This road is not the way to San Jose. That’s all right. After all, life is an adventure. Can you feel the excitement whenever you become lost. Some adventure, right. It’s probably better to know where you are heading so you can change course before you cannot find your way back. —Ray Newkirk
Our AIS™ Solutions
We blend Intellectual Property with e-delivery to accelerate problem-solving and transform behavioral, technical, and contextual skills to facilitate business opportunity. We leverage our Internet Assistant Action Learning Model™ (IAAL™) and proprietary intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™) to deepen the basis of competence in professional practice. We support open-innovation to encourage clients to engage in global collaboration regarding the application of our content.
Who Uses SMI
“We are committed to infusing the SMI vision in our performance,
our learning programs, our client relationships, and our enterprise community.”
Raymond L. Newkirk
SMI is not for everyone.
Success at SMI requires commitment, study, motivation, and self-direction.
SMI will appeal to only those who take themselves and their careers seriously.
SMI designed programs for corporate owners, executives, and managers who wish to influence and improve the performance and value of work teams.
SMI designed content for educators and corporate training managers who wish to offer practical programs which improve the performance of all employees.
SMI designed certificates for business and technical managers who wish to shift to tomorrow's paradigms today.
SMI designed courses for clients who wish to reduce their training overhead and streamline their training portfolios through the selection and implementation of more powerful learning content.
SMI established affiliation for consultants who wish to broaden their educational foundation.
SMI designed programs for individuals who are interested in improving their skills in managing self, communicating, managing people and tasks, and mobilizing innovation and change.
SMI offers something for everyone from the lowest level of project support to the Corporate Chair challenged by the emerging contingencies of 21st leadership.
SMI enhances and complements the development of personnel, managers, executives, C-Level leaders, and Corporate Directors.
SMI is excellent for those moving into a new position and those expanding their leadership role.
SMI is for those who desire a flexible program of personal enrichment and professional retreading.
SMI is for those who are making career transitions and those desiring professional updating.
“We integrate the consulting and learning dimensions of performance improvement
To address both the head and the heart and to offer both an enriching environment
for learning and a multi-cultural professional community in which to reflect on and build
personal and group competence. SMI commits itself to transforming the whole person.”
Raymond L. Newkirk
“Offering a library of evidence-based solutions & workplace-authentic learning content, a mindful learning architecture, and a cost-effective and simplified delivery system which forms an exciting and
expanding problem-solving environment, SMI is at the forefront of the problem-solving revolution in professional development and performance improvement.”
Raymond L. Newkirk
As a prolem-solving & learning corporation, SMILC values core education with rapid application. We are committed to:
Global Virtual Education to educate the world.
Cost effective and convenient programs of professional education.
Immediate application through SMI’s “Use While You Learn” approach.
Core content as a shortcut to practical learning.
Professional and Personal Competency.
Enhanced competency through life-long learning.
Efficient, effective, quick, and targeted courses.
Network of professional contacts.
Making life easier for students mastering the course material.
Certificates that mean something to individuals and employers.
Offering program that enable students to become recognized for their expertise and competence.
Making a difference in the emerging world of virtual education.
Focusing on learning, not teaching.
Changing the framework of professional education.
“SMI offers and attractive value proposition. We deliver the business benefits of
cost efficiency, quality, service, and speed to provide real value to organizations,
workgroups, and individuals.” —Ray Newkirk
SMI Corporation & The AIS™
Defines the goal of our AIS™ – performance improvement or compliance
Defines the key metrics – cycle time, wait time, resource utilization
Identifies the constraints – find the bottleneck activity or resource
Exploits the constraints – improve behavior creating performance bottleneck or impedance
Subordinates to the constraints – improves upstream throughput
Elevates the constraint – invests to improve
Avoids inertia- start the process again
SMI reinvents problem solving in the organization. Through AIS™, the focus shifts from the AIS™ training as a perk to learning as a necessity for improving problem solving performance and from the teacher to the learner. Our shift requires management to place all problem solving on a business and performance basis and ensure that knowledge transfer is enduring rather them situational and long term rather than temporary.
Business Oriented:
SMI is first and foremost a business driven enterprise and is the essential framework for putting professional training on a business basis.
SMI is the uniform structure which puts professional problem solving on a business basis.
Since problem solving represents business investments, SMI provides the structure within which problem solving business and technical objectives can be met under continually supervised constraints of time, costs, and market requirements.
