An Insider Threat Prevention Specialist is an expert in ITP. This person understands the contextual, technical, and behavioral challenges forming the Insider Threat Prevention Specialty. The ITP Specialist can lead ITP Programs and Projects and engage in the design of ITP solutions and architectures. — Ray Newkirk
Conflict Prevention Specialist Courses
1.0 Mastering Newkirk’s Ten Principles of Behavioral Science When Engaging in Conflict Prevention
The secret, if there is one, to living a fully human life is found in human behavior and the impulses that ignite it. We all have a limited range and depth of understanding. More than we like to admit, we get in our own way. Once we learn to get out of our own way, the sooner we can begin to live the life we want to live. Then we can learn to get out of the way of the people we should avoid. This course provides some very important Behavioral Principles that will clear the path ahead and enable us to more rationally simplify our lives without becoming emotional isolated.
No person is an island. True. But vital human beings become continents. They are able to reach beyond themselves and enrich the lives of colleagues and friends because they know how to encounter the world in productive ways that contribute to their environments. This course lays out an evolutionary roadmap that assists when in navigating the dangers of workplace relationships.
2.0 Managing the Workplace Biases to Prevent Conflict
Many kinds of biases exist in the workplace from rational to emotional. Whatever the kind, they can do considerable damage to an organization. This course will focus you on the complexity of bias and provide a framework for understanding the inter-relationships among biases that emerge over time and damage careers and teams.
Everyone has a bias every now and then. A bias can exist for any reason and for any subject. They are rarely a good thing, and they are never free. Every bias has a price because every bias separates a person a bit from reality. This course assists you in getting your arms around the problem of bias and helps you initiate a program to eliminate them whenever possible before they build conflict in your team.
3.0 Mastering Archetypes to Prevent Conflict
Carl Jung identified the archetypes of depth psychology. Other people have identified archetypes for religious expression, and mysticism, Archetypes are real. In systems thinking, we have identified about 15 archetypes, give or take a few. Archetypes are powerful model of reality drawn from the universe. They are not merely concepts, but are descriptions of real situations. If you truly understand these archetypes, you can begin to see how to prevent them from becoming a problem in your organization.
Use these archetypes to develop a framework for preventing conflict. These archetypes are potent guides to the situations in your organization that transform success into failure. If you change the balance of constraints forming these archetypes, you can transform potential failure into success.
4.0 Managing the Growth or Limits to Success Archetype When Engaging in Conflict Prevention
Nothing grows forever, not even the great Redwoods in California. A Fortune 500 company now lasts less than 75 years. Everything has limits. The reasons for failure are more numerous than ever. This course will helps you better understand the limits to growth, no matter what and show you what you can do about it to avoid conflict.
Conflict comes from many places. On such place is in the area where constraints impede your business success. This course shows you how to identify these challenge and provides important insight into how to overcome the constraints that generate so much conflict.
5.0 Managing the Growth or Limits to Success Archetype When Engaging in Conflict Prevention: Part Two
This course presents Part Two along the path to preventing conflict in your organization before it emerges and dominates your resources. Conflict and constraints are the 2 c's of organization life. This course provides a framework for understanding the impact of constraints on your organization and how to transform this into success.
6.0 Managing the Tragedy of the Commons Archetypes when Engaging in Conflict Prevention
This is a massive problem for an organization because its effects can be felt industry-wide. This course examines this problem and lay a foundation for resolving it before conflict takes over. People facing this challenge have a lot of company. This problem does not emerge in isolation. This course presents some strategies that will enable you to avoid this tarpit before it can do its damage.
7.0 Managing Growth and Underinvestment to Prevent Conflict
This archetype presents multiple challenges concurrently. You need to see this developing and eliminate them immediately. The conflicts these challenges produce make this archetype a company killer. The Fortune 500 list of companies historically was an enduring model of management greatness. These companies excelled year after year. Today, however, all of this has changed. Greatness is now measure in years, not decades. The archetypes presented in this series of courses are now more common than ever. This course will enable you to prevent this archetype from destroying your company's promising future.
8.0 Preventing the Conflict that Emerges from the Success for the Successful Archetype
This archetype represents competition at its most daring. I win and you lose. Or, you win and I lose. There is no middle ground. That's it. This course will help you avoid these traps. What is better: Win-win, I win and you lose, or you win and I lose, or no one wins? Everyone has a favorite. Deeper analysis, however, indicates that you can win while someone else can become your customer even though they are a competitor. This course enables you to eliminate the conflict associated with this archetype before you begin to lose.
9.0 Preventing Positive Business Relationships from Becoming Adversarial
Many opportunities offer mutual benefits. Transforming colleagues into adversaries is a fertile ground for severe and unnecessary conflict. This course assists you with detecting the conditions that generate such conflict and provide a path for avoiding this archetype. Many positive experiences assist business success or hinder business success. God vibes do not necessary mean health success. This course enables you to avoid turning friends into enemies.
