What is Truth? Is it objective or subjective? Can there be several truths for a single subject of consideration? Is it possible to encounter divergent arguments that are very different and yet claim to be true, and they are indeed true? Truth is not a simple concept to resolve and it changes as the context changes. These are philosophical questions that require clear answers about truth.

—- Ray Newkirk

Living The Ethical Life

  1. Realizing Gentleness 1

  2. Applying Spiritual Gentleness Part 1

  3. Mastering Spiritual Gentleness

  4. Living A Spiritually Gentle Life

  5. What is not “Ethics”?

  6. The New Spirituality

  7. Path to a Deeper Holiness

  8. Reason to Love – Reason to Hope

  9. Faith Without Fear

  10. The Cynicus

  11. Serious Spirituality Out of the Shadow Life

  12. Spirituality in the Age of Information

  13. Contemporary Dialogues Toward a Higher Life

  14. The Spiritual is the True

  15. Executive Spirituality

“The city here is full of people living their lives with ideas about the truth of it all. The disagreements, arguments and debates emerge over many simple issues. Strangely, disagreements over their truths erupt daily. Even here among colleagues and friends, Truth remains rare and difficult to attain. It seems to be the truth that the truth is rarely found even in the simplest of situations.

— Ray Newkirk


Philosophical Spirituality