SMI provides a structured method for problem solving business management. It is the profile for: (a) solutions plans; (b) cost of problem solving; (c) solution analysis and design life cycle; (d) solution documentation; (e) problem solving standards/procedures; (f) solution transfer; (g) problem solving staffing, and (h) problem solving Human Resources Management.
Efficiency Oriented:
SMI tells clients where they stand now by providing the structure which points to their direct training costs.
SMI enhances efficiency by pointing to reduced training support costs.
SMI helps clients measure their training program productivity in terms of the present/future ratio.
SMI provides the foundation for helping clients see how their training program productivity compares with their productivity in prior years.
SMI helps clients compare their training productivity to that of other training groups.
Effectiveness Oriented:
SMI enables clients to access the right solution for the right problem at the right time.
SMI guides clients in delivering the right solution correctly under the constraints of business conditions.
Reliability Oriented:
SMI is reliability oriented in that it addresses the training problem of the cost/error ratio.
SMI improves clients methods for resolving errors within the functional areas of the training process and the I/T support areas.
SMI leads to a more disciplined training environment that will strengthen training processes, especially in the areas of standards, learning procedures, courseware production, needs forecasting, content development and exchange and I/T support.
SMI points the way to the adoption of better methods, controls, tools...that aid in error reduction in the later part of training projects.
Management Oriented:
SMI enables training managers to determine if they are allocating their training resources properly to the early, mid, and late cycles of the training project life cycles.
SMI enables training managers to adhere to the business as opposed to the technical agenda.
Productivity Oriented:
SMI offers a structure in which clients can make better decisions about putting new training methods/procedures in place.
SMI is Productivity Oriented in terms of comparing error rates in new training methods produced before and after putting new methods/procedures in place.
SMI is Productivity Oriented in terms of measuring the trend in the training method/performance ratio.
SMI is Productivity Oriented in terms of measuring improvements in time and cost estimates which are a part of developing, enhancing, maintaining or improving training functions and the enabled training processes.
SMI is Productivity Oriented in terms of allowing management to define and monitor new training process measures of performance.
Improvement Oriented:
SMI is designed to bring continuous improvements in the vital training-business process relationship.
SMI is designed to improve the quality of training performance because its is concerned with reliability and strives for maintainability as an approach for building evolutionary and open training systems.
SMI is designed to bring continuous improvements in the productivity of training managers and staff via better methods and tools.
SMI is Improvement Oriented in that is seeks to reduce training program risk and uncertainty through earlier detection and correction of errors.
SMI is Improvement Oriented in that it seeks increased return on investments (ROI) through better allocation of business, training, and I/T resources.
Mission Oriented:
SMI is Mission Oriented in that its methodology is a holistic, evolutionary process designed to manage any task environment.
SMI is Mission Oriented in that its learning management methodology is designed specifically for training program and/or project management.
SMI is Mission Oriented in that it is the communications link between training staff members.
SMI is Mission Oriented in that it is the model which measures organizational impact.
Training Program Management Under SMI:
SMI offers an global approach for meeting the responsibilities unique to the training programs of clients.
SMI provides the crucial structure which helps identify the variables which influence the successful termination of a training program in that our system enables clients to better forecasts project acceptability and enhance project efficiency.
SMI is the standard identifying success toward:
Business milestones as check points for measuring effectivity and efficiency.
Program Milestones as check points for providing restraints which maximize training management reliability.
SMI offers the management structure supporting all training planning activity in:
Development of training specifications;
Design reviews for functional, design implementation, and maintenance specifications;
Training program and project management test and integration, and
Quality verification and training program progress guided by a relevant training program Life Cycle.
Our Competitive Advantage
During times of cutback, retrenchment, or declining revenues, problem solving becomes more expensive and unfavorable. An organization frequently measures its outcome in terms of the number of solutions resolved rather than in the improvement of workplace performance. The value of problem-solving is actually in the amount of performance improvement the solutions bring to the organization. Organization managers are beginning to adopt the performance-based view of problem solving. As our AIS™ spreads throughout the world, companies spend millions of dollars to build expensive in-house problem solving platforms, networks, and systems. Realistically, it takes some time to recover this cost through the improved performance expected from new methods of problem solving.
Our Competitive Anomaly
SMI does not require such an expensive framework for rapid problem-solving. Clients that turn to us for support save millions of dollars in up-front sunk costs. Management can then allocate this money to other important priorities. When the bubble bursts and management realizes the error of over-extended program development, SMI will be recognized as the cost to performance leader. SMI is a quicker, simpler, more responsive, effective, efficient, and less expensive business partner. SMI offers learning programs empowered by the concept of safe failures to reduce the danger inherent in learning from mistakes. SMI offers robust coaching and feedback online. SMI offers expert models and storytelling. SMI offers workplace authenticity. SMI offers the power of reuse after learning.
