I have seen estimates that there may be ten million intelligently populated planets in our single galaxy alone. I wonder if that include planet earth? Can you imagination what would happen if the politicians discovered just a few of them? WOW! The taxes those poor people out there would have to pay would be astronomical. —Ray Newkirk

The Chronicles of the Making of a Philosopher - Book The First - The Deepening: Encountering Pope John Paul the Great in Everyday Life

Systems Management Institute Press · Apr 15, 1994

This book has been a long time in the making, and I have shed a lot of blood writing it. But how could things be otherwise? After all, it explores the seminal events that define much of my life.

The motivation driving this work is twofold. First, I wish to provide a personal Testament to the wisdom and love of John Paul the Great as revealed in the spiritual deepening and transcendent unfolding of my life. Secondly, I wish to share how the universal truth and spiritual force that infuses life into the words of John Paul the Great have been excavated, realized, and found fulfilling in the experiences and challenges of my life.
This work shares the philosophical insights and spiritual discoveries made while traveling the Via Philosophiae in search of Lady Truth wherever she lay hidden in this rapidly changing and complex world, a world fueled by the pace and pulse of a technological supernova gone wild, a world enlivened by the scientific imagination but endangered by the lack of understanding of what that imagination leads to when nurtured in the minds of undisciplined and inhuman architects of short term expediency.

Cultivating Potent Leadership

Ulthule™ Coaching

So many ideas, visions, thoughts, opinions, beliefs, claims, dogmas, and rules & regulations have floated along throughout history telling people how to live a preferred kind of existence. Some groups have delivered some kind of guidance and others have set people at odds against one another. What is a person to do? What are we to think? These are the perennial questions of each Age. Where is the human depth of conscience that unleashes the greatest of the human capacity to love one another? That is the question. —Ray Newkirk


Book 35