experience in the workplace. When clients click on a problem, they receive an AIS™ in the form of an action plan consisting of five to seven actions steps that when executed will solve the problem.

With the AIS™ There is no need to debate a course of action, no need to develop a new theory, no need to re-create the universe.  If the client wants to solve the problem, he or she can.  This is the power of the RSP™ Portal.  Wherever you are, you can get the solution you require. Most interestingly, you can get that solution now, not later.  The AIS™ Portal has its own blogging environment. It enables clients to share their ideas with their colleagues throughout the enterprise and co-create solutions. Our AIS™ Portal offers Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to resolve more than 70 categories of problems.

Ready for Mission Critical Solutions for All Client Sectors

The AIS™ Portal is available 24X7 to assist clients whenever they experience a problem that needs immediate attention.  We offer mission critical Applied Intuitive Solutions™ for every client sector from Healthcare to Hospitality. Our Portal is scalable supporting thousands of concurrent end-users with rapid response times.  We offer substantial real-world solutions, high-availability, secure connections. We are deployable to public and private clouds and available as a hybrid PaaS.

Business Environment

Requiring more than 50 years to create, the AIS™ Portal has become the de facto standard for Applied Intuitive Solutions™. The Systems Management Institute offers a range of pricing options and enterprise subscriptions. AIS™ Partners work with the AIS™ community to identify opportunities for the development of additional associated project services and potential plugins . The AIS™ Portal has the world’s largest collection of AIS™ globally available. Currently, we have many thousands of AIS™ already available for clients in diverse industries.

The AIS™ Portal is available 24X7 to assist clients whenever they experience a problem that needs immediate attention.

AIS™ Synopsis: Derived Applied Intuitive Solutions (AIS™) 

  • 50 Years in Development

  • 75+ Industries Covered

  • 75+ Categories of Solutions Delivered

  • 64,000+ Solutions-On-Demand (In-Action)

  • Proprietary Conversion Model (IAAL™)

  • Click and Apply™ Design

  • Exclusive Intellectual Property of SMI Corporation

  • Exclusively available to the Registered Platform Residents of the RSP™ Corporation

  • Never Obsolete

  • Enduring Solutions and Always Relevant

  • Derived From Successful Practice

  • Backed With Experience

  • Demonstrated Value in Applied Settings

  • Immediately Available 24X7 Anywhere, Anytime

  • Proven Solutions and Mobile Delivery

AIS™ Leadership 

The Systems Management Institute has published the world’s first AIS™ International Standard. We have produced a library of technical design documentation covering the:

  • AIS™ Portal

  • Theoretical framework of the AIS™ architecture

  • History of the AIS™ evolution

  • AIS™ Portal Design Architecture

  • Management Checklist for selecting an AIS™ partner.

Current AIS™ Category List Part 1

  • Assessment Categories:

  • Business Partner Assessment

  • Client Assessment

  • Customer Assessment

  • Coaching Categories:

  • Coaching Behavioral Competencies

  • Coaching Technical Competencies

  • Coaching Contextual Competencies

  • Critical Success Factors of Coaching

  • Client Coaching Skills Development

  • Client’s Personal Space

  •  Consulting Categories:

  • Shared Understanding

  • Delivering Results

  • Exceeding Expectations

  • Enhanced Consulting Skills

  • Consulting Core Competencies

  • Understanding Your Client

  • Nurturing a Team Spirit 

  • Customer Focused Categories: 

  • Customer Focused Solutions

  • Customer Care Solutions 

  • Effectiveness Categories: 

  • Coaching Effectiveness

  • Effectiveness Models

  • Effectiveness development

  • Emotional effectiveness

  • Leadership Effectiveness

  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

  • Soft-Skills Effectiveness

  • Workplace Effectiveness

  • Client Effectiveness

  • Behavioral Competence for Consulting Effectiveness

  • Management Effectiveness

  • Healthcare Categories:

  • Nursing Soft-Skills for Patient Care

  • Improving Hospital Performance 

Current AIS™ Category List Part 2

  • Information Technology Categories:

  • Information Technology Cultural Migration

  • Information Technology Environment

  • E-Commerce Project Justification

  • Management Categories:

  • Management Practice

  • Communication

  • Human Systems Management

  • Team Focused Solutions

  • Business Justification

  • Managing Negative Situations 

  • Productivity Categories: 

  • The Synergistic Model

  • Organization Performance Model

  • Interpersonal Skills

  • Business Process Management Models

  • Productivity Models for Business Process Management

  • Building High Performance Organizations 

  • Project Management Categories: 

  • Project Insights

  • Behavioral Competencies of Project Management

  • Contextual Competencies of project Management

  • Technical Competencies of project Management

  • Program Management Soft-Skills

  • Project Management Soft-Skills 

  • Self-Development Categories: 

  • Building Assertiveness and Self-Image

  • Self-Development Coaching Skills

  • Gaining Trust and Confidence

  • Self-Development Soft-Skills

  • Self-Discovery

  • Solutions for Mastering Your Career

  • Personal Coaching and Consulting Soft-Skills

  • Vital Soft-Skills for Personal Success

  • Management Social intelligence

  • Achieving Exceptional Performance

Forever Forward 

We understand the importance of lining up the right solutions to resolve the specific problems that make your team less effective. Now that you have read our Client/Customer Guide, get our free Client/Customer Decision Making Checklist.  It is the next step in evaluating our AIS™ Portal and brief but potent Applied Intuitive Solutions™.

Go online and download the Client/Customer Guide Checklist. Get the full story. Read more about us at

Systems Management Institute

Orlando, FL 32826

(407) 864 7756

“Anybody can ask a question. But not anybody can ask a question that benefits both the questioner and the person questioned. Do you understand? What do you think I mean by the statement above? —Ray Newkirk