“Successful Internet delivered problem solving immerses one in the problem solving experience and provides opportunities to practice in a safe environment.”
—Raymond L. Newkirk
Why the Content will Remain Timely
“Responding to its mission, SMI emphasizes learning programs that are
designed to take advantage of its virtual, Internet delivered format, relative youth,
and special vision. This is highlighted by SMI’s professional and human
systems content especially focused on the practical skills of workplace performance.
SMI promotes programs of real service to individuals in the workplace insofar as
these programs can leverage the Virtual-Learning format.
Raymond L. Newkirk
Because professional education has been slow to respond a world that has changed dramatically and demanded new skills and competencies to keep pace with the times.
Because in the future, skills that were not considered as essential just 50 years ago, such as computer programming, systems design, and quality assurance, will take a back seat as the world progresses.
Because other skills, as ancient as human life itself, are just as vital today as they were at the dawn of the 20th century - and they will be just as vital in the 22nd Century.
Because the ability to mobilize innovation and change, communicate well, manage tasks and others, and management one-self are even more vital today as they were yesterday, and will be even more vital tomorrow in a world marked by multiculturalism.
Because SMI specializes in the core competencies of human success which never become obsolete. These competencies may be forgotten but they never become obsolete.
Because the mission of SMI is to ensure that these competencies mark the standard of performance in each generation and are never to be overlooked again.
SMI has witnessed an increasing Loss of expertise, skill, and competency in the workplace over the last 25 years. Agreeing with others that the gap between education and the workplace has widened, SMI delivers learning programs which focus on the enduring areas of professional competency identified by the Corporate-Higher Education Forum, a group consisting of top CEOs and university presidents in Canada. Our programs never become obsolete because we designed them to build an individual’s competence. Since our learning content focuses on the bases of competence, it is an empowering curricula that will remain timely and relevant as the demands of work continues to change.” —Raymond L. Newkirk
Why Our Content Is Compelling
“While much of the educational debate focuses on the role of the teacher and the relevancy of traditional education, some educators and students are questioning the nature and quality of the interaction between students and teachers. SMILC believes that this lively critique is changing the world of education dramatically. We participate in this debate by focusing on the problem of learning and the needs of the learner.” —Raymond L. Newkirk
Encourages the rediscovery of lost skills and expertise.
Uses emerging tools and techniques to empower self-directed learning.
Provides a unique global program.
Makes a real difference in the lives of individuals and organizations.
Focuses on building the competence of clients to make life easier for workers and employers.
Creates a environment of consistency within the corporate professions in language, skills, and practice.
Employs innovative technologies to bring the classroom to the student.
Offers the core content of what is needed without over working the client on non-essentials.
Helps everyone - students directly and employers indirectly.
Transforms experience gained in workplace to core content knowledge base.
Defines the standard for education in professional competence.
Enables a self-perpetuating learning process by providing real-time access to work-specific learning content.
“Our programs and learning modules are professional skills based which testify to proficiencies in the skills, sciences, and core competencies necessary for success in the modern workplace. We provide instructional and professional preparation for success.” —Raymond L. Newkirk
Effective Business Relationships
Effective Business Relationships (EBR) is an important industry initiative conceived to improve core business processes and pass savings to consumers. But EBR alone is insufficient to help you navigate through the difficult and volatile times of hypercompetitive era.
Systems Management Institute (SMI) is concerned about competition and what it means to virtual commerce business partners. If it is true that “the rule today is that there are no rules,” what does that mean if you are banking on virtual commerce to sustain competitive advantage? To advance the vision of EBR in today’s hypercompetitive world, SMI announces Vision 21™, the product to master virtual commerce. While the focus of virtual commerce is efficiency, EBR via Vision 21™ concentrates of effectiveness. In a hypercompetitive world, we don’t want to do the wrong things right. We designed Vision 21™ to minimize the risks in virtual commerce by helping you the right things right.
Business Activities lead to process groupings which lead to:
Core processes,
Business process flows,
Operational process flows,
Details process flows.
Vision 21™ is a powerful interactive tool that empowers all levels of your organization.
