Humility is an interesting Virtue. Many people become confused about it. Humility actually reminds us to be authentically truthful about ourselves without displaying an attitude. It is about avoiding denial of ourselves while keeping kindness to ourselves and others at center stage. —Ray Newkirk
Cynicus: A Dialogue on the Humility of God
Systems Management Institute Press · Mar 1, 1998
At the dawn of the 21st Century, two leaders have emerged who exemplify the course of human spiritual history. We are fortunate to overhear their discussion early one summer’s morning while traveling on the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) from Pleasant Hill to San Francisco, California, a dialogue about God - whether He is humble - if He is at all.
The first speaker is Cynicus, the cynic. Cynicus leads a large and growing number of persons who believe in disbelief - but are willing, if they must, and with certain preconditions dictated by worldly desires, to accept a belief in God that requires no responsibility. They call themselves “New Age’ thinkers. Their belief, when it exists, is so encompassing that we can hardly discern them from the atheists or agnostic. Nevertheless, they consider themselves enlightened beings who are liberated enough to establish their own rules - including the rule that no personal god exists. That God is a lesser God. That is, He is less, not more, than you can imagine.
The second speaker is Fidelis, the faithful. Fidelis leads a shrinking number of persons who believe in belief - but are willing, with an open heart, and without certain preconditions dictated by worldly desires, to accept a belief in God that requires the mature responsibility to “leave the things of a child behind.” This group believes that a vibrant and growing faith requires the commitment born in personal responsibility.
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