Unfortunately situations seem to happen more often when the predictions are about something bad happening than good such as homelessness, lawlessness, poverty, business failures, pandemics, and such things as this. Why is it that the great majority of predictions are about the unfolding of disappointing situations? —RLN

One in a Millennial - Continuous Performance Management: Changing the Rules of the Game

Systems Management Institute Press · May 5, 2014

Welcome to a new adventure. As you begin your journey through this book, please understand that it differs from other books about the workplace and relationships. Naturally I am leaving it to you to live you own life, make your own decisions, and form you own opinions, informed opinions hopefully. For this you need a critical mind, not a mind full of criticism.
This book covers many topics from types of Existential Hunger and kinds of workplace relationships to values, Human Activity Systems, organization design, performance, innovation, and professional growth. Hopefully, these discussions will raise challenges and questions without building ill-will.

Everything discussed in this book will never be directly critical of any person, place, or thing. The book will simply discuss situations and events in a style that seeks deeper understanding. This book encourages readers to reframe these discussions in an argument of deeper significance than commonly understood. Get it? I simply want readers to think deeper, harder, longer, differently, and more clearly about the issues they think they understand while connecting their hearts and minds more humanely during the process. This is the beginning of the process to become fully human.

“Books exist that assume that readers know little so they use play-byplay direct language. Other books exist that assume that readers know much so they use indirect or implied language to get across their messages. In either case, readers will interpret the books from wherever they are intellectually.”

— Ray Newkirk


Book Fifteen


Book Seventeen