10.0 Managing the Balancing Loop Archetype to Prevent Conflict
Conflict is both good and bad, but mostly bad. This is because conflict is really expensive in a way beyond money. Conflict can cost you lost opportunity because of the time you have to waste on distractions. This course assists you by walking through the pitfalls of conflict causing relationships.
This archetype is all about the kind of conflict you experience whenever something gets out of balance in the workplace. The course provides insights that enable you to more effectively resolve this situation.
11.0 Managing the Fixes that Backfire Archetype
If you pay attention, you will discover that the same kinds of problems come up again and again. These are the fixes that fail. They are usually little things that only take an hour or so to resolve. Unfortunately, they require are a lot of resolving. The frequency of the problem is what makes these little things so troubling. This course will help you do something about this once and for all.
It is time to get things done properly so that you do not need to go around in circles. This course shows you how to stop this problem before it becomes a problem. The kind of conflict you can run into because of these situations are severe. This course will enable you to prevent this kind of conflict whenever it begins to emerge.
12.0 Managing the Conflict that Comes from Shifting the Burden Archetype
Many times problem remain unsolved because the problem-solver did not go deep enough. The person did not look for an underlying cause to the problem. This course enables you to gain the insight needed to get to the underlying cause rapidly.
It is time to quite skating on thin ice. You have to stop shifting the burden and get to the solution you need before conflict spreads throughout the organization. This course will help you do this.
13.0 Managing the Conflict from the Problem of Addiction when the Solution Dominates the Environment
Business goes up and down as the life cycle of an organization flows into the future. Growth has limits but failure does not. This situation can lead an organization to become addicted to a specific course of action. This course assists in overcoming the problem of solutions addiction in the workplace. So many causes of conflict are related. This relationship forms a syndrome that can become addictive. When a solution becomes addictive, people begin to create problems so that they can use the solutions again and again.
14.0 Managing the Drifting Goals that produce Conflict in the Organization
Drifting goals inevitably lead to lower standards of quality and effectiveness. This course will assist you in maintaining high levels of quality whenever you deliver a new product or manage an existing product. Standards are vital to success. People appreciate high standards of products and services whenever they deliver on the expectations of managers.
15.0 Preventing the Conflict that Flows from the Escalation Archetypes
Good and bad situations both can escalate. Did you know that both can cause terrible conflict? Success is sometimes more difficult to manage than failure. Success is a totally different emotional challenge than failure. It is fair to say that nature has better equipped us to handle failure than success. This course enables you to resolve failure before it happens to manage success more carefully.
This course presents a foundation for competitive by enabling you to eliminate the problems associated with the Escalation Archetype before they become visible disruptions of your organization. It is fine to disrupt the marketplace but it is not fine to disrupt your own organization unnecessarily. This course paves the way for eliminating the unseen challenge of escalating marketplace disruption.
16.0 Preventing the Conflict that Emerges from the Reinforcing Loop Archetype before it Becomes Visible
The Reinforcing Loop makes good things better and bad things terrible. This course shows the steps you can take to prevent the conflict that comes from a declining situation.
The Reinforcing Loop is a multi-state process that multiplies challenges very rapidly and builds success exponentially. An organization really does require a conflict prevention programs just to manage the problems become apparent in this loop. This course arms managers with a path to avoid the messes that come from the Reinforcing Loop structure.
17.0 Preventing the Conflicts that Emerge from the Workplace Relationships Archetypes
Everything is about relationships. Business success is inevitably about successful business relationships. Some relationships go bad because it is in the DNA of those relationships to go bad. When certain conditions prevail, the relationships will turn bad. It is archetypical and universal. This summarizes what you have learned so far about preventing conflict in archetypical situations.
What is an archetype? It is some that is for sure. Good or bad you can count on it happening. When you understand this, you can do something to prevent the bad stuff for happening. This series shows you how.
18.0 Reducing the Cost of Conflict in My Organization
Planned conflict comes with a price. Unplanned conflict comes with a higher price. Either way conflict is never free. Do you really know what the conflict in your organization cost you? It is much more than you realize. This course lays the foundation for understanding the cost of conflict and then reducing it significantly.
You will never completely eliminate conflict in your organization but you can significant prevent the conflict from emerging. This is good news because it means that you can also reduce the cost of conflict as well. When you realize that managers spend more than 40% of their time on conflict related issues, you can see the value of a conflict cost management system.
