Insider Threat Prevention is all about Prevention. It concerns the design of an environment that discourages malicious insiders from stealing, altering and otherwise damaging or destroying an organization’s Digital Assets. This is not an easy task. It calls for the rethinking and reimaging of how information is accessed and flows into, through, and out of an organization. It is also about designing a safe and secure environment that enables current and future employee to do their jobs without fear of a security breach. This is a difficult Charter, but a necessary one. — Ray Newkirk
Insider Threat Prevention Cyber Security ꝶ for Professionals
A Prescription for Success
Cyber Terror: The New Threat
Poorly conceived executive strategies about Cyber Security have become the new challenge. The results are everywhere: Closed companies, fired Professionals, laid-off employees, busted budgets, reduced revenues, angry consumers, and humiliated Boards. The magnitude of the damage is truly staggering. It is not an exaggeration to call it Cyber Terror. Very few people realize the actual dangers we all face by this frightening challenge. Cyber Terror threatens every aspect of modern life. It is already forcing Professionals to re-think how employees will work together in the future, in the work place and from home. The conduct of workplace relationships will radically change.
The virus of Cyber Terror erupts in small and large companies alike. Its onset begins with the germination of misinformed attitudes about Cyber Security that gradually spread from one executive to another. Eventually this virus erodes public confidence in the leaders of major organizations. It even threatens the well-being of the global market place.
If you are an executive, you error when you say that you are winning the war on Cyber Terror. Cyber criminals still maintain a significant lead-time advantage. Even today, after spending billions of dollars on Cyber Security, the well-being of the marketplace is still at risk. Intuitively many Professionals recognize the risks and hazards of this 21st Century challenge. Nevertheless, because of incomplete understanding about the chilling nature of Cyber Terror, many organizations still adopt under-conceptualized strategies to maintain their operational effectiveness.
Systems Management Institute is concerned about this rapidly evolving challenge. Responding to the executive call to check the spread of Cyber Terror, we developed a brief but potent Cyber Security ꝶ for Professionals Program. Consisting of a series of brief but potent, highly-focused, evidence-based, AIS™ generated learning modules, our Program clarifies the continually evolving nature of the global Cyber threat and presents Executive Strategies of Insider Threat Prevention. We designed our Program to enhance the professional mastery of Professionals and their teams.
The Professional Remedy
Our Cyber Security ꝶ for Professionals Program delivers 47 modules specially designed to assist with preventing Insider Threats. The power of our Program springs from its flexibility and relevance. Although we offer a recommended learning path for the convenience of Professionals, we designed our ꝶ for Professionals Program to work best when you pick, choose, and otherwise customize a desired learning path by selecting from our continually evolving catalogue of modules. Professionals self-design their learning path to meet the contingencies of their organizations. Professionals are also free to request a special course in the event they do not see the desired topic in this catalogue. We refer to this as the Insider Threat Prevention Cybersecurity Self-Design Process for Professionals.
The SMI Insider Threat Prevention Cybersecurity Self-Design Process
Please examine the following list of modules. Customize your own learning path by following our simple ꝶ for Professionals self-design process. If you desire an Insider Threat Prevention Assistant level certification, select any five modules from the listing below. If you prefer an Insider Threat Prevention Consultant level certification, select any ten modules from the listing below. For a Director level certification, select any fifteen modules from the list below. For a Specialist level certification, select twenty-five modules from the list below. You can design your certification plan as a dual certification program to take advantage of special pricing options. You can also take each course one at a time without enrolling in a certification program. The modules are so information-packed that you may even choose to build an entire certification program around a specific category of modules.
Our ꝶ Program is evolutionary and we designed it to accommodate your lifestyle. Our certifications serve private and public sector professionals. Designing your own learning paths, you select modules that address your personal and team challenges. Our Insider Threat Prevention Cyber Security ꝶ Programs deliver interdisciplinary professional level ITP education and development in the following areas:
Insider Threat Prevention (ITP)
Cybersecurity Applied Intuitive Solutions™
ITP Cyber Security Behavioral Economics
ITP Cyber Security Economics
ITP Infrastructure Design
ITP Cybersecurity Assessment
ITP Executive Leadership & Board Dynamics
Cybersecurity Governance, Risk Management, Compliance
ITP Ethics, Law, & Justice

“What do you say to the Cyberterrorists who just made off with your most sensitive future product plans? Nothing now. You have to catch them first.”
— Ray Newkirk