If you were hired to design an Insider Threat Prevention workplace, where would you start? What would you do first? Who would you want on your team? How much time would you schedule for learning what you need to know to get the process going? What kind of threats would you want to prevent? You get the idea. Question, question, question; but you need answers, answers, answers. —RLN

The following section discusses the various knowledge areas and experience requirements:

Academic Education:

  1. Arts & Sciences

  2. Behavioral Science, Psychology & Sociology

  3. Behavioral Economics, Business & Management

  4. Communications

Professional Experience:

Professional consulting experience over the past five years for Individuals, Teams, & Organizations in profit and non-profit settings where 50% of the consulting involved individuals and 50% of the consulting involved teams.

Continuing Education and Training:

  • Insider Threat Prevention Consulting over the past five years to keep informed of trends in ITP Cyber Security

  • Insider Threat Prevention Cyber Security Consulting

Advanced Continuing Education and Training:

  • Seminars

  • Workshops

  • College Courses

  • Vocational Training

Advanced Consulting Experience:

  • Consulting to groups & individuals (one-on-one)

  • Conducting workshops

  • Presenting seminars

  • Publishing professional articles

  • Leading classroom instruction

  • Supervising consultants in training

  • Managing five or more consultants during one or more engagements

“Some people who engage in Malicious Insider Cyber Activities do it for sport. It is a game to them. They choose to remain unaware of the harm they cause to the people within the organizations they trick and the serious damage they cause to the enterprise they attack.”

— Ray Newkirk


Certification Tracks


Three Cert. Paths