19.0 Designing a Cost Management Methodology that Prevents Workplace Conflict
Every advance in problem solving is preceded by an advance in methodology. Conflict Prevents is a problem that requires an appropriate methodology that is specific to this kind of environment. This course presents the framework for a cost management methodology that enables managers to establish a Conflict Prevention Program. There are many dimensions to Conflict Prevention cost management. This course presents the framework for initiating a financial process for supporting Conflict Prevention.
20.0 Designing a Conflict Prevention Training Program
An important component of Conflict Prevention is executive and employee training. This is the first component of the Conflict Prevention Infrastructure. This course leads you through the design process in a non-technical manner using an intuitive approach.
Infrastructure, methodology, design, component, facilitator, certification, and on it goes. Nothing technical is here. Not really, everything has a technical dimension to it. You just need to have your eyes wide open and your focus keen on target. Conflict Prevention has a soft and a hard side, emotional and technical. The soft side is harder than the hard side. We will make you a soft side master. If you wish to master Conflict Prevention, you will need to learn a lot about people. This course enables you to take a big step in this direction.
21.0 Designing a Conflict Awareness Conflict Program
Sometimes people do not have a clue. Someone is ready for a fight and no one saw it coming. The opportunity to prevent a conflict just went out the window. This course will prevent these kinds of conceptual accidents from happening ever again by changing how you relate to your environment.
Conflict Awareness Training is probably the key component of any Conflict Prevention Program. Any effort to prevent conflict requires great connectivity with the environment to discern minute changes in attitude and behavior. This of course mans that you must become expert at both Quality Assurance and Quality Control. You have to implement proper controls, procedures, processes, and systems that prevent conflict from emerging or resolve it quickly if it does. This course presents a realistic framework for training someone on the fine art of Conflict Prevention.
22.0 Mastering Third Party Facilitation for Conflict Prevention
No one gets through life without the assistance of another human being at some time. Human beings are social creatures. We are born into a family. We are a member of that unity. Nothing really changes when we go off to the workplace. We become part of a professional unity. We have to remember this if we want to become a specialist in Conflict Prevention. The secret here is that Conflict Prevention is not about what people usually think it is about. More than anything else, Conflict Prevention is about common sense, intuition, caring, proactive response, emotions, and money. It is about the cost of managing an environment in human terms and competitive commitments. This course reminds you of this while enabling you to excel in preventing conflict. This will enhance the competitive strength of your company.
The secret here is that Conflict Prevention is not about what people usually think it is about. More than anything else, Conflict Prevention is about common sense, intuition, caring, proactive response, emotions, and money. It is about the cost of managing an environment in human terms and competitive commitments. This course reminds you of this while enabling you to excel in preventing conflict. This will enhance the competitive strength of your company.
23.0 Managing the Supportive Infrastructure for Conflict Prevention
Effective Conflict Prevention requires an effect methodology as a component of a potent infrastructure that enables an organization to prevent conflict. This course presents a design approach to managing the supportive infrastructure.
This course explores the full range of the Conflict Prevention infrastructure. It creates a framework for values management in conflict prevention by discussing the virtues of Conflict prevention. The course shares insights about the components of Conflict Prevention and the rationale for initiating a Conflict Prevention Program.
24.0 Managing the Supportive Infrastructure to Maintain Confidentiality Within the Organization
Initiating a Conflict Prevention environment requires a specific kind of infrastructure that includes a range of support components including quality, compliance, administration, systems, technologies, procedures, finance, and human resources. This course introduces the core components of a proposed Conflict Prevention Program.
Every advance in science is preceded by an advance in methodology and every advance in methodology is preceded by an advance in philosophy. The same hold true for Conflict Prevention because it emerges from advances in methodology, science, and philosophy. Conflict Prevent is a disciplined inquiry that seeks to accelerate Business Value Realization by reducing workplace using enduring processes and methods of the Behavioral Science. Every course delivered by the Center for Conflict Prevention flows from this very practical insight. This is a good time to remember that a happy employee does not necessarily infer a more productive employee. Some employees become happy simply because they got away with something they should not be doing. Inevitably, conflict is right around the corner.
25.0 Managing the Supportive Infrastructure to Deliver a Return-on-Investment (ROI) for Conflict Prevention
Conflict Prevention is not free. Management has to see it as a business investment. For every dollar spend, the organizations need more than that to have it make business sense. This course explores the financial and related issues of Conflict Prevention.
Performance and productivity are two important themes in Conflict Prevention. One way to gain an impressive ROI with Conflict Prevention is by increasing revenues. This course explores the connection between Conflict Prevention and the positive business metrics of performance and productivity.
“Insider Threat Prevention, and I mean Prevention, may eventually require significant new organization architectures for the workplace to ensure that it is secure against malevolent insiders. This would include a much simpler technical environment with decoupled systems, reduced systems access, and less extensive networks.
— Ray Newkirk