All peak human experiences are paved by the values held dear. People who live life with indifference to the values that elevate the dignity of the human person, reduce their appreciation for their own self-worth. — Ray Newkirk

Living The Devout Life

  1. Living Spiritually as the Path to Deeper Holiness

  2. Receiving Spiritual Gifts of God Along the Spiritual Journey 1

  3. Receiving Spiritual Gifts of God Along the Spiritual Journey 2

  4. Enduring Transformation through Relationship with God

  5. Walking with God

  6. Walking with The Holy Spirit

  7. Seeking God in His Way

  8. Love as a Christian

  9. Spirituality & Gentleness: Finding God through Gentleness

  10. Holiness Bound

  11. Enduring Transformation through Relationship with God

  12. Realizing Gentleness: Winning God’s Heart through Love 1

  13. The Path to Deeper Holiness

  14. Foundations of Holiness

  15. Gifts of a Holy Life

“Is the Cosmos flying through some incredible galactic highway to merely burn out in the distant future? Or is something else yet unknown going to happen to keep it going? Look at all the stars, and many with planetary systems. You see, for human beings everything requires faith.”

— Ray Newkirk


Philosophical Spirituality