Immense stars can appear as a mere speck so miniature that you will not be sure that you see them. Important challenges can be like this also. It is a matter of perspective, clarity, and distance that forms this illusion.

—Ray Newkirk

Building the Systems Management Institute Virtual Learning Center: Mobilizing Innovation and Change for Virtual Learning Success: Part 2

Systems Management Institute Press · May 22, 2005

This book emerged from my experiences in building Bay University as a startup, for-profit, virtual-learning, consulting, and coaching company based in the San Francisco Bay area. The concept for such a company naturally blossomed from a formative vision that I had cherished for more than forty years. As an ultimate goal, the vision offered the promise of building an attractive business of high revenue potential. From its inception, Bay University operated as a Virtual-Learning and consulting company offering flagship products consisting of certificate programs and a large repository of learning content sold via the Internet 24X7 to businesses and individuals around the world.

Cultivating Potent Leadership

Ulthule™ Coaching

Sometimes Problems seem so fuzzy. Perhaps that is because you are so far from the solutions. Practice making your problems intellectually intimate. Then you will craft a more intimate solution.

—Ray Newkirk


Book 25


Book 27