The world of technology changes more rapidly every decade and the people who use the technology change more rapidly and not always for the better. More than ever, organizations concern themselves with the technology they acquire but more so some of the people who have access to them. — Ray Newkirk
Conflict Prevention Insider Threat Management Courses
Building an Insider Threat Program
Cyber Intelligence for Decision Makers
Insider Threat Awareness Training
Insider Threat Overview: Preventing, Detecting and Responding to Insider Threats
Insider Threat Program Manager Certificate Examination
Twenty Questions to Assess Your Program's Chances of Success
Insider Threat Program Manager (ITPM) Certificate Package
Insider Threat Program Manager: Implementation and Operation
Insider Threat Analyst
Insider Threat Awareness Training
Introduction to the CERT Resilience Management Model
Measuring What Matters: Security Metrics Workshop
Practical Risk Management: Principles and Methods

“The fact about learning is that it never stops. The content of learning is what changes throughout life. The secret is to ensure that what you need to learn is always at the forefront. Scarcity of leaning is not the problem; it is the scarcity of understanding that the problems.”
— Ray Newkirk