“Special Topics are so special because of their impact on the individual colleague, specifically, and the organization, generally. Special Topics, also, cover a wide range of topics that address every aspect of operations and strategy. It exists to ensure that nothing crucial is ignored by manager of team member.”
— Ray Newkirk
Special Topics
ST001: Legal and Ethical Issues in Supervising the Coaching Activities of Managers
As a manager, you will frequently be called upon to supervise the coaching activities of subordinates who may be working under very demanding situations. This Special Topic explores important legal and ethical issues that consistently impact the success of management coaching. In this special presentation, you will examine the following:
Ethical expectations of team members
Legal and ethical issues in team member coaching and professional care
Supervisor competency expectations
Hiring & firing constraints
Liability risks inherent in manager coaching
Risk prevention during manager coaching
Dual relationships in the workplace
Documentation responsibilities of manager coaches
The problem of Compassion Fatigue
ST002: Manager Coaching Supervision
Specialized manager coaching knowledge and associated skills are essential whenever you attempt to develop management coaches for your teams. Our manager supervision seminars cover all the knowledge and skills anyone may need to supervise any team including technical and nontechnical workers. In this special presentation, you will explore the following:
Developmental stages of supervisors and those being supervised
Cross cultural and multi-cultural issues in supervision
Termination complexity and the problem of fairness
Team supervision and its constraints
Leadership styles and appropriate coaching approaches
Managing difficult situations
ST003: Creating and Maintaining Positive and Effective Working Relationships
Positive outcomes are preferred in organizations, but positive behavior does not always translate into effective working relationships. Occasionally too much positive energy can set you back in your quest to be an effective manager coach. This Special Topic serves as a reminder that successful manager coaching requires just the right balance of positive behavior and expectations of performance. In this presentation, you will learn how to employ positive coaching to build genuinely effective work relationships to raise the level of team performance. This presentation covers the following topics:
Conquering unconstrained anxiety
Managing authority issues
Eliminating the problem of counter-transference
Overcoming the problem of integrating skills with theory
ST004: Legal & Ethical Issues of Boundaries & Privacy in Manager Coaching
Often, the best manager coaching occurs at a distance. Boundaries mean everything. Occasionally, however, managers and their team members forget about their respective boundaries and cross the proverbial good-sense line. When this happens privacy goes out the window and everyone suffers. This presentation reminds you that boundaries exists for a reason and serve an important purpose in simplifying the life of the manager coach and his or her team members. Here you will revisit the role of psychological boundaries and learn how to management them to ensure coaching effectiveness. This presentation addresses the following concerns:
The nature of coaching boundaries
The sanctity of boundaries
The function of boundaries
Boundary management for effective coaching
Limits and care of coaching privacy
Two-way boundaries of coach and client
Illusionary reciprocity in boundary management
ST005: Employing Compassion-Focused Coaching for Shy Team Members
Compassion is a fine virtue. It enables you to connect with the other people in your life in a deeper and less selfish manner. Authentic passion, however, has its roots in self-compassion, a kind of passion that moves your focus from yourself to other people without manipulation. Not only charity, but compassion also begins at home. This presentation examines the following concerns of “compassion-focused Manager Coaching:
Mastering Self-Compassion for coaching effectiveness
Using compassion to managing the difficult personal emotions
Engaging compassion to build positive relationships with the painful aspects of life
Regulating emotions as a compassionate Manager Coach
Managing your emotional attachments through the gates of compassion
Understanding Self-Compassion to develop a secure self-view
ST006: Coaching Team Members with Chronic Complaints
Occasionally you will find that one or more persons on your team will be plagued with chronic complaints of an emotional, physical, or professional nature. The complaints may be real or imagined. Although such complaints may not impact team performance, they may eventually escalate to a point where other team members may become distracted by what they believe to be constant complaining. This presentation examines the following issues of coaching the chronic complainer:
Supporting team members who chronically complain
Coaching to balance the relationship between change and loss
Using coaching to address the resistance and ambivalence of the chronic complainer
Developing a new normal to respond to the chronic complainer
Managing the fundamental change principles impacting chronic complainers
Understanding accommodation versus mastery of the chronic complainer
The relationship between change and depression in the workplace
Coaching other to cope with change
Using coaching to explore the meaning of life of those who continually complain
ST007: Courageously Standing Your Ground with an Angry Team Member
The workplace can become a violent neighborhood in which angry people may disrupt performance. The Manager Coach requires a special kind of courage imbued with in-depth wisdom to stand up to the angry team member. Discretion is crucial to a successful outcome. This presentation explores the following issues:
Managing difficult conversations
Understanding the value of some conflict
Coaching with kindness, connection, and intimacy
Moving beyond coaching discomfort to coaching success
Coaching difficult people for positive outcomes
Navigating the challenge of remaining empathetic against natural survival reactions
ST008: Mastering the Conflict of Coaching During Stressful Situations
Lack of time and lack of knowledge create stressful situations. Lack of time and lack of knowledge also generate plenty of conflict. One can argue that stress and conflict are close relatives of poor leadership wisdom. Manager coaching can play a central role in reducing the stress of challenging situations since it can offer timely insight that offers mastery of the current situation. This presentation examines the following issues of coaching designed to reduce stress in challenging situations:
Mastering time-sensitive coaching
Mobilizing rapid change to reduce conflict
Collaborative goal-building to enhance project skills and knowledge
Employing solution-focused coaching to reduce stress in critical situations
Enhancing self-efficacy to reduce conflict
Introducing Positive Psychology in Manager Coaching to build self-esteem
Understanding the value of well-articulated goals in reducing team stress
Coaching other in a progress-focused environment
ST009: Coaching Team Members Who Suffer With Severe Social Anxiety
Teams consist of people with every imaginable type of anxiety. Some of these anxieties are performance related and others are socially connected. While perform anxieties can be straightforward and open to improvement, social anxieties are usually very deep seated and difficult to eliminate. This presentations concerns the following issues related to coaching team members suffering with severe social anxiety:
Developing a compassionate mind to gain emotional resiliency
Facing painful feelings generated by oneself
Experiencing positive emotions in negative environment
Experiencing affiliative emotions to coaching those with social anxirty
Using coaching in teams to enhance the social fitness of those with severe social anxiety
ST010: Coaching Team Members to Build Effective Social Skills in the Organization
Many people display confidence in the workplace but, nevertheless, lack the genuine social skills necessary to progress in their careers. Social skills separate the hopeful dreamers from the leaders of the team. This presentation examines several important issues concerning the role of social skills in developing a successful career:
Mastering the Implicit rules governing team work
Developing Independent social skills
Understanding explicit and expressive language in the workplace
Using strength-based strategies for coaching the social skills
Developing the comprehensive social skills program for team members
Developing the social skills of the coach for leadership acumen
“People differ in many ways. What one person might think is a problem, another person might think is a minor inconvenience. It depends on focus and value. These are complex issues. In such a dispute, who can say who is right and who is wrong? Management, of course. Resolving operational disputes is one of an authentic manager’s responsibilities.”
— Ray Newkirk