Do you think human will ever make trips “out-there” just to enjoy the cosmic scenery? Not if we do not learn how to work “in-here” to solve our most pressing problems that emerge from a natural ignorance to avoid the difficult discussions. —Ray Newkirk
Mother Philosophy and Her Wisdom
Aug 12, 1995
If this book has been followed closely so far, one will be able to see that philosophy is interesting, fun strange - so some say - enticing and, sad to say, even boring at times - remember logic. Perhaps one will always be aware that philosophy is fluid and honors no boundaries. Each branch infringes upon the other and therefore enriches the total science of philosophy. This encroachment of territory not only enhances philosophic ideas but also serves to limit them. As one branch deals with the others, a particular type of verification takes place. If what we learned about free will in philosophical psychology was incorrect the errors would be discovered in ethics. Consequently, the particular sciences in philosophy work hand in hand and thus become complimentary to one another. If this were not the case here, in philosophy, then it would not be the case in other areas where the human mind also functions. So, with this in mind let's take a brief look at Ethics.
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