Reasonable Reason
“Human Reason can be unreasonable. It is full of twists and turns which are often missed by those who do not think deeply about matters such as truth versus falsity, faith versus reason, and fact versus opinion. It seems that truth is a fluid kind of thing that is sorted out through relationships of one kind or another. That’s the truth.” — Ray Newkirk
Philosophy Essays
The Philosophy of Biology.
Post-Conventional Morality.
Carnap’s Concept Of Intensional Isomorphism.
The Descent of Man.
The Effects of the Media on Human Judgment.
The Philosophically Developed Process in Organization Development.
Faith in Philosophy.
Some Limits in Human Reasoning.
What is Philosophy, or Life is Metaphysics in Motion or the Practicality of Philosophy in Everyday Life.
Issues in Contemporary Philosophy
Reductionism in Management Practice
Constraints in Scientific Methods
Foundations for Philosophical Inquiry
Methods of Critical Inquiry in Philosophy
The Philosophy of Science
Methodology and Truth
In Defense of Reason.
Professional Ethics & The Law
Moral Philosophy
Psychology of Adjustment
General Psychology is Not So General
The Philosophy of Music
Medieval Philosophy
Classical Metaphysics
Religious Belief and Human Reason
Ancient Philosophy
Philosophical Psychology
Introduction to Philosophy
Modern Philosophy
Philosophical Ideals
The Art and Skill of Writing Well
Business Today Gone Tomorrow
Who is Managing the Manager?
Is Management Principled?
Marriage or Family First?
The Problem of Business Without Business Law
The General Nature of Sociology
Business is Business.
Computers and Computing Sometimes Fails to Add Up.
Understanding the Limits of Human Physiology for Human Beings
The Art of Making Public Speaking Fun
Bitter Problems of Philosophy
Being Dramatic During a Comedy
Enjoying the History of Science
Mastering the Philosophy of Science
Mastering The Basics of Economics
Introducing Oneself to Sociology
Mastering the Fundamentals of Computing with Technology
Making the Journey from Anthropologist to Artifact
Mastering World History in 100 Years
Exploring Social Psychology
Changing the History of the World by Changing Yourself.
Exploring the Theories of Personality
Understanding the Connection between American Government and Politics.
The Probability of Mastering Probability
Surveying Physical Science in a Few Minutes for the Fun of It.
The Simple Concepts behind the Measurement Concepts
The Biology of Generals is a Lot Like General Biology.
Why Do Normal People Strive to Develop an Abnormal Psychology?
Environment of Business Enterprise
Theories of Inquiry
Critical Theory
Dimensions of Creativity
Creativity as Design
“Just look at the Cosmos. Why is there not nothing? I can give you several answers to this very intriguing question. They will be quite different and even at odds with each other. Nevertheless, the most probably are all correct. Welcome to the Cosmos.”
— Ray Newkirk