For Executives, Vision 21™ provides a Best Practices Requirements Models that integrates each level into your company. This Requirements Model both demonstrates what you must do to gain the full potential of virtual commerce, step by step, and provides a mechanism for managing the transition process demanded by the forces of hypercompetition. Vision 21™ is your tool to establish Effective Business Relationships and helps you gauge the bottom line immediately before you commit resources to virtual commerce.
For Information Systems Managers, Vision 21™ identifies the prerequisites for succeeding in virtual commerce including technologies, project plans, and dependencies. Vision 21™ provides a detailed and integrated virtual commerce methodology that is available, module by module, starting with the virtual commerce best practices model as the foundation.
For End-Users, Vision 21 provides a process for participating with technical groups while redesigning processes or workflows. Vision 21 is the linking pin process that integrates the business requirements of end-users with the enabling capabilities of Information Technology. Additionally, Vision 2™1 bridges end-users with both executives and technologists to provide a coherent model of the organization.
For Everyone, Vision 21™ provides integrated plans, models, and action programs to clarify the expectation of each person and to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from one group in the company to another.
“SMI delivers concise and authentic workplace content
that focuses on the emerging work-skill needs of the 21st Century learner.
We do this by delivering a realistic work-skills improvement experience
using the most advanced and effective methods of distance learning globally accessible.” —Raymond L. Newkirk
Content, convenience, cost, and competence!
Many reasons encourage clients to select SMILC as their training partner. First and foremost, SMI is committed to educating the whole person.
SMI offers opportunities for life-long learning through professional certification and career development.
SMI advises each client when requested on selecting programs and learning modules.
SMI offers consulting services for individual and group coaching and competency development.
SMI supports internship placements in management and consulting settings linked with accompanying performance development.
SMI offers special learning programs to enrich learning beyond the Internet.
SMI encourages learning in common by sharing ideas and seeking feedback to improve programs.
SMI offers specialized group programs using action assignments to build interpersonal workplace skills through human interaction.
SMI engages in continuous improvement and staff development, research and publications.
SMI focuses on building competence to make life easier for employees, managers, and employers.
SMI enables everyone - learners and employers - to excel in the workplace.
SMI transforms experience gained in workplace settings into an authentic reservoir of professional knowledge and practice models.
SMI sets the standard for learning in professional competence, and enables a self-perpetuating learning organization.
SMI overcomes the many disadvantages of training approaches held over from the last century.
Focusing on the personal competence and the performance of organizations, SMI leads the way to the rediscovery of lost skills and expertise forming the bases of competence.
SMI creates an environment of consistency within the workplace in language, skills, and practice.
SMI efficiently employs emerging tools and techniques to empower self-directed learning.
SMI delivers a unique global program to make a real difference in the performance of organizations.
SMI employs innovative technologies to bring the classroom to learners and organizations - wherever they are.
SMI offers the essential content of what is needed without over-working learners on non-essentials.
“SMI further offers evolving programs which explore new frontiers of competence while yet remaining broad enough to provide an authentic framework for the advancement of practical learning for the workplace.
SMI especially emphasizes holistic skills that bring new perspectives and innovative techniques to the solution of new and old problems.”
Raymond L. Newkirk
Proven Solutions for Real World Problems
We solve everyday management and team problems by offering proven solutions derived from real-world projects. We make our AIS™ available to clients as a problem-solving repository. We share our demonstrated expertise to enable clients to apply AIS™ to enhance their mastery of the core skills that form the basis of workplace competence as they solve workplace challenges.
Knowledge Loss
We have witnessed the increasing loss of expertise, skill, and competence in the workplace over the last 35 years. Agreeing with others that the gap between knowledge and the workplace has widened, we provide professional skill enhancement through specific intelligent Applied Intutive Solutions™ that enhance the core areas of workplace competence:
(1) Managing Self,
(2) Communicating Well,
(3) Managing People and Tasks, and
(4) Mobilizing Innovation and Change.
AIS™ provides an end-to-end online service to enable organizations to more rapidly and effectively solve challenges, and reduce dependency on consulting and training. Our AIS™ environment offers rapid problem-solving, not consulting, to facilitate knowledge acquisition and recovery. We instantly connect solutions to problems. We meet the milestones that mark the journey to enterprise success by delivering On-Demand Solutions that align your organization for success.
Competitive Advantage
We own the world’s first Global Standard for intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™. Offering a wide range of Applied Intuitive Solutions™ to rapidly resolve the nagging problems that sharply reduce organization productivity, our AIS™ Portal provides the only full cycle choice for leaders and their teams to provide “instant solutions” to their organizations. Providing hard and soft-skills solutions, as step-by-step instruction sets specifically designed to resolve technical, behavioral, and contextual problems, and assessment of capability maturity levels, AIS™ is the solid choice for assuring competitive success.
