Positive Living Is Back, ZEST 4 LIFE: Building Great Relationships by Mastering the Existential Hunger in You

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Positive Living is Back: Zest for Life Building Great Relationships by Mastering the Existential Hunger in You

Newkirk Model, Existential Hunger, Life Stage Development, Relationship Mastery, Relationship Pathology


Welcome to a new adventure. As you begin this book about building enriching relationships, please understand that it differs from other works about relationships. This book requires a critical mind, not a mind full of criticism. This Relationship Book covers many topics from the Levels of Existential Hunger and kinds of Personal Relationships to role of values, Human Activity Systems, organization design, performance, innovation, and professional growth. Hopefully, these discussions will challenge you to raise questions about the problems you sometimes encounter and the results you sometimes experience that produce ill-will in your relationships.

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Positive Living is Back: Zest for Life Building Great Relationships by Mastering the Existential Hunger in You

Newkirk Model, Existential Hunger, Life Stage Development, Relationship Mastery, Relationship Pathology


Welcome to a new adventure. As you begin this book about building enriching relationships, please understand that it differs from other works about relationships. This book requires a critical mind, not a mind full of criticism. This Relationship Book covers many topics from the Levels of Existential Hunger and kinds of Personal Relationships to role of values, Human Activity Systems, organization design, performance, innovation, and professional growth. Hopefully, these discussions will challenge you to raise questions about the problems you sometimes encounter and the results you sometimes experience that produce ill-will in your relationships.

Positive Living is Back: Zest for Life Building Great Relationships by Mastering the Existential Hunger in You

Newkirk Model, Existential Hunger, Life Stage Development, Relationship Mastery, Relationship Pathology


Welcome to a new adventure. As you begin this book about building enriching relationships, please understand that it differs from other works about relationships. This book requires a critical mind, not a mind full of criticism. This Relationship Book covers many topics from the Levels of Existential Hunger and kinds of Personal Relationships to role of values, Human Activity Systems, organization design, performance, innovation, and professional growth. Hopefully, these discussions will challenge you to raise questions about the problems you sometimes encounter and the results you sometimes experience that produce ill-will in your relationships.

I wrote this book to challenge you, make you more thoughtful, and entertain you. I raise topics in a fresh way to give you an opportunity to expand your mind about your relationships, not blow your mind. A few of you will have to illuminate your mind using fresh intellectual wattage. Yes, this book requires you to have your lights on. I do not want you to remain in the dark about your relationships. I can only offer the opportunity to expand your capacities of deep thought about your relationships and your Zest 4 Life. You have to change the bulbs of your intellectual lights once in a while yourself.  I want this book to enable you to escape the dulling world of everyday life by reducing your emotional conflicts and sharpening your intellectual capacities. This is really something, if you are up to it. Do you grasp the significance of this statement? I designed this book to empower you to advance in the very advanced art of being a potent human being by participating in your relationships more effectively. I sincerely hope that you are up to it. Here you will learn about the necessity of behaving as a faithful person who is reasonable. Faith and Reason are the two Hallmarks of enriching relationships.  Many people slide by, you know. They do the dance; they weave in and out of situations; they attempt to charm life and become the smooth operators that people sing about in pop culture, and they deceive their followers and fans. You see these people every day. They already think that they have it made, that they have just the right education to get them ahead in life. However, heads do roll and people sooner or later have to confront themselves. Ultimately when the conditions are just right, these people feel the unease of the question that everyone has already asked about themselves a thousand times plus a thousand: How human are they really?

In this Age of the Fragmented Rationality" people live their lives without a thought about the wisdom that has evaporated over the last twenty to thirty years. Many of these people have little idea about how much they are missing out on the substance of the truly human adventure of a full life made possible through the enjoyment of enriching relationships. In my view, it is a terrible tragedy to be unaware of one's capacities and skills and potentialities. It is likewise a terrible tragedy to be so consumed with so much stress for so long that the mind makes a wrong turn in an effort to get out of its own way. True, every age has its own advantages and disadvantages. Previous ages, however, valued more highly the things that made human life really human. This included things like morality, ethics, virtue, and oh yes, really thinking well, that is, thinking well below the surface of the merely social conventions of dominant groups or pre-humans.  Human Relationships are the most intense experiences in the life of any human being. They can lead one into a world of great satisfaction or they can lead one into the deepest pits of misery. For prudent people, however, human relationships produce great experiences that transform life into a genuinely memorable emotional, intellectual, and spiritual awakening.