Over the years, many people asked me: “What’s your reason for that?” Have you ever been asked something like that? Aristotle would remind us that if we cannot give a reason for our beliefs, we really do not believe them. If I cannot tell somebody what I mean, I really do not know what I mean. Think about it. A good coach can assist you with these kinds of clarifications. Thankfully. Do you know what I mean?

—Ray Newkirk


Systems Management Institute Press · Mar 1, 2012Systems Management Institute Press · Mar 1, 2012

  • This work culminates more than sixty years of prayer, study, and reflection on the difficulties of living a deeply Christian life in a secular and religiously splintered world. It heralds the absolute necessity for cultivating honesty at the deepest level of the soul in dispelling the psychologically embedded ignorance that minimizes the genuine nature of Christ and His Divine Mission and the cosmologically unique role of Mother Mary prepared by God from the beginning of time.

    The essential nature of the Christian vocation is to share God’s Mercy with all people everywhere while working with the Blessed Mother to bring the liberating news of the gospel message to a global population. I originally conceived of this book while contemplating the wounded moral state of the human family, a condition that has become widespread throughout the world today.

We have learned a lot in our lifetimes. We all stand on the shoulders of giants. Nevertheless, we have a long way to go to become a species that actually sticks together rather than sticking it to each other. Coaching can assist us in many ways. It can clarify our minds, improve our socials skills, teach us how to get unstuck and being in the present. Coaching is great, but it cannot do everything. For example it assist us with becoming more sensitive to family, colleagues, and friends but it cannot make us somebody else. We are us. We are who we are. So the question remains: What kind of person does each person want to be? This is actually a challenging question. It is also a spiritual one, and even a religious one. It is not merely a question of personal psychology. —Ray Newkirk


Book 20