Today’s Dreams & Trends
Currently, Inference Systems and Artificial Intelligence are beginning to come into prominence. First introduced in the 1956, these systems, processes, and methods have become more disciplined and refined over the years. Currently, these sophisticated technologies are beginning to generate a new industry that is expected to change the future of business, consulting, learning, development, and training. Collectively, these new technologies and methods have led to the development and introduction of a family of new software, hardware, tools and techniques that are expected tol improve problem solving for nearly everyone.
Thought Leaders suggest that a new industry is emerging. This is the dream of a few and the hope of many. It is a trend that introduces a formal industry of high tech problem solving. Working in stealth for a number of years on the development of its Deep Intelligence Technology™, SMI Corporation has positioned itself to become an unquestioned leader at the forefront of virtual problem-solving. Bringing its Deep Intelligence Technology™ to industry and government to change how the workplace solves problems, SMI Corporation introduces a significant paradigm shift that eliminates the gap between problem definition and problem solving.
Critical Success Factors of AIS™
Successful companies excel at managing their Critical Success Factors (CSFs). These provide unique leverage to beat the competition. Our CSFs are the building blocks of exceptional performance. Our CSFs are derived from the delivery of Exceptional Performance in soft and hard-skills competencies, On-Demand, and Knowledge Management. We build competence by providing continuous access to real-world solutions derived from practical models, well thought-out action plans that facilitate knowledge acquisition, abundant intelligent Solutions On-Demand, workplace authentic content, context relevant scenarios & stories, integrated work tasks, and virtual Internet delivery. AIS™ Platform Resident gain improved professional performance and heightened workplace productivity. Our AIS™ CSFs include:
Effective AIS™ Content: Correct, appropriate to the audience, appropriate to the purpose, timely, and enduring.
Authentic Learning: AIS™ content reflects the real workplace. Learners identify with the course and believe that it is a real reflection of their workplace.
Substance over Form: We provide core substance and employ multimedia only where it improves knowledge transfer.
Insightful Flexibility in Fitting All Learners: We offer a large range of AIS™ content to meet the needs of learners at every level in the company, operational, tactical, and strategic.
Learner Friendly Technology that Eliminates the Technological Barrier: We provide the framework, you use the environment you have.
Useful after First Use: You can apply the AIS™ content immediately in the workplace and for years to come.
Reinforced Learning through Workplace Application, Follow-up Coaching and Review, Knowledge Management, and Team Building- We offer an On-Demand skills coaching process with many opportunities for intensive personal coaching, if and when desired.
Encourages Management and Professional Support: Our AIS™ develop professional relationships in the workplace to improve performance.
Reduces Conflict of Culture: Our AIS™ increase cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Interesting and Relevant to the Workplace: Our AIS™ content is authentic and originate in actual workplace application.
Includes Principles of Mindful Learning to Avoid Being Shovel-ware: Our AIS™ content is designed to enhance intellectual skills using Internet delivery.
Meets Workplace Relevant Objectives: Our AIS™ content is meaningful and motivates Platform Residents. They are performance oriented and include the why, what, how of using the content to improve workplace performance and obtain personal benefits. Our programs offer practical models of implementation.
Keeping Everything Simple: Our intent is to remove as much complexity as possible in the AIS™ environment. We will simplify the business process wherever possible and acknowledge the feedback of Platform Residents.
Through our AIS™ Performance begins when the level of competence becomes sufficient enough to ensure effectiveness. It culminates in leadership self-renewal to transform ordinary performance into performance at the Ulthule™ level. It is worth remembering that the factors leading to the Ulthule AIS™ level of performance are themselves sets of many other factors as indicated in the Tree of Performance below. Formula one is noted as: ((C) (EƒC)) = (PƒE) + ((P) (4CBS)) (AL) + ((AL) (HCD)) + ((HCD) (LS-RƒHCD)) + (LS-R) (PA ƒLS-R) (U™P) ƒ ™ (P). Where: Competence leads to Effectiveness to arrive at Performance. Performance masters the four Challenges of Business Success using Action Leadership. Action Leadership is derived from cycles of Human Capital Development. Human Capital Development ensures Leadership Self-Renewal. Leadership Self-Renewal builds the Passion that energizes UlThule™ such that the function of UlThule™ is more than the sum of the members of the all the sets forming Performance.
