Creativity and innovation are often believed to be the same thing. Are they really? Can humans really create anything or is everything innovation? Originally, to create meant to make from nothing. —Ray Newkirk

The Creativity Myth

Systems Management Institute Press · Aug 7, 1989

Doubtlessly, human beings do participate in creative-like activity, and this activity does indeed produce something new. But participating in the production of something new does not in itself provide prima facie evidence that the new product indeed results from creativity. On closer examination, it becomes obvious that in our everyday earthly experience the new product was derived from something else previously existing, albeit in much different form. Therefore, when many authorities speak of creativity, they mean the simple rearrangement or transformation of an already existing being into some new emergent reality.

Cultivating Potent Leadership

Ulthule™ Coaching

Did these trees align themselves like this? So nice, right? Or did someone come in and design this landscape? How create of them to do this. Or was it innovative? Or neither? —Ray Newkirk


Book 41


Book 43