“For good or bad, there is something about a book that makes it known. I remember the good ones and forget the bad ones, unless they are really bad. They both are worth remembering for different reasons.”

— Ray Newkirk

Zest 4 Life: Developing Great Relationships by

Mastering the Existential Hunger in You

Systems Management Institute Press — 8/16/2020

Welcome to a new adventure. As you begin your journey through this book about finding your Zest 4 Life by building enriching relationships, please understand that it differs from other works about relationships. Naturally I am leaving it to you to live your own life, make your own decisions, and form your own opinions, informed opinions hopefully. For this you need a critical mind, not a mind full of criticism.

This Relationship Book covers many topics from the Levels of Existential Hunger and kinds of Personal Relationships to role of values, Human Activity Systems, organization design, performance, innovation, and professional growth. Hopefully, these discussions will challenge you to raise questions about the problems you sometimes encounter and the results you sometimes experience that produce ill-will in your relationships.

Everything discussed in this book will never directly criticize any person, place, or thing. The book simply examines the situations and events of life in a style that transforms the in-depth understanding you attain here about your relationships into enriching relationships that add Zest 4 Life and improve performance in the many aspects of your life.

I write this book to encourage you to re-frame your discussions about the nature and substance of your relationships as an argument of deeper significance than commonly understood. I simply want you to think deeper, harder, longer, differently, and more clearly about your relationship issues you think you understand while connecting your hearts and minds more humanely during the process. This is the beginning of the process of becoming fully human.

“Writing a book takes time, discipline, grit, and focus on mindful things. It is fun but very demanding. Since writers spend a lot of time alone with their ideas, they better have good ones. The really good ideas are so important because they enable a writer to overcome the isolation that many writers experience.”

— Ray Newkirk


Book Seven


Book Nine