By the time someone has achieve Level Four, they can do a lot to make ITP viable. This has taken time, effort, dedication, and most of all, a desire to prevent malicious Insiders from succeeding.
—Ray Newkirk
Recommended Curriculum for Certification Level Four
At Level Four, Conflict Prevention Specialist, you become an expert at solving the kinds of people problems that generate Insider Threats. This requires the completion of at least 24 courses from our catalog, several years of experience solving the problems that lead to Insider Threats in the workplace, and professional experience working with colleagues in preventing or resolving conflict. Here you should be comfortable with:
Using the archetypes as models to recognize Insider Threat causing situations
Using archetypes to prevent Insider Threats
Eliminating the workplace biases to prevent Insider Threats
Designing an integrated cost management methodology that prevents workplace conflict
Preventing the conflicts that emerge from the workplace relationships archetypes
Designing an ITP Training Program
Reducing the cost of ITP in any organization
Designing infrastructure for ITP
Mastering Third Party Facilitation for ITP
“Like this tree providing cover to the people passing by, ITP provides cover to the people using the digital environment of the organization. Mother Nature gets it. Will the ITP teams get it?”
— Ray Newkirk