Life is revolutionary and it is evolutionary. Some revolutionaries are really evolution-aries and some evolutionaries are very revolutionary. It makes me wonder if a revolutionary can change the direction of evolution? We know that evolution can change the delivery of a revolutionary. For example, I just evolved the English language word “evolutionaries”. A non-existing word has now emerged through necessity and constraint. WOW. I am quite the revolutionary, thanks to evolution what did not exists before now exists today. It has emerged. ITP is a lot like this. New plans of attack constantly emerging. c'est la vie —RLN

Designing Your Organization as an Evolutionary Guidance System

Systems Management Institute Press · May 25, 2019

In this micro-book, I describe the 21st Century organization as one of evolutionary opportunity, an Evolutionary Guidance System. I describe the design of the strategic organization, the dimensions comprising that organization, and the executive process employed in designing the organization as an evolutionary competitor leading the way to the future.

“The Cosmos consists of many billions of stars reaching out to touch Infinity. In its brief period of existence, the human race has produced many billions of ideas that reach out to touch countless minds around the world.”

— Ray Newkirk


Book Thirteen


Book Fifteen