Can a person be a human being and not philosophize? Good question. Let us come together and reason about it. —Ray Newkirk
The Chronicles of the Making of a Philosopher in Book The Fifth: Defense of Reason Volume One
Systems Management Institute Press · Jun 15, 1975
A philosophic attitude about living is centered in the very fiber and fabric of humanity itself, and thus consists of both subjective and objective intellectual investigations governed by the rigorous method proper to each philosophic discipline. Thus, it is in this way that Mother Philosophy becomes for us - because of its unique method - more than a mere chronicle of historical events. It is due to its own unique methods that Mother Philosophy becomes more than sociology or psychology or mathematics or anything else for what matter, for it is all of these, but all of these as applied to the human experience of living as a rational animal - that is, living through the purely human efforts of reasoning. Mother Philosophy is based solely upon a firm foundation that comes only from the search for Truth and the love of wisdom, a love of wisdom and a search for Truth which freely flows from the earliest and most powerful longings of the human spirit. Mother Philosophy is truly the love of wisdom.
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