“The Cosmos is seen in many different ways by many different people who express many different truths about the same Cosmos. Interesting, right? It is enough to make you advocate a certain kind of pluralism about the truth of the Cosmos. One truth expressed in many different ways. Is this possible? Is this the Truth?” —RLN

Living the Gentle Life

Systems Management Institute Press · Aug 19, 2020

Can an atheist be a spiritual person? Does an agnostic care? Can an atheist lead a loving life? Does an agnostic care? Is an atheist a moral person? Does an agnostic care? Where does spirituality, love, and morality come from? Can an atheist know? Does an agnostic care? Even the skeptic who does not believe anyone can know the truth, or the atheist who does not believe that truth exists, or the agnostic who is indifferent about the truth, look each way before they cross the street? Why?

Up to about 1850 almost everyone believed that sciences expressed truths that were exact copies of a definite code of non-human realities. But the enormously rapid multiplication of theories these latter days has well-nigh upset the notion of any one of them being a more literally objective kind of thing than another. There are so many geometries, so many logics, so many physical and chemical hypotheses, so many classifications, each one of them good for so much and yet not good for everything, that the notion that even the truest formula may be a human device and not a literal transcript has dawned upon us.”— William James.” James was on to something.  There are so many people with ideas about the Truth and all that jazz. So I suppose he was saying that subjectivism has become more dominant than objectivism.  This makes senses, doesn’t it? After all, error is always more numerous than non-error. Millions of people are sometimes wrong and only one person is sometimes right.  Isn’t this right? Or do you disagree?  I bet more people disagree and have their own views. See what I mean? It takes only one person to be right and properly understanding that things as right or correct while everyone else is incorrect but positive that they are right and that person is wrong.  Isn’t this true?  --RLN


Book Five


Book Seven