Every human being is part of a Human Activity System, embedded or otherwise. That’s an idea in Systems Science. Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that human beings are more important than ideas. This is the most important idea of all ideas. It is worth remembering because you are worth it. —Ray Newkirk

Systems Models Approach as a Framework for Describing Christian Spirituality as a Human Activity Systems

Systems Management Institute Press · Feb 15, 2007

Debate continues over the value of theory and methodology in eclectic and multi-theoretical approaches to understanding Christian Spirituality. While we can argue much about the progress of Christian Spirituality as an academic discipline over the last 30 to 40 years, such progress is ambiguous. Lacking the rigor of theory, some in the academy employ an intuitive approach to defining Christian Spirituality while others employ multi-theoretical tools and techniques without benefit of a coherent and overarching meta-theory to link the tools and techniques for improved effectiveness. Even where a systems perspective is used to overcome these nagging shortcomings, practitioners of Christian Spirituality may under-conceptualize the rigor of systems practice in developing definitions of the emerging discipline.

A lot of people out there think all the talk about spirituality is bunk. That’s trash, junk, or lies. Interesting, though, discussions about spirituality are really a form of spirituality in action. The only way to be indifferent about spirituality is to be indifferent about everything. Such an emotional state may be interpreted as a very rigorous form of ascetical spirituality, the ultimate desire to desire nothing. —Ray Newkirk


Book 21


Book 23