Many people enjoy a great mystery now and then. This is what makes Sherlock Holmes so interesting. He is a highly functioning sociopath. Those are his words, not mine. But in these words, he really knows himself. Socrates would be proud. many really bad people know that they are bad, but don’t care. We are their projects. Caveat Emptor! —RLN
Love All Around - Nurturing a Life in the Spirit: The Mystical Journey
Systems Management Institute Press · Mar 1, 2020
For many people, the fullness of life is found in the quest for convenience, comfort, and success. This makes sense as long as these three wants are not the sum of all desires. Who deliberately wants to be uncomfortable or end up as a perceived failure? Contemporary human beings participate in this quest by engaging in a wide range of pursuits with the hope that these pursuits will offer a way out of the dulling drudgery that characterizes daily life for probably most people on earth, about three out of every four persons. Profit-minded people who maintain their probity engage in many different kinds of enterprise hoping that these pursuits will deliver an improved quality of life for themselves and perhaps their families and others. Those people without character, however, simply amass personal success while living for themselves only, even at the expense of family and friends.
“The great mysteries of life are indeed mystical. Their answers, if you can discover them, require journeys that carry one into the realm of a mystical kind of religious faith that can sometimes carry one beyond the familiar confines of everyday existence. So, why is there not nothing?
— Ray Newkirk