People pretty much know what Counseling is. Spirituality is another matter. Even some atheists claim to be highly spiritual Human Beings. They offer a godless spirituality that focuses on a finite happiness on earth. —RLN
Counseling & Spirituality Publications
Contrasting the Rational Theology of Harnack, Troeltsch, & Schleiermacher
The Tree of Newkirk
The Evolution of the Human Spirit
The American Church in the 21st Century
Reflections of Historical Theology
An Analysis of Richardsons’s History of the Sacred and Profane
Carnap’s Concept of Intensional Isomorphism
Historical Objectivism versus Historical Relativism or Acton Versus Becker
Modern Theology and the Syncresis of St. Thomas
Tumultuous Times: Information Explosion & Hyper-Specialization in Counseling
Describing Pastoral Counseling Using Design Inquiry
A Meta-Description of Pastoral Counseling
Disciplines of Pastoral Counseling
Modern Changes Affecting Pastoral Counseling
The Emerging Conceptual Framework of Pastoral Counseling
Cybernetic Epistemology of Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling and Reciprocal Determinism
Pastoral Counseling as Science: Path to a Human Science Design
Principle of Co-Evolution in Pastoral Counseling
The Socio-Cybernetics of Pastoral Counseling
Challenges of the Emerging Global Framework of Pastoral Counseling
Misuse of Assessment in Past Years
Science and Meaning in Pastoral Counseling
Challenge of Naturalism in Pastoral Counseling
Challenge of Realism in Pastoral Counseling
Challenge of Autonomy in Pastoral Counseling
Challenge of Explanation in Pastoral Counseling
Governmental Legislation Impacting Pastoral Counseling in California
Litigation and the Pastoral Counselor
Social Action in Pastoral Counseling
Diversity and Multiculturalism in Pastoral Counseling
A Retrospective on Pastoral Counseling
Methodological Trends in Pastoral Counseling
Developmental Psychology & Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling and Trends in Globalization
The Problem of Bias and Prejudice in a Holistic Approach to Pastoral Counseling
Competence and Bias in Pastoral Counseling
Culturalism and Bias in Pastoral Counseling
Ethics and Bias in Pastoral Counseling
Testing and Assessment and Bias in Pastoral Counseling
Roots of Developmental Psychology Relevant to Pastoral Counseling
The Influence of John Locke & Jean-Jacques Rousseau on Pastoral Counseling
The Philosophical Inheritance of Pastoral Counseling
Scientific Approaches Relevant to a Holistic Pastoral Counseling
Definition of Science as a Framework for Engaging in Pastoral Counseling
Path to a Human Science Definition in Pastoral Counseling
Developmental Stage Theory in Pastoral Counseling
The Defining Characteristics of Stage Theory in Pastoral Counseling
Major Theories of Developmental Psychology Impacting Pastoral Counseling
The Influence of Arnold Gessell (1880-1961) on Pastoral Counseling
The Influence of Maria Montessori (1870-1952) on Pastoral Counseling
The Influence of Jean Piaget (1896-1980) on Pastoral Counseling
The Influence of Lawrence Kohlberg (1927-1987) on Pastoral Counseling
The Influence of Erik Erikson (1902-1994) on Pastoral Counseling
Stage Theory & Pastoral Counseling in 21st Century Western Thought
Kohlberg’s Moral Developmental Stage Theory as a Moral Framework in Pastoral Counseling
Kohlberg’s Preconventional Morality in Pastoral Counseling
Relevance of Kohlberg’s Obedience & Punishment in Pastoral Counseling
Individualism, & Instrumental Purpose and Exchange in Pastoral Counseling
The Impact of Conventionality Morality on Pastoral Counseling
Mutual Expectations, Relationships, Conformity. Social Systems and Conscience
Post-Conventional Morality
The Social Contract Orientation Implied in During Pastoral Counseling
Universal Ethical Principles Orientation in Pastoral Counseling
The Historical, Socioeconomic, and Cultural Factors Shaping Pastoral Counseling
Vygotsky. Historical, Socioeconomic, & Cultural Factors in Pastoral Counseling
The Universal Constants of Human Development within Pastoral Counseling
Aspects of Pastoral Counseling Most Likely Determined by Cultural Factors
Child Gender-Typing and Acculturation in Pastoral Counseling
Cultural Models and Pastoral Counseling
Genetics, Culture, and Pastoral Counseling
Societal Trends & Changes Influencing the Next Wave of Pastoral Counseling
Problem of Conceptual Proliferation in Pastoral Counseling
Historical Evolution and Globalization of Pastoral Counseling
Towards a Socio-Cybernetic Epistemology of Pastoral Counseling
Socio-Cybernetic Paradox of Pastoral Counseling
Socio-Cybernetics of Pastoral Counseling