“Some people today believe in a plurality of gods. The Ancient Greeks and Romans had their Hall of Divinity. Many other cultures also honored their list of gods, for example, the Egyptians. All of these gods were limited and constrained by the fact that they were not the other. Although these gods had their existential limits, the narratives about them make great stories that leave us with lessons to contemplate. The lessons of modern Theology often leave us silent.”

— Ray Newkirk

Theology Essays

  1. The Rational Theology of Harnack, Troeltsch, & Schleiermacher

  2. The Evolution of the Human Spirit

  3. Unpacking Christian Apologetics

  4. Learn What Your Emotions Are Telling You About Your Faith

  5. Playing Chess with the Angels

  6. The Cosmic Christ

  7. Inescapable Responsibility, the Cultivation of Moral Understanding

  8. Understanding the Moral Life

  9. The Honesty of Joy and the Illusion of Happiness

  10. The Freedom of Simplicity

  11. Dialoguing with The Modern German Theologians

  12. The American Church in the 21st Century

  13. Reflections of Historical Theology

  14. An Analysis of History of the Sacred and Profane by Richardson.

  15. Historical Objectivism versus Historical Relativism or Acton Versus Becker.

  16. Modern Theology and the Syncresis of St. Thomas.

  17. Theological Reflections in Western Traditions

  18. The Meaning of Mystery

  19. Philosophical Methods in Western Theology

  20. History of Western Monasticism

  21. Theology of St. Augustine

  22. Moral Wisdom

  23. Dogmatic Theology

  24. Early Church History

  25. The Constitution of the Church

  26. Social Teaching of the Church

  27. Science and Faith

  28. Systematic Theology

  29. The Rule of St. Benedict

  30. The Rule of St. Francis

  31. The Rule of St. Augustine

  32. The Hypostatic Mystery

  33. Salvation History & Mission of the Church

  34. Pastoral Ministry

  35. Historical Theology

  36. St. Bonaventure

  37. Duns Scotus & the Schoolmen

  38. The Old Testament Prophets

  39. Marian Theology

  40. The Philosophy of St. Thomas

When I was a child in the 4th grade, the good sisters at St. Mary’s Star of the Sea school taught us that we are here to “Know, Love, and Serve God”. That’s it; that is why we are here on earth. I didn’t realize it then, but stop and think about the message here: We have to know a person to love that person, and we have to love a person to serve that person. It is a “Spiritual Formula” that reminds us: Knowledge precedes Love and Love Precedes Service. It all begins with the knowing. Can this be right? What happens to blind love? What happens to “Love thy neighbor as thyself” and so forth? This is what Theology is all about at its deepest levels because theologians tell us that “God IS Love”. Many, many questions emerge from these three words. How can one be so injured as to live without loving? — Ray Newkirk


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