The AIS™ Compelling Business Advantage
The AIS™ Portal delivers mobile problem-solving assistance that saves clients millions of dollars in the elimination of up-front sunk costs. We are a quicker, simpler, more responsive, effective, and less expensive business partner.
Our Internet Assistant Action Learning™ process employs specially developed content and delivery technology to leverage the power of the Internet to provide attractive cost to profit ratios and ROI in problem-solving.
In Seeking the optimal ROI, we have worked aggressively to integrate our repository of Virtual Intelligence, consisting of a million+ Applied Intuitive Solutions™, with state-of-the-art information technologies to form the framework of our powerful Internet Assistant Action Learning™ architecture.
Target Market
AIS™ has developed solutions for every organization on any strategic journey. We employ “Marketing as Conversations” to transform customers into active advocates of our company. We support “Open Innovation” to engage customers in a global collaboration regarding our AIS™.
There are roughly thousands of companies that have or will have adopted new infrastructure strategies by the end of each year in the USA alone. Every one of these can benefit from our AIS™ Platform. There are many millions more that can improve their performance using our AIS™ Platform.
Marketing and Sales
We employ marketing strategies that are designed to make closers out of our sales staff.
We license our AIS™ Platform to corporations and individuals. Through our “marketing as conversations” approach, we will involve clients and customers as active advocates of our company.
We Can Be Paid
(1) Online,
(2) On a subscription basis as entire organizations decide to use our Member Area as a Virtual Solutions Center as a knowledge base for effective problem solving, and
(3) Through site licensing as companies license our AIS™ Platform to complement their problem-solving environment.
Proprietary Conversion Process
Using our proprietary conversion process, we have transformed the actual consulting products of noteworthy projects with high strategic value into our premium intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™. In this way, our AIS™ fill an enduring need for the recovery and acquisition of “instant solutions” that enable teams, managers, and executives to enhance enterprise performance.
We designed our AIS™ to transform clients into effective professionals who can rapidly resolve a large range of nagging problems On-Demand.
Our Key Startup Targets for Memberships
As we begin our operations, we strive for a Lifetime Value (LTV) that is greater than three times the Customer Acquisition Cost. Also, we strive to recover Customer Acquisition Cost in less than 12 months. We do this by hybridization of the Solution as a Service (SoaaS) business model.
Months to recover CAC < 12 months.
To see how our AIS™ Portal works, please contact us at (407) 864-7756. You may contact Ray Newkirk directly through email at
Collaborative Environment
Our collaborative approach builds a community of experts that encourages serious dialogue about the challenges facing organizations and teams as they transition to constantly emerging business models. iSOD™ encourages clients to increase their own revenue opportunities by:
Using the Internet to teach others.
Publishing their own content to expand their own spheres of professional influence, build their recognition, and enhance their careers.
Connecting with a global audience of like-minded professionals to complement their own personal web service.
Deepening their interests in developing, sharing, and marketing their own skills.
We create a new industry by transforming the internet experience of business professionals who aspire to take their place at the Pinnacle of Decision Making. We also:
We blend successful management practice with the collaboration capabilities of blogging to reduce dependency on consulting and training and transform problem-solving.
We take the Internet to its logical destination as the link between theory and practice and problem definition and solution.
We facilitate the development of intelligent Solutions On-Demand™ to enhance workplace skills by offering successful experience as a learning assistant.
We expand the current practices of project management by blending the strengths of E-delivery to add client value and enhance business-performance ratios.
Business Model
We leverage the global power of the Internet 24X7 to enable a revenue model consisting of free and premium client services, paid content, Certifications, virtual goods, retail sales, subscriptions, affiliations, and advertising. We invite co-creation to encourage clients to expand our potential to create attractive market value. We transform unique content for user-friendly delivery using an AIS™ Platform designed to attract traffic loyalty and promote the contributions of clients. An e-commerce engine manages most financial transactions.
Current Competitors
Since we are introducing a new problem-solving, knowledge and skills acquisition paradigm, we do not have direct competitors. Traditional companies include: Mindtools, Learning Tree, Learning On-Demand, Mindbites, iAmplify, Instructables, ExpertVillage,, Scribd. Our business model, large repository of proprietary I.P., target audience of individuals, teams, and organizations, and business history sharply reduces the number of direct competitors we face now and in the near future.
Client-Centered Environment
We offer unique features designed to enhance the development of professional skills. We offer:
Forums through which participants ask and answer questions and elaborate on important matters.
Relevant and hard hiding blogs to discuss emerging issues.
Newsletters to share the latest news about topics of interest within the AIS™ community.
Opportunities to share, sell and buy E-Books and skills-development content
Opportunities to enjoy online learning.
Opportunities to engage in R&D using cases and a library of practice-based content.
Blogging Environment
Our blogging community is global and consists of professionals who share several characteristics:
Want to succeed and achieve at the Pinnacle of Decision-Making
Committed to developing professional skills
Enjoy collaborating with like-minded individuals to solve challenges that cut across the core areas of professional mastery
Desire to share their insight, successes, and content with a global audience
Enjoy belonging to a special community that enhances their standing within their industry
Committed to professional development
Interested in sharing thoughts and perspectives about important issues of the day in their own spheres
Seek answers to questions that can best be answered in a community dedicated to life-long learning
We Were First
We are the only virtual solutions company with a mission to build employee and workplace performance by offering Internet delivered programs produced from actual workplace derived consulting experience.” —Ray Newkirk
We are the first to use actual consulting content as the foundation for learning content.
We are the to put intellectual capital on a business basis by seeking to add business value through learning.
We are the first company created by consultants and business executives with first-hand understanding of the shortcomings of corporate training and academic education.
We are the first to identify the bases of competence using the input of corporate, business, and academic leaders.
We are the first to provide learning content designed for immediate application.
We are the first to focus of the rediscovery of the lost skills that were essential in building many of the great successes of the past in business, industry, and government.
We are the first to enable corporate training organizations to reduce their learning systems cost throughout the entire training life cycle.
We are the first to use a human systems approach to simplify the learning environment by linking all the skills of an enterprise from the lowest to the highest levels, from the individual rank and file employee to Corporate Director.
We are the first to develop the powerful Internet Assistant Action Learning (IAAL) approach to virtual learning.
We are the first to use a holistic approach to develop the entire person by building the professional abilities, core competencies, and workplace performance of individuals and then providing a conceptual foundation for excelling in these abilities.
We are the first to transform experience gained in the workplace into a real-time, online reservoir of professional knowledge and work-practice models.
We are the first to address the needs of individual workgroups for soft-skills specific and practical success-oriented knowledge.
We are the first to support the entire work life cycle from project initiation to implementation management and from Electronic Commerce to Enterprise Design.
We are the first to focus on building holistic competence in the work/task environment to make life easier for employees and employers.
We are the first evidence-based solutions company to build our reputation by focusing on the development of competent individuals and the improvement of performance across all organizations - strategic, tactical, and operational.
“Our perspective emphasizes the unique capabilities of performance in each person, in each organization, and in every manager and executive.”
—Ray Newkirk
Where the Content Came From
“SMI matters because it rapidly delivers evidence-base solutions to problems.
SMI has the content that makes employee development meaningful.”
Raymond L. Newkirk
The content comes directly from the field of real experience in corporation, institutions, and government agencies.
The content emerges from the consulting knowledge warehouse of the Systems Management Institute.
We have built an impressive repository of intellectual capital, consulting knowledge, and project data.
Content is derived from more than 15 different industries and more than 20 different types of services.
We derived content from banking and finance, manufacturing, logistics, communications, software development, management consulting, education, entertainment, marketing and sales, research and development, high technology, insurance, government, defense, medical, aviation, construction, foods, optical, and distribution industries.
Content represents problem solving, management development, technology implementation, staff education and development.
We derived the Content is derived from global engagements.
In Asia, we derived content from the design of an Electronic Commerce Architecture to support a global economic development network, and the design of a Military Logistics System.
In Europe, we derived content from corporate restructuring projects that involved the design of cluster organizations, implementation of information technologies, automation of workflows, and the development of marketing and sales programs.
In the Middle East, content was derived from the development of automated logistics systems, five-year strategic Information Technology plans, and systems management, vendor evaluation services, and the design of Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS).
In the U.S.A., we derived content from program management projects that involved change management and configuration control, business process re-engineering, executive support systems design, business process modeling, client server computing, QA implementation, business continuity planning, training and systems development, evaluation of information technology, re-engineering of software development and business environments, evaluation of proposals for information technology, TQM/testing, facilitation of E-commerce, assistance in visioning, mission definition, divisional redesign, information technology interface design and implementation, business continuity planning, implementation of electronic document interchange, and ISO 9000 audits.
SMI content represents consulting investments exceeding many millions of dollars.
We transformed this consulting knowledge into certification programs to share this valuable information with those wishing to enhance professional practice and workplace performance.
SMI has made the content available at a fraction of the cost paid by the organizations that previously had it produced as consulting deliverables.
All content has undergone the validation of actual use prior to to designing it educational use.
“SMI content represents an effort to make available our broad and in-depth experience of demonstrated value within the coaching, learning, business, technology, and consulting industries for access by individuals and teams who see professional growth as a life-long process of self-directed learning.”
Raymond L. Newkirk, Psy.D., Ph.D., Ph.D.
AIS™ Insider Threat Prevention (ITP) Program
Cybersecurity is a serious challenge to the national economy. Companies are shutting down, people are losing their jobs, and $ trillions are being lost to Cyber Attacks. The problem is worse than people realize, and it is escalating. Threats are both external and internal. The majority of Cybersecurity efforts are directed to 30% of the problem. Insider Threat Prevention is the iceberg below the surface. The only way to avoid this iceberg is to solve the Insider Threat problem before the inevitable collision. Leaders have to do more than re-arrange the deck chairs. Cyber terror is changing the social and business landscape. Insider Threat Prevention (ITP) challenges every organization. However, the lack of ITP can destroy an enterprise. We designed our Insider Threat Cybersecurity Program to focus on PREVENTION in the real sense of the word. Our mission here is “changing how the world solves Insider Threat Prevention problems”.
Mastery of Insider Threat Prevention (ITP) demands skills that exceed the more common technical Cybersecurity tasks of Detection and Mitigation, the skills that most Cybersecurity workers learn. We exist to facilitate the development of the Insider Threat Prevention skills that few people learn. Insider Threat Prevention requires a design solution that transforms the organization culture by changing the flow of workplace relationships. Our goal is to leverage Insider Treat Prevention to deliver a positive return on Cybersecurity investments by:
Embedding a Culture of Insider Threat Prevention within each business process
Preventing Insider Threats by delivering virtual Cybersecurity solutions proactively
Accelerating Business Value Realization by facilitating ITP-Based Business Process Innovation
Focus Area: ITP Design & Implementation
Introducing Insider Threat Prevention to the Company
Insider Threat Prevention Program & Project Management
Designing & Implementing an ITP Organization Transformation Infrastructure
Implementing ITP Organization Migration
Designing & Implementing an ITP Framework
Designing Workplace Relationship to Prevent Insider Threats
Embedding Insider Threat Prevention in Business Process
Mastering Insider Threat Prevention Cultural Migration
Initiating Insider Threat Prevention Process Delivery
Initiating Insider Threat Prevention Product Development
Initiating Insider Threat Prevention Service Delivery
Insider Threat Management
ITP Rapid Solution Mobile Platform
ITP Behavioral Economics
ITP Behavioral Science
Cyber Security Economics
ITP Core Skills
ITP Workplace Relationships
ITP Specialized Roles and Responsibilities
Business Summary
Systems Management Institute™ delivers the first comprehensive approach to the development, delivery, adoption and management of intelligent Applied Intuitive Solutions™ (AIS™). This includes “instant solutions” to enhance problem-solving, and radically transform coaching, training, consulting, skills development, business process management, and effectiveness reporting into a virtual process of rapid change. AIS™ adoption makes up a $750B+ USD industry.
Client Problem: Lacking a full-cycle On-Demand solutions partner, many organizations poorly navigate the challenges of their stressed business environment. They experience the following five complex challenges:
Poorly designed end-to-end management solutions: From establishing the strategic initiative internally, to training, business process management, and measuring success, all of these challenges require different partners with different strategies;
Weak softs-kills support: This remains the single most significant source of organization failure. The usual approach to project implementation fails to resolve the single most crucial element of the business success formula, soft skills and the complex dynamics of workplace relationships. Project teams receive only cursory support for this most critical aspect of strategy adoption.
Lack of Professional Maturity through Lost Knowledge and Skills: Organizations transitioning their environments have little insight into the problem-solving capabilities of their organizations and the impediment to success this becomes;
Inconsistent consulting & training, and fragmented development initiatives: Currently organizations endure a management framework, without the necessary On-Demand capabilities that enable them to rapidly solve the problems that reduce performance. This delivers a lack of internal consistency downstream in the mid and late cycles of project life-cycles. This also increases the complexity of an already complex business process.
The Solutions Gap: A gap exists between the capability of management to define the problems that reduce the effectiveness of their organizations and the capacity to rapidly find solutions that can resolve these problems effectively in an enduring manner. Offering an incomplete solution while minimizing existing technical capabilities, coaching and consulting practices reduce workplace productivity.