Have you ever noticed that the good things that happen to people flow from an individual’s decisions while the bad things that happen are shared societal trends caused by policies of other people that affect many other people throughout a society? —RLN

Religion: Opiate of the Masses or a Gift from God?

Systems Management Institute Press · Jun 1, 2012

This work culminates more than sixty years of prayer, study, and reflection on the difficulties of living a deeply Christian life in a secular and religiously splintered world. It heralds the absolute necessity for cultivating honesty at the deepest level of the soul in dispelling the psychologically embedded ignorance that minimizes the genuine nature of Christ and His Divine Mission and the cosmologically unique role of Mother Mary prepared by God from the beginning of time.

“Have you ever noticed that many people speak in generalities and seem to ignore the specifics? This is great for them because they can say anything and not mean anything. If they have to say something specfic, they quit speaking and begin posturing. Have you noticed this? I call this None-Speak.”

— Ray Newkirk


